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How can I keep the internet safe for my kids?
Unsuitable material online
How to make a complaint to the ACMA
Tips for Parents
Newsgroups and Chat Rooms
Internet Content Filters
Tips for Kids
Useful links for Safe Surfing
GetNet Safe - Business Users

Unsuitable material online
The Internet can offer children a wealth of useful information and lots of fun. But it also contains material that is entirely unsuitable for kids. Some of this material is not only unsuitable, it’s illegal.

How to make a complaint to the ACMA
The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) has set up an Online Hotline to address community concerns about Internet content. The ACMA investigates complaints about Internet content. And, if the content is found to be prohibited, will take steps to have it removed or access-filtered.

If you’d like to know more, or you want to access the online hotline complaints form, visit

Tips for Parents
One way to help your children have a positive online experience is to educate them about the risks associated with browsing the web. Then, you should supervise your children online as much as possible. You can do this – and encourage family involvement – by having the computer in a public area of the home.

Some other guidelines that could help protect your children online include:

• Not giving out personal information to anyone online, including giving out their email address or any passwords.
• Involving you when they want to meet anyone who they have only met online.
• Not filling in forms or agreeing to any contracts, agreements or downloads of any kind without your involvement.
• Not opening emails from addresses they don’t recognise. By responding, the email address will be verified to the sender as a valid email address and this can lead to further unsolicited emails being sent.

Spam is online junk mail. It can include chain letters, emails about get-rich-quick schemes and links to pornographic or other offensive content. Spammers find email address in a number of ways – including trawling internet newsgroups, chat rooms and other unsecured online registrations.

We're committed to reducing the amount of spam that circulates on our network. For more information about what we're doing to eliminate spam and how you can help reduce the amount you receive, visit Fighting Spam in the BigPond Help Centre. You're also able to find out how you can report and complain about spam you receive.

ACMA have registered a Spam Code of Practice which all Australian ISPs must comply with. For more information or a full copy of the code, see the Internet Industry Association (IIA) Spam Code of Practice.

Newsgroups and Chat Rooms
Newsgroups are like online noticeboards, where you can post, read and exchange messages about a particular topic of interest. Chat rooms let people communicate across borders and time zones about a wide range of topics. Chat is real-time text-based communication across the Internet.

Both newsgroups and chat rooms can involve communicating with total strangers. So children should be educated about appropriate behaviour in these environments, and especially about the dangers of providing personal information.

Internet Content Filtering
There is software available which can complement parental supervision of children’ online time. Internet content filters can automatically block access to unsuitable websites, chat rooms and newsgroups, as well as particular search engine results.

Filters can block access to websites based on a list of banned sites (black list) or on a list of acceptable websites (white lists). They can operate on your home computer or through your ISP. Some filters can even help control the time your child spends online.

But it’s important to remember that filters will never be foolproof, and are no substitute for parental supervision.

Different filters may also categorise websites differently. Unlike film and video classifications, there are no set standards and the classifications may not reflect Australian cultural values.

All ISPs in Australia are required to provide an Internet Content filter approved by the ACMA and listed on the Internet Industry Association’s Code of Practice. For more information on the range of Internet Content filter solutions available see

You can use your web browser (Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape) to limit Internet access, and filtering software is available from provider’s websites, computer shops and department stores.

As a BigPond Member, you can purchase BigPond Security (includes a content filter and parental controls), including a 2 month free trial. Visit BigPond Security for more details.

Tips for Kids
The ACMA’s Rules for Kids can be used to help educate children about what to do and what not to do online. You can find these rules at This is part of larger ACMA site for children, called Cybersmart Kids Online, which you can visit (with your kids) at

Useful links for safe surfing
The following links provide further information on safe surfing for children.

GetNet Safe – Business Users
The Internet Industry Association has developed a website to help all users with internet security, at The information is particularly valuable for small to medium sized enterprises.

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