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University Education

Concordia University System- CU Chicago pictured


The Board for University Education oversees the operations and programs of the ten colleges and universities that comprise the Concordia University System.

The colleges and universities of the Concordia University System are dedicated to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to preparing students for lives of meaning and service.  They provide a Christ-centered environment for students to develop in value-based communities of learning.  Located across the United States, they represent The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod regionally.  With over 150 undergraduate and 50 graduate programs ranging from accounting to theology, the institutions offer a variety of programming options.  All of our programs provide a Lutheran and Christian foundation for academic study.  More than 24,000 students are enrolled on the ten campuses and are served by 1,500 instructors.


Graduates of Lutheran colleges and universities report they are well-prepared for their careers.  They benefit from personal interaction with professors.  Learn more about the Lutheran Advantage.

Enrollment is up again!  Preliminary reports indicate a 6% increase in enrollment for the colleges and universities of the Concordia University System in Fall of 2009.  Details will be included in the December Concordia Chronicle.

U.S. News and World Report, again, ranks the colleges and universities of the Concordia University System.  Read more...

The For The Sake of the Church Endowment reaches $191 million.  Read more...



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