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Dead of Summer

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  • General

    I used to read comics alot but I haven't seen on in a while. Ashtonishing X-Men, Cable Deadpool and Fables. I loved when Savage Dragon punched the President. Everyone expected that to really be a big deal. Batman:Hush was good too. I miss those books.
  • Music

    Karmella's Game. Avec. Piano Black. Velociraptor. Your Black Star. Nakatomi Plaza. The Protomen.Attractive and Popular.
  • Movies

    The theatres were looking good last time I checked. I would like to get to a movie theatre if things are safe for a while. Silent Hill had just come out. I was really looking forward to that film. It has to be better then Uwe Boll's terrible adaptation of House of the Dead. Game to film transfers can be so terrible. Last movie I did see though was Mission Impossible 3. Philip Seymour Hoffman was awesome. Screw Hasslehoff. He's the REAL Hoff.
  • Television

    Mission Hill reruns and Adult Swim. Any cartoons really. What's up with the absence of the Thundercats reruns? Way to go. Take out my still beating heart why don't you?!
  • Heroes

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About me:

Back in April 2006, a Mommy Webcomic and a Daddy Webcomic had a round of 'special hugging', which created a lovable little mistake called Dead of Summer. Featuring the eye-popping art of Nick "Ghostfreehood" Borkowicz (2007 Katsucon Iron Artist Co-Winner) and the intense storylines of writer Marty Day (reigning and defending All-Baltimore Hopscotch Champion), the comic has grabbed audiences with it's unique tale of zombies in Baltimore, which has grown into a spralling epic featuring grotesque monsters, cybernetic gangs, and even undead simians. With almost 300 strips in the archive so far, plus the long awaited release of their first collection, 2008 is another huge year for Charm City's favorite sons. When they aren't updating thrice-weekly, Nick and Marty also book a series of art and music shows in the Baltimore area. Their most recent event, Ultimate Kaiju All Star Barrage, drew a packed house, featuring music from Peelander-Z and the Protomen, as well as Baltimore mainstays Karmella's Game and Avec. They are currently plotting out the follow up event, tentatively scheduled for August 2008. .. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

Who I'd like to meet:



  • Status: Swinger
  • Zodiac Sign: Aries
  • Occupation: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse


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