Las Vegas Sun

December 27, 2010

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User profile: El_Lobo

Joined: May 11, 2009

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Hmmmmm....Nothing new coming out of the mouth of the "little onion eater."

No surprise there!

I see he' still using "selective amnesia" and swimming in the River of Denial....

No surprise there!

Something's NEVER change....Take the "little onion eater" for example. He continues to believe that anyone who is a union worker is "overcompensated" and over paid....

He refuses to believe that the union movement in this country had anything to do with building America's middle class...

Of course, his complete lack of historical knowledge accounts for some his false beliefs...

This is the same guy who believes that the demise of the Roman Empire came about in the 2nd century due largely to the de-valuation of Rome's currency...
In other words, the influx of barbarian tribes (Vandals, Huns, Goths, Visigoth's, and Ostrogoth's) into the Empire had nothing to do with Rome's down-fall.

Also, the loss of good paying jobs by Rome's middle class, and the complete control of the government of Rome by the wealthy land owners had NOTHING to do with the demise of Rome...

Oh well, the little GUMP guy was correct..."Stupid is as stupid does...." .

(Suggest removal) 12/26/10 at 8:33 p.m.

Speaking of military heroes.....I can't seem to put in perspective the military achievements of that guy from Texas....

What was his name? He served in the Texas Air National Guard during the Vietnam War...

He's the same guy who was responsible for taking us to two wars in the Middle East....

I will never forget his "bring' em on" statement right after 9/11, and his strong suggestion that our war against those who disagree with us in the Middle East was nothing short of a "CRUSADE!"

Hmmmmmmm....if I could only remember his name....

He also like to borrow trillions of dollars from any one and everyone in the world, and took great pride in saying and doing stupid things....

He was another one of those silly "trickle-down" believers....

Help me out...what was his name?

(Suggest removal) 12/26/10 at 10:07 a.m.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Here's what "just_an_average_joe" said:

"Funny how you NEVER heard President Bush try to blame anything on the prior administration."

Here's what President George W. Bush said:

"In terms of the economy, look, I inherited a recession, I am ending on a recession." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Jan. 12, 2009

Hmmmmm......I wonder if "just_an_average_joe" can read? Probably not....that would explain it!

(Suggest removal) 12/25/10 at 8:01 a.m.

augfortysix said:

"Most rich people worked for what they have and you want to tear them down."

Very valid point I'm sure....

Paris Hilton comes quickly to mind, right? She's really a hard worker....

(Suggest removal) 12/24/10 at 10:12 p.m.

Hmmmmmm..I find it very interesting that the "little onion eater" has finally admitted that the GOP had a great deal to do with our current recession...

He normally just blames the Democrats....Ha! Ha!

I get a kick out of the "little onion eater" talking about how the Democrats have tried to build a strong centralized government when the size, influence and cost of government actually increased during the tenure of the last three Republican presidents, Reagan, Bush & Bush.

NONE of the three down-sized government or cut the cost of government.

Reagan, who right-wingers consider a god, NEVER carried a balanced budget in his 8 years, and he borrowed from Social Security like there was NO tomorrow!

George senior raised taxes during his tenure and his son took us to two wars that we could not afford, and borrowed trillions from the world's largest communist country...

Yep, all three Republican presidents got the government out of our lives and were "fiscal conservatives." Ha! Ha! Ha!

Darn those Democrats...darn that Obama!

(Suggest removal) 12/24/10 at 9:39 p.m.

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