Disciplinary Actions and Sanctions for Division of Real Estate

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Disciplinary Actions and Sanctions
for Division of Real Estate

This database is made up of records drawn from the Utah Division of Real Estate, and includes licensing actions and disciplinary sanctions for Utah’s appraisal, mortgage and real estate professionals for approximately the last five years (March 2004-September 2009).

Users may utilize the name-based search option or simply browse by name, position and city. A full description of the action/sanction is available by clicking the name.

The data is updated quarterly as supplied by the Utah Division of Real Estate. As such, the database is provided "as is" and UtahsRight.com makes no representation, either expressed or implied, that all information is accurate.

Please note that there are 30 days after the order date for a licensee or an applicant to file a request for agency review of the order, and that there are 30 days after the issuance of an order on review for a licensee or an applicant to file a petition for judicial review. Some of the orders listed may be within those appeal periods.

If you have a comment or concern about information listed in this section of the website, please email us at: webmaster@utahsright.com.
