
Publisher: Capcom Entertainment

Developer: Empire Interactive

Category: Classics/Puzzles

Official Game Website

    Also available on:
  • PC
  • PSX


In Sheep, players take control of a sleeping sheep dog who awakes to find that his herd has escaped. Sheep challenges players to herd the wandering sheep and guide them through various obstacles to safety. Sheep is comprised of four worlds, 24 stages, mini-games and a score ranking system. There are four different types of sheep, some more difficult to control than others. "Normal" sheep are regular sheep living peacefully at most farms and are considered to be moderately difficult to herd. "Gentle" sheep have been bred to maximize wool production and are the easiest sheep to herd. "Rock" sheep are wild and live in mountainous areas. The "Rock" sheep are stubbornand don't listen to orders, but if they are made the leaders of the flock, their stubborn attitude will soften. Finally, "Cool" sheep are hard to get together, as they are selfish and do not take orders very well. The "Cool" sheep are the most difficult to herd, but their wool sells for the most money. Sheep can be played anywhere or anytime and boasts an incredibly high replay value.

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