
We talk games.

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So it’s pretty much a given that we’ll all be grabbing the new CoD this November… but if you’re still wondering where to pick it up GameStop is holding a contest to help make the decision a bit easier. Hit the jump to read the press release on their Surprize Attack contest promotion.
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CCP Games, the publisher of EVE Online–the most popular space MMO on the market and the home of the most populous single game world in existence–has announced that that world is about to get significantly larger. Hit the jump to read more.

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Everyone’s favorite Pushingplay photoshop…now on a t-shirt.

Taking pre-orders by August 6th. Shirts ship out August 14th.


Hate it when gamer t-shirts are a bit too geeky? I always have. That’s why I, ChuBoi, have started playrHater.com, a t-shirt store offering gaming tees of a more inconspicuous nature. Shirts that don’t scream “NERD SHIRT”, but are just nerdy enough for us in on the joke to get it. Now you can rep your favorite game with an awesome shirt, and not have to wait until PAX or Comic-con to show it off.

Our first t-shirt on sale is for the Sony fans out there. The last line of Sony PR defense; the ground forces. Even with your exclusives taken from you, and the monthly sales data not going your way, you still fight the good fight within the message board and comment thread trenches.

Free shipping to US & Canada!

[Sony Defense Force Tee]

This week we’re back to our regular good form. We take a look at some review products that were sent to us, and we (try to) intelligently argue the benefits of Guitar Hero World Tour Vs. Rock Band 2. We played a pile of games, and actually have some news to discuss this time around, so hit the jump to see how many ‘pet urine spots’ tall you are!

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In a battle straight out of a Hollywood movie script, longtime rivals Justin Wong and Daigo “The Beast” Umehara faced off in the Street Fighter IV finals at this year’s EVO Tournament. The player’s previous encounters have been some of the most classic matches in the competitive Street Fighter world. Daigo took the first match, where Justin played as Abel, but Justin started to dominate when he switched over to Balrog (Boxer). Since Justin was coming from the losers bracket, after being put there earlier in the the tournament, he had to beat Daigo in two sets of first to 3. He won the first set, and took the second set all the way to the final game, but Daigo’s used Ryu to dissect Justin’s style, and closed out the tournament. The match represents the battle between North America, with Justin Wong, and their attempt to dethrone Japan from their longstanding domination of the fighting game scene.

Congradulations Daigo!

UPDATE: We’ve got the youtube videos of the match after the jump

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The Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition is easily the most epic collector’s set this side of the Halo 3: Cat Helmet Edition. In fact, it tops the H3:CHE considering that it comes with freakin’ night-vision goggles that you and your cat (or dog, for that matter) can wear. The Prestige Edition is so epic that it’s turned most of us into giant hypocrites, myself included. We’ve all complained on message boards and comment threads about how unnecessary special editions have become lately, but now we’re all trying to find legitimate excuses to justify integrating night-vision goggles into our everyday lives. Well I, for one, don’t like being called a hypocrite, so here are four ways to justify buying the Prestige Edition this fall.

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When Street Fighter IV was released 4 months ago there was a great deal of concern about what kind of controllers people would play the game on. Surely the 360 D-Pad, notorious for it’s lack of accuracy, would be the bane of all SF players. The PS controller, though slightly more accurate, was a mess that would leave thumbs blistered after a short session of mashing out Ultra moves.

Fortunately, our options don’t end there. Arcade enthusiasts have taken their game to the next level with accurately modeled Arcade Sticks that recreate the arcade cabinet experience. We have been tossing Hadokens with a range of sticks since the release of SF IV and now we are ready to share what we feel are the best fighting game controller options available. Hit the jump (up on the controller, dummy!) to check out the results.

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