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My Life Would Suck Without You


  January 31, 2009 12:00 EST

Kelly Clarkson allays trepidation that all the mess surrounding her previous CD, "My December" (melodic missteps, bickering with RCA and a canceled tour), was anything more than an artist growing up and testing creative boundaries. "My Life Would Suck Without You" promises to return America's pop darling to the top of multiple format charts while regaining the trust of any who felt a tinge of betrayal. With kingpins Max Martin, Dr. Luke and rising talent Claude Kelly at the songwriting helm, the song does everything right, similar to "Since U Been Gone." In addition to the detonation of percussion and a chorus as intoxicating as absinthe, clever instrumentation—a hint of synths, a spurt of '80s drums—add a playful wink to the whole production. Add a frisky lyric ("I know that I've got issues, but you're pretty messed up, too/Either way I found out, I'm nothing without you") and there's a joyous rush throughout. Blast off! The countdown to No. 1 begins. —Chuck Taylor

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