Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds

Publisher: Atari

Publisher 2: Hasbro Interactive

Developer: Secret Level

Category: Strategy

Release Dates

N Amer - 11/19/2003

Official Game Website

    Also available on:
  • PC

GameZone's Review


GZ Rating


Reviewer: Tha Wiz

Review Date: 12/06/2003

One sentence … if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Full Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds Review

GameZone's Preview


Atari Ships Magic: The Gathering – Battlegrounds
Xbox™ Live Support Highlights Strategic Fighting Game Based on Wizards of the Coast’s Premier Trading Card Game

Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds Goes Gold
Xbox title slated to hit store shelves November 18

Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds Web Site Goes Live
Magic: The Gathering™ – Battlegrounds web site has gone live.

Atari Introduces Magic: The Gathering - Battlegrounds For Xbox And Pc
Atari has announced plans to take one of the most popular trading card games ever created to the Xbox videogame system


An important aspect to Magic: The Gathering – Battlegrounds will involve the player’s mastery of the five colors in the development of his/her duelist. Each color has a proficiency at certain types of activities, such as attacking, defending and healing. Players will be able to select up to two colors and utilize creatures, spells and enchantments in any combination from those schools. For example, a red duelist may choose to augment the attacking powers of his Lava Dragon by adding powerful green enchantments to his arsenal or increase his resilience by using white’s restorative powers instead.

Magic: The Gathering – Battlegrounds will feature an engrossing single-player Quest Mode featuring a plot that includes characters from Magic: The Gathering storylines while also introducing a variety of new characters and locales. Single-player Quest Mode will be comprised of six chapters, each featuring up to 15 quests. Most quests will involve battles with resident duelists, sub-bosses or bosses who often control a particular creature or spell that the player has not yet acquired. As the player progresses, the resident duelists get tougher and control more powerful spells.


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ESRB Rating

Fantasy Violence

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