
Poll Archive

Old Polls
Poll Duration Total Votes Votes per Day
How much of an interest do you have in the RuneScape economy? 7 day(s)7441 1063
How often do you read Jagex's Twitter Messages? 12 day(s)11063 922
Will you return to RuneScape Classic? 12 day(s)9826 819
How many Jagex Q&A; sessions have you attended? 9 day(s)6131 681
How often do you use PvP or Bounty Worlds? 8 day(s)9406 1176
Do you have a RuneScape Official Forum Avatar? 8 day(s)7172 897
How often do you boss-hunt in RuneScape? 14 day(s)12242 874
Which is your preferred forum software? 8 day(s)2322 290
Do you use the RuneScape Official Forums? 14 day(s)8960 640
Once released, do you intend to change your RuneScape display name? 9 day(s)12597 1400
Do you like the use of the Hide/Show feature (such as on our Quest Guides or Miniguides appearing in Quests) throughout the site? 7 day(s)6677 954
Which color theme do you use on the Tip.It Website? 8 day(s)10545 1318
How often do you attend events done by our Tip.It Events Team (TET)? 10 day(s)8437 844
Which language do you play RuneScape in? 6 day(s)11224 1871
Have you ever purchased something from the Tip.It Online Shop? 8 day(s)9537 1192
What is your private chat usually set to in-game? 12 day(s)15760 1313
What change would you like to see to the Slayer skill? 10 day(s)16326 1633
Which type of food do you use the most during a battle? 7 day(s)14092 2013
How much gp do you have in-game? 8 day(s)21121 2640
What do you do when someone asks you to lend them an item? 10 day(s)14656 1466
Which random event reward do you choose most often? 4 day(s)9480 2370
What do you look forward to in a quest? 10 day(s)11798 1180
What is your favorite type of familiar? 14 day(s)13750 982
Would you like to see a Tip.It Twitter feature? 9 day(s)6139 682
Do you listen to RuneScape's in-game music/sounds? 7 day(s)10248 1464
How often do you use Tip.it's Clan Website feature? 7 day(s)5689 813
What RuneScape server do you mainly play on? 9 day(s)7086 787
What is your most anticipated RuneScape holiday event? 20 day(s)17390 870
What weekly website feature do you enjoy most? 6 day(s)4576 763
What 99 do you feel takes the longest to accomplish? 9 day(s)18585 2065

There are 148 older polls. View full poll archives.

Database backend coded by Ks Jeppe.




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