We provide the powerful open-source MySQL 5 database engine as an option for our members' sites' database needs.

MySQL is provided by the process; each process is sole domain of the member who creates it (unless you give out the login credentials, which we strongly discourage). You'll have full control to create whatever usernames, databases, and tables you need to set up the database security that will best protect and serve your site(s).

By default, we do not include the InnoDB table type, because when it is enabled it greatly increases the resource demands of a MySQL process, even if it isn't used. If you need it, however, it can easily be added on a per-process basis.


The base price for a single MySQL process is $0.02/day. One process is typically sufficient to support the needs of several sites and applications.

If your MySQL needs are intensive enough to require additional resources, additional processes are available for $0.03/day. At the time of this writing, fewer than 3% of member accounts have more than one MySQL process.

If you need support for the InnoDB table type, you can add it to any or all of your MySQL processes for an extra $0.01 per process per day.


Naturally, you don't have to have (or pay for) a MySQL process just to host your site here; it's an option we provide if the applications you want to run demand it. (Note, however, that we are a web host, not a MySQL host; you may not get a MySQL process from us and use it with applications or sites hosted elsewhere.)

If you want to avoid the cost or complexity of MySQL, we offer a couple of alternatives that don't incur a daily charge, and use flat files stored as part of your site. Bindings for both SQLite and BDB are available for many of the programming languages we support.

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