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July 28, 2005

Friday, July 29th, 2005 – running time 24:55
This episode covers the following digg stories: Serial number of your printer could be hidden in every printout, Yahoo acquires Konfabulator, Starting today pirates can't update their Windows, Liberated games, Windows Vista beta 1 released, Firefox downloaded 75,000,000 times, Digg breaks top 5,000 ranking on, Hacker unlocks all weapons for BF2, Family Guy movie leaked, and Diggnation on ABC news.

Previous: July 22, 2005

Microsoft windows XP ( 10:54, 10:54 ) windows updates ( 13:07, 13:07 ) Microsoft windows XP ( 10:54, 10:54 ) windows updates ( 13:07, 13:07 )

Automatically Generated Transcript(may not be 100% accurate) ( more )

" The resignation episode number five on Kevin. I think the force."

" Covers all of the top stories and social bookmarking. News and technology site DI GG."

" I dot com they don't as as as -- yes they do this is gonna we're we have ABC news is here actually filming us. Due to the podcast which you think we used to use this key is always filming is invite and I but it feels weird nights it's mortar."

" And still my apartment. 54 people in mind. Apartment but we're gonna we're gonna have without asking if we're in Newsweek get the day now what I."

" Our New York -- music we that's -- candidate -- So let's get that is getting started we always figure recommendations for Beers and that you put in our comment since in his emails -- ridiculous today Molson Canadian beer and I gotta get big absolutely -- viewers are in Canada -- care we're ranked number two we were number two on the iTunes music directory. Canada Canada one now as candidate that's right and if we're not without by subscribing and of course you do."

" Oh there it is you do stuff on how are Penn yes Allen then help contribute on that's television show up there and I have a Deval."

" Plus screen shots it's got 300. Our 30750. People -- this story submitted by."

" For the first time in the history of windows beta Microsoft. Has approved images which show the progress of its new windows version --"

" This stuff."

" In the screen -- various -- action on including the interface and it's highly anticipated update for Internet Explorer and got up to explore circus that's like Firefox and well -- sorry yes it's -- this is a big deal they can this is for several reasons one because they've never done this before as far as releasing -- screen shots I usually -- you -- you get it out there and get -- and go to right yeah they're they're the ones actually putting -- which is cool because we're seeing a lot of companies as they did this with the Xbox-360. They actually inside shots of the internal audience that Xbox which is I never thought about that want to talk about that last week we thought that might have been on the --"

" You know viral marketing and now one thing we should say is evidence you don't know yet Vista is the official name. For what was the secret code word of longhorn which is just -- our -- longhorn the worst name for comparable system Vista is better like hello and this is coming clean it's refreshing it's now. It's not bottled water can't -- opera and this is I don't know why I feel like yeah."

" I tell you what they'll have to be now they have some great that's great functionality right well let's let's just take it suck to first want to move for -- office screen shots I was like okay well racism is going to sock. They now actually come -- yeah."

" But to have those virtual allow folders stuff that I don't really cool or you can basically. It's basically what you consider."

" Like when you would search for files right but you can save those searches as virtual folder which is just a direct copy for Apple do is already -- from China which is pretty sad but I'll come up all of you -- to Mac. Now that we are monolithic -- and then get to the other I'm glad they are kept copying Apple because at least now the people who use windows we'll have a better operating system but I will wait a minute -- you."

" Well it's why I'm sorry sister Apple laptop -- I would say it's that not I I have reasons for that is that I that the survive."

" Our next story -- family guy movie -- with screen shots 10077. People dug this story submitted by. John C screen caps have begun leaking out of the new family guy movie lead to months before its release date now this. With huge for -- got to tell you traffic was look at it this had your clear on the Internet what kind of beer did you get it yeah so I have I don't think I just menacing -- something that. -- don't move go back to the -- I gotta tell you with something a crazy happen. -- huge spike in traffic because they're the first want to break the story -- Nike did and I do the home page indexed and linked all over the place waxy dot org much different sides. Link to dig end huge update for them but. I didn't like the movie so much whoa dude you kids -- retain -- why you -- you know occasionally I love I love not that. -- that's not currently well known pattern of your luggage I -- letters stating market area 51 and we don't know anything I would -- it just ringing inside. That -- build its network that sort I pendency of a from the screen shots and I and I didn't think I thought you don't act now opponent. -- on it now okay. If it was okay it was good movies I haven't I haven't you know what I'm gonna go I'm gonna go -- you -- it comes out the throat the secret to couldn't pick it. But he does not look. But it's it was it was a good did yet again to yet yeah it's I'm gonna show up in -- that this is story and moving around."

" It's pretty didn't want to get past foam that's that's. I only got now it is kids -- the very interesting stuff. Okay this is cool Yahoo! acquired -- later moved 594. People dug this story. Submitted by -- three youngest are three there is on the -- that's. -- to pay hoping to -- a -- passed through its popular website people go to Yahoo! anyway okay very popular new Yahoo! some money. I got was -- can fat you later a tiny software maker. That provides a -- computer platform for monitoring weather stock prices and a wealth of other customized information. Without opening weathered and others is that web browser now this was announced last week yes -- Yahoo! bought an I don't know -- you mentioned that might be free now yes I don't know either I don't know either I'd hate for the the version of having a mind before the I didn't know they're going to inquire I think you honestly. I will -- you -- competitors is basically like that it's sort of like the widget thing right it's -- yeah."

" Well it's a direct Koppel actually Apple copy and that later when they created their dashboard widgets right -- this little tiny applications that run directly on your desktop and anybody can make in this simple like like JavaScript. And you can write your own it's fun to have Michael kind of stock. Dennis. RSS he is yet right it's great -- but."

" anyways so I I ended up downloading it for. My Mac. And I have to say when the time came -- like Ricky isn't anymore unless you download it as like you know what I have o'clock."

" Right so it's not you know giant and its -- like I have o'clock I don't need you and me -- Still this -- grab for Yahoo! -- I really thing is its huge aids is huge because so many people really love this and there's still nothing out there on the windows side. -- I think he digs know we should actually get the designer to with a that would be awesome record from the window of people get up and it. Tracked the movie and snake story liberated games 710 -- submitted by V cast their literary games free legal games for download including games like duke nukem 3-D on the doomed to wolf 3-D. I grant that out of breath of latitude and many more this is cool because this is actually a website where certain game manufacturers after a certain times in little old. Yeah I don't really you know it's in the bargained and does not selling inside to release it has not really open source but free freeware and it's great place if you haven't done this website check out it is a huge list of games and they'll."

" I don't know a lot of little you got another you would you you've gone through all my personal land party game loved that game I spent I mean that's one though he is -- failed accounting in college the percentage -- very -- Really knows how waiting for the Hubble with that's when I got -- okay okay I certainly none rarely did I not do it and you need in 3-D it was like the third version did you go. -- don't remember anyway don't remember any Bozell yet know -- because my big -- first one where we had a plan we had all I'll use my college in 94 it was sort of ahead of its time because it was all the dorm room's wired. With cat I -- and really yeah I've backed I had high speed Internet I think they token ring identity debuted I had a T one connection you I was ftp I was tired ftp that I mean and legal ftp yes that and in the heyday at the end."

" that was a great game though but yeah erupted outside and like -- into I'll tell you remember and said that I mean it that a lot of that stuff but -- was a -- platitudes isn't lay I thought when I saw that I went in I was gonna download a bunch of death the other -- it's so crazy thing now."

" Is that you think about it I got battlefields and we're gonna talk about battlefields and segment about -- two. It's like three CD's worth the data and I like my gigabyte they had and neither does collect about five megabytes -- duke nukem three -- treaty with all the expansion facts like how we didn't like. I just can't believe how much tonight -- again."

" This acknowledges there's constituent and as far -- evaluate the -- women those years ago I take at the website it's very cool. I'm did your console went from ABC news good news bureau of the -- place here."

" I know -- really appreciate guy and all wired up otherwise we don't usually have wireless mics and Moses on the ticket to activate it."

" I feel bad -- like we're gonna storms -- and this goes of the years that we need to get me you -- we need we need a new meaning traders or Internet better than me if it's from my friend -- mini -- It's like a mini fridge on -- is a good deal Netscape they got this one the size limitation hails from last week. You know you can't pop in a bottle opener."

" I do know that there's a bottle opener -- your -- that pop up."

" I could rednecks would encourage apparently it's easy to build it it's right here right in front you say in what's part of that's it fumbles a star myself."

" It tragic than this is that this actually my girlfriends all what is this bottle opener -- this --"

" First up you guys -- just -- could be really confusing because if you need to wise up wasn't her. This was part of it a package of one could -- into -- I -- Okay don't cannot."

" I started today pirates can not update their windows this is there's holidays -- yes 760. People dead -- submitted by the entire country in Japan had. Which is great."

" Mike is up -- no longer providing updates to non genuine versions of Microsoft's windows XP operating system from today. Which of course was admitted Tuesday when we're recording on Thursday April want it to Saturday. The company has switched over to a full launch of its windows genuine advantage program. As part of its ongoing antipiracy and marketing hype when this must be significant attention Japan -- programs over the -- So basically what's happened is that a while back Microsoft announced this thing that basically is that's -- done and digital -- unity. Anyway. Last year Microsoft can't -- a while back -- talking about this thing would stay coined. The windows genuine advantage program right basically means. If you have a legal copy of windows you can sign up for this genuine advantage program that I own -- legal copy of windows XP."

" They're giving you little perks by doing little I don't yet I know you and I have a -- and X. Yeah I heard yeah Saturday night. Look at jungle -- this not the normal tumbled into the but nowadays are blocking you think it will add."

" Everybody when this came out in. At I would be hard pressed to see anybody who didn't see this company. Right I mean the fact that you would have no idea that someday that we're gonna say -- is what. All people directions we woke up right windows XP."

" I think originally was news to -- and everyone's connected -- the net may have it dial the phone number Adam Stern aired but it's the it's. It's sad because it. I'm gonna -- some issues because the version of what is -- I'm running on my laptop right now heat cool it is not you know underdog could get placed over -- hello Michael I don't know I want you as look at this yeah -- in -- in on the bottom of it has a windows XP legal key on the bottom looking illegally -- keys iPhone XP pro."

" But it's."

" Idea bundles all this crap software -- knows when -- Charlie can you can see it has like everything like that. Stuff you never even want -- they all do I know it's just like tons application I like a nice clean -- and I formatted it I tried to reinstall it using their serial number it wouldn't let me. In so now I have to go and use that serial number that."

" A -- okay used before that yeah but that's alright is at least you know why I was -- don't knocking on -- no it's -- now though because they can't be windows updates -- not a lot."

" Not have to reinstall or somehow got my new copy of it but what if the McCain campaign gap lower back and -- to Mars have ended this."

" But not."

" have to start okay. No no Firefox companies Mozilla Firefox downloaded 75 million. Times 769 they submitted by that's an Alberta -- Due out -- all over the idea yeah. He not his clothing here. He's here spread Firefox is reporting that Mozilla Firefox has been those that have a -- the download count does not include. Updates that came by using -- Firefox is. In -- suffered a -- system. That was built in which he wrote in in builds on willingly donated time and probably is the U sitters is ninety so that's --"

" A huge huge well of course -- huge fire -- and that's actually hosting. Screen savers when spread Firefox you write -- we and then it was a penny arcade yes to those bastards. Who think -- I could put one -- bugs in every week it was like an hour every -- is it opening -- is when we get near -- burning it to any IK -- and then there's -- legal because the -- at penny -- they."

" Send us an email it was just like it's great that we're -- so it says the blood donating his we'd love fire Verizon and sprint he Turkey has a really devote little following because you're considering that we were announcing like every day of the week on -- on national television live on national television to plug and they were neck and Quebec and acting which is awesome but anyway we're -- in an immigrant. It's a picnic really we're not exactly that the lack of executive producers like you plug Firefox every single day this week. Is like queuing up plug Firefox and were like okay we win that's -- now I'm at times addressed the I have no friends that had anything to do with Firefox pups. You might I don't come through Mosul finish a bit faster but it could mean not that as a there's really good if if you're not on Firefox what -- you don't mean just you didn't spread second guessed that."

" Yeah would spread I've got data you don't have to know a little to sit in it escaped her son did 8% opt out duly noted he and."

" In my dual we're starting at two incident in the afternoon we had like a big -- when ABC news is they're coming over I know I don't currently the Obama didn't look."

" To go right next three hackers unlocked all the weapons for five million battlefield two IDs and that's what I'm that would battlefield two. Yes 878. People that this story submitted by crash 3311. Well what a wonderful few days it has been since EA didn't take the time to respond. Or maybe even read our emails about various stats server security holes. It clearly showed us how much they care therefore we came to the conclusion that modifying five million accounts wouldn't be having video. Yet that is a big -- and -- and they tell you what happened is that five million people first up battlefield two is the second version of battlefield 1942 -- else it out either get it not let it is on it got me back -- lands on -- is unbelievable. And so unlike. A bunch of friends and I haven't played Star Wars galaxies like a week going to happen that's a big deal has analyzed a -- lot for battlefield two. Another is Joshua all really I know. You guys are now all we've been doing is playing battlefield to -- back of the Bay -- connect to -- let me captain -- have a Diggnation battlefield two party. John or anything else but we're gonna -- next week but I'm gonna do an error Maria and it says this is a big deal because what happened was people are saying other security holes in this in the stat servers and so like everybody connects up to serve first up -- art definitely a few things. That evening indeed wrong in this game no friends lists. If if I don't know how to call contact people I meet people and gain more my product is really good want to make sure that I play enemy. No I know none you can even maintain a favorites list of servers that you like to plan. Well it's. -- One I think you can do is if your ranked servers that the higher rank you get the more -- second weapons you can platelet. Rights and it is the -- and everyone of the gun lock all the weapons right every single person like you play look at that I didn't I still don't I don't know they've turned not really but I've heard that some people -- getting banned. For using. But the on audible weapons without having unlock them and zones which to tell you the jury yea -- to you and I but he gave that works in the day. You better than listening in other brewers and yet your buddy list and don't banned people for using weapons it's some huge bag -- I thought they -- I didn't know that might show tonight a second weapons of and they get -- that's for -- this -- was nobody there. You some PR for a couple games and now he's working he was working on out burnout three and the PR for -- terrorism into. I think the data that I talk to my buddy Ed Davis -- my own college roommate and her her yes he maritime and then two. When when they come he comes down for three let's. I gonna say yeah I got a great like. Hands on preview. God father on Xbox-360 is again crunch eases really argued it's like if ever you liked. They got father. Does occasionally be an iPod Dawson -- accessories and can be -- I'm very excited spiritual I."

" on going on -- the serial number of your printer could be hidden in every printout 540 gigs -- by Kenny. At the across the United States Secret Service manufacturers develop mechanisms that print encoded form of the serial number. Using markings in color documents the F of article. -- could sit down and dirty of the -- conjures the controversial new technology. Density yet for every two days this is this is crazy world."

" They say -- we're sidewalk."

" You don't get the seekers there is -- and the reason they're doing this is for counterfeiting it is and where they're going on they want to pass the markings there to know the serial numbers didn't somewhat have a way to go and traced back. Who could potentially done this over -- up here's the thing."

" I think there -- times land. I don't give a crap if somebody can look at these -- that I printed right and say I think this might Alex Albrecht printer right. Who can't you aren't and they want to wait that ever going to be a big problem denying any of that because you don't pay cash for the -- CompUSA they're never gonna know who -- you -- right -- listening -- know -- right but they might know like it was -- now the reform now."

" Administration has."

" Not just an 85 -- and here I learned that team my box yeah the next six months isn't that yeah you but it's like Christmas with a guy. Have lunch it's Sachs. But but one thing to have to say is but say here you are the type of person kidnaps people. Writes a did it just you. And any say everything you know ransom -- young out of."

" I bet the best -- I think -- it's -- I had predicted I'd like to be twelve million dollars or I'm not gonna get back tell your until it."

" They can look at that they -- well know -- I'd be really hard but now we just realizes this guy a lot of obvious and I mean that's the thing it's a little bit of the invasion of privacy I don't want in my prayer I don't care what it's doing who's looking it's just. Would you frank and I am mad at the end of the day what will map directly to what allied print it somebody's fine the -- Oh they're -- mrs. happy you know then there's its one of those things where it's like it's it's the perceived to its perceived privacy verses. The ability to track down people that need to be tracked down based on what they -- any I don't and in the data the whole argument. Everything that happens in this country in the world. It's perceived privacy people just wanna feel like. They can do whatever they want they cannot have to worry about people sneaking up -- know what they're doing and I know most people are doing nothing that nobody gives -- them."

" How about -- I mean this is old news but you know about the Gmail doesn't throw away in their emails he hasn't -- that they can keep for ever even if you say delete my account. Digital it. Well now but who's sending me anything I'm really where I've -- out buddy of mine in the area I was talking in the head didn't just like -- I quit using Gmail. It sucks they can go back and read anything yeah you might choose delete my -- it's still gonna be there. As a -- If you."

" A shady stuff and what would Georgia should not you don't even now he doesn't treaties well that's a problem our -- after it last through today. We whatever yes. Dig it breaks the top 5000 rank on Alexa dot com. 803 people -- this story submitted by design bot which is an awesome he's not -- Is now ranked among the top 5000 web sites in the world exclamation point."

" Today's -- is actually 4000."

" 346. Now of course it's not today or the day we're recording Bryce did it was submitted. Check out the grass and you'll see Digg is on a collision course for Slashdot how awesome is that social news rocks go dig these. This is a huge deal -- obviously tracks are raking went at it and try to actually owned by Amazon. I didn't get banned them sprinkle that's come but for Digg to break into the top 5000 web sites in the world is a huge. Deal and if you look at that chart Digg is -- I mean Arab banging on the back door -- right. It's huge."

" It's great well it really goes to show I don't know I don't want to twist on this but it is really cool that the community can really come together and create a very popular site and it's nice that would. Keeping the control of every aspect of the site. --"

" And most of the key and I don't want to know I mean they don't want somebody else telling them what is what is up to the user but yeah he's got -- and this is good news this crap on there let's let's let's take -- words this is open."

" Was just a kitten yet halfway through her like -- don't listen -- and but was it always keeps -- A yes Keith -- not during in the -- and I hello Murray Patrick has not so yet it was ever so we're gonna take a Las Vegas I'm on the way up to the Bay Area because -- moving but that would get everybody -- my folks -- in Las Vegas and we've figured. -- that was -- it's really crazy. Video episode -- a crazy idea ADB -- are around but she gets in showgirls and Akram. And then you guys that don't. I grew up -- it's like not like that is like showgirls walker comes into the ring and you don't know that that's right you know how -- in the background. Early and you never know our list of by their children they just stand on -- it pops -- lately go to war. That's -- masons are on back. Yeah flag girlfriend is in Europe and went a little or at at. I also tried other links are to vote present various different means we really appreciate your help with a B iTunes or -- learning the services you define as a Diggnation dot com lower right hand corner."

" And pushing check out all of our user profiles at GG dot com slash users slash Alex Albrecht -- lines slash -- slash cameras is marring it. And of course -- slash users slash. Dig nation which will give you a link to all of the news source that we covered in today's episode yeah and that's it for today thank you for listening tall -- and Kevin Rose until next time."

" See that."

" The resignation episode number five on Kevin. I think the force."

" Covers all of the top stories and social bookmarking. News and technology site DI GG."

" I dot com they don't as as as -- yes they do this is gonna we're we have ABC news is here actually filming us. Due to the podcast which you think we used to use this key is always filming is invite and I but it feels weird nights it's mortar."

" And still my apartment. 54 people in mind. Apartment but we're gonna we're gonna have without asking if we're in Newsweek get the day now what I."

" Our New York -- music we that's -- candidate -- So let's get that is getting started we always figure recommendations for Beers and that you put in our comment since in his emails -- ridiculous today Molson Canadian beer and I gotta get big absolutely -- viewers are in Canada -- care we're ranked number two we were number two on the iTunes music directory. Canada Canada one now as candidate that's right and if we're not without by subscribing and of course you do."

" Oh there it is you do stuff on how are Penn yes Allen then help contribute on that's television show up there and I have a Deval."

" Plus screen shots it's got 300. Our 30750. People -- this story submitted by."

" For the first time in the history of windows beta Microsoft. Has approved images which show the progress of its new windows version --"

" This stuff."

" In the screen -- various -- action on including the interface and it's highly anticipated update for Internet Explorer and got up to explore circus that's like Firefox and well -- sorry yes it's -- this is a big deal they can this is for several reasons one because they've never done this before as far as releasing -- screen shots I usually -- you -- you get it out there and get -- and go to right yeah they're they're the ones actually putting -- which is cool because we're seeing a lot of companies as they did this with the Xbox-360. They actually inside shots of the internal audience that Xbox which is I never thought about that want to talk about that last week we thought that might have been on the --"

" You know viral marketing and now one thing we should say is evidence you don't know yet Vista is the official name. For what was the secret code word of longhorn which is just -- our -- longhorn the worst name for comparable system Vista is better like hello and this is coming clean it's refreshing it's now. It's not bottled water can't -- opera and this is I don't know why I feel like yeah."

" I tell you what they'll have to be now they have some great that's great functionality right well let's let's just take it suck to first want to move for -- office screen shots I was like okay well racism is going to sock. They now actually come -- yeah."

" But to have those virtual allow folders stuff that I don't really cool or you can basically. It's basically what you consider."

" Like when you would search for files right but you can save those searches as virtual folder which is just a direct copy for Apple do is already -- from China which is pretty sad but I'll come up all of you -- to Mac. Now that we are monolithic -- and then get to the other I'm glad they are kept copying Apple because at least now the people who use windows we'll have a better operating system but I will wait a minute -- you."

" Well it's why I'm sorry sister Apple laptop -- I would say it's that not I I have reasons for that is that I that the survive."

" Our next story -- family guy movie -- with screen shots 10077. People dug this story submitted by. John C screen caps have begun leaking out of the new family guy movie lead to months before its release date now this. With huge for -- got to tell you traffic was look at it this had your clear on the Internet what kind of beer did you get it yeah so I have I don't think I just menacing -- something that. -- don't move go back to the -- I gotta tell you with something a crazy happen. -- huge spike in traffic because they're the first want to break the story -- Nike did and I do the home page indexed and linked all over the place waxy dot org much different sides. Link to dig end huge update for them but. I didn't like the movie so much whoa dude you kids -- retain -- why you -- you know occasionally I love I love not that. -- that's not currently well known pattern of your luggage I -- letters stating market area 51 and we don't know anything I would -- it just ringing inside. That -- build its network that sort I pendency of a from the screen shots and I and I didn't think I thought you don't act now opponent. -- on it now okay. If it was okay it was good movies I haven't I haven't you know what I'm gonna go I'm gonna go -- you -- it comes out the throat the secret to couldn't pick it. But he does not look. But it's it was it was a good did yet again to yet yeah it's I'm gonna show up in -- that this is story and moving around."

" It's pretty didn't want to get past foam that's that's. I only got now it is kids -- the very interesting stuff. Okay this is cool Yahoo! acquired -- later moved 594. People dug this story. Submitted by -- three youngest are three there is on the -- that's. -- to pay hoping to -- a -- passed through its popular website people go to Yahoo! anyway okay very popular new Yahoo! some money. I got was -- can fat you later a tiny software maker. That provides a -- computer platform for monitoring weather stock prices and a wealth of other customized information. Without opening weathered and others is that web browser now this was announced last week yes -- Yahoo! bought an I don't know -- you mentioned that might be free now yes I don't know either I don't know either I'd hate for the the version of having a mind before the I didn't know they're going to inquire I think you honestly. I will -- you -- competitors is basically like that it's sort of like the widget thing right it's -- yeah."

" Well it's a direct Koppel actually Apple copy and that later when they created their dashboard widgets right -- this little tiny applications that run directly on your desktop and anybody can make in this simple like like JavaScript. And you can write your own it's fun to have Michael kind of stock. Dennis. RSS he is yet right it's great -- but."

" anyways so I I ended up downloading it for. My Mac. And I have to say when the time came -- like Ricky isn't anymore unless you download it as like you know what I have o'clock."

" Right so it's not you know giant and its -- like I have o'clock I don't need you and me -- Still this -- grab for Yahoo! -- I really thing is its huge aids is huge because so many people really love this and there's still nothing out there on the windows side. -- I think he digs know we should actually get the designer to with a that would be awesome record from the window of people get up and it. Tracked the movie and snake story liberated games 710 -- submitted by V cast their literary games free legal games for download including games like duke nukem 3-D on the doomed to wolf 3-D. I grant that out of breath of latitude and many more this is cool because this is actually a website where certain game manufacturers after a certain times in little old. Yeah I don't really you know it's in the bargained and does not selling inside to release it has not really open source but free freeware and it's great place if you haven't done this website check out it is a huge list of games and they'll."

" I don't know a lot of little you got another you would you you've gone through all my personal land party game loved that game I spent I mean that's one though he is -- failed accounting in college the percentage -- very -- Really knows how waiting for the Hubble with that's when I got -- okay okay I certainly none rarely did I not do it and you need in 3-D it was like the third version did you go. -- don't remember anyway don't remember any Bozell yet know -- because my big -- first one where we had a plan we had all I'll use my college in 94 it was sort of ahead of its time because it was all the dorm room's wired. With cat I -- and really yeah I've backed I had high speed Internet I think they token ring identity debuted I had a T one connection you I was ftp I was tired ftp that I mean and legal ftp yes that and in the heyday at the end."

" that was a great game though but yeah erupted outside and like -- into I'll tell you remember and said that I mean it that a lot of that stuff but -- was a -- platitudes isn't lay I thought when I saw that I went in I was gonna download a bunch of death the other -- it's so crazy thing now."

" Is that you think about it I got battlefields and we're gonna talk about battlefields and segment about -- two. It's like three CD's worth the data and I like my gigabyte they had and neither does collect about five megabytes -- duke nukem three -- treaty with all the expansion facts like how we didn't like. I just can't believe how much tonight -- again."

" This acknowledges there's constituent and as far -- evaluate the -- women those years ago I take at the website it's very cool. I'm did your console went from ABC news good news bureau of the -- place here."

" I know -- really appreciate guy and all wired up otherwise we don't usually have wireless mics and Moses on the ticket to activate it."

" I feel bad -- like we're gonna storms -- and this goes of the years that we need to get me you -- we need we need a new meaning traders or Internet better than me if it's from my friend -- mini -- It's like a mini fridge on -- is a good deal Netscape they got this one the size limitation hails from last week. You know you can't pop in a bottle opener."

" I do know that there's a bottle opener -- your -- that pop up."

" I could rednecks would encourage apparently it's easy to build it it's right here right in front you say in what's part of that's it fumbles a star myself."

" It tragic than this is that this actually my girlfriends all what is this bottle opener -- this --"

" First up you guys -- just -- could be really confusing because if you need to wise up wasn't her. This was part of it a package of one could -- into -- I -- Okay don't cannot."

" I started today pirates can not update their windows this is there's holidays -- yes 760. People dead -- submitted by the entire country in Japan had. Which is great."

" Mike is up -- no longer providing updates to non genuine versions of Microsoft's windows XP operating system from today. Which of course was admitted Tuesday when we're recording on Thursday April want it to Saturday. The company has switched over to a full launch of its windows genuine advantage program. As part of its ongoing antipiracy and marketing hype when this must be significant attention Japan -- programs over the -- So basically what's happened is that a while back Microsoft announced this thing that basically is that's -- done and digital -- unity. Anyway. Last year Microsoft can't -- a while back -- talking about this thing would stay coined. The windows genuine advantage program right basically means. If you have a legal copy of windows you can sign up for this genuine advantage program that I own -- legal copy of windows XP."

" They're giving you little perks by doing little I don't yet I know you and I have a -- and X. Yeah I heard yeah Saturday night. Look at jungle -- this not the normal tumbled into the but nowadays are blocking you think it will add."

" Everybody when this came out in. At I would be hard pressed to see anybody who didn't see this company. Right I mean the fact that you would have no idea that someday that we're gonna say -- is what. All people directions we woke up right windows XP."

" I think originally was news to -- and everyone's connected -- the net may have it dial the phone number Adam Stern aired but it's the it's. It's sad because it. I'm gonna -- some issues because the version of what is -- I'm running on my laptop right now heat cool it is not you know underdog could get placed over -- hello Michael I don't know I want you as look at this yeah -- in -- in on the bottom of it has a windows XP legal key on the bottom looking illegally -- keys iPhone XP pro."

" But it's."

" Idea bundles all this crap software -- knows when -- Charlie can you can see it has like everything like that. Stuff you never even want -- they all do I know it's just like tons application I like a nice clean -- and I formatted it I tried to reinstall it using their serial number it wouldn't let me. In so now I have to go and use that serial number that."

" A -- okay used before that yeah but that's alright is at least you know why I was -- don't knocking on -- no it's -- now though because they can't be windows updates -- not a lot."

" Not have to reinstall or somehow got my new copy of it but what if the McCain campaign gap lower back and -- to Mars have ended this."

" But not."

" have to start okay. No no Firefox companies Mozilla Firefox downloaded 75 million. Times 769 they submitted by that's an Alberta -- Due out -- all over the idea yeah. He not his clothing here. He's here spread Firefox is reporting that Mozilla Firefox has been those that have a -- the download count does not include. Updates that came by using -- Firefox is. In -- suffered a -- system. That was built in which he wrote in in builds on willingly donated time and probably is the U sitters is ninety so that's --"

" A huge huge well of course -- huge fire -- and that's actually hosting. Screen savers when spread Firefox you write -- we and then it was a penny arcade yes to those bastards. Who think -- I could put one -- bugs in every week it was like an hour every -- is it opening -- is when we get near -- burning it to any IK -- and then there's -- legal because the -- at penny -- they."

" Send us an email it was just like it's great that we're -- so it says the blood donating his we'd love fire Verizon and sprint he Turkey has a really devote little following because you're considering that we were announcing like every day of the week on -- on national television live on national television to plug and they were neck and Quebec and acting which is awesome but anyway we're -- in an immigrant. It's a picnic really we're not exactly that the lack of executive producers like you plug Firefox every single day this week. Is like queuing up plug Firefox and were like okay we win that's -- now I'm at times addressed the I have no friends that had anything to do with Firefox pups. You might I don't come through Mosul finish a bit faster but it could mean not that as a there's really good if if you're not on Firefox what -- you don't mean just you didn't spread second guessed that."

" Yeah would spread I've got data you don't have to know a little to sit in it escaped her son did 8% opt out duly noted he and."

" In my dual we're starting at two incident in the afternoon we had like a big -- when ABC news is they're coming over I know I don't currently the Obama didn't look."

" To go right next three hackers unlocked all the weapons for five million battlefield two IDs and that's what I'm that would battlefield two. Yes 878. People that this story submitted by crash 3311. Well what a wonderful few days it has been since EA didn't take the time to respond. Or maybe even read our emails about various stats server security holes. It clearly showed us how much they care therefore we came to the conclusion that modifying five million accounts wouldn't be having video. Yet that is a big -- and -- and they tell you what happened is that five million people first up battlefield two is the second version of battlefield 1942 -- else it out either get it not let it is on it got me back -- lands on -- is unbelievable. And so unlike. A bunch of friends and I haven't played Star Wars galaxies like a week going to happen that's a big deal has analyzed a -- lot for battlefield two. Another is Joshua all really I know. You guys are now all we've been doing is playing battlefield to -- back of the Bay -- connect to -- let me captain -- have a Diggnation battlefield two party. John or anything else but we're gonna -- next week but I'm gonna do an error Maria and it says this is a big deal because what happened was people are saying other security holes in this in the stat servers and so like everybody connects up to serve first up -- art definitely a few things. That evening indeed wrong in this game no friends lists. If if I don't know how to call contact people I meet people and gain more my product is really good want to make sure that I play enemy. No I know none you can even maintain a favorites list of servers that you like to plan. Well it's. -- One I think you can do is if your ranked servers that the higher rank you get the more -- second weapons you can platelet. Rights and it is the -- and everyone of the gun lock all the weapons right every single person like you play look at that I didn't I still don't I don't know they've turned not really but I've heard that some people -- getting banned. For using. But the on audible weapons without having unlock them and zones which to tell you the jury yea -- to you and I but he gave that works in the day. You better than listening in other brewers and yet your buddy list and don't banned people for using weapons it's some huge bag -- I thought they -- I didn't know that might show tonight a second weapons of and they get -- that's for -- this -- was nobody there. You some PR for a couple games and now he's working he was working on out burnout three and the PR for -- terrorism into. I think the data that I talk to my buddy Ed Davis -- my own college roommate and her her yes he maritime and then two. When when they come he comes down for three let's. I gonna say yeah I got a great like. Hands on preview. God father on Xbox-360 is again crunch eases really argued it's like if ever you liked. They got father. Does occasionally be an iPod Dawson -- accessories and can be -- I'm very excited spiritual I."

" on going on -- the serial number of your printer could be hidden in every printout 540 gigs -- by Kenny. At the across the United States Secret Service manufacturers develop mechanisms that print encoded form of the serial number. Using markings in color documents the F of article. -- could sit down and dirty of the -- conjures the controversial new technology. Density yet for every two days this is this is crazy world."

" They say -- we're sidewalk."

" You don't get the seekers there is -- and the reason they're doing this is for counterfeiting it is and where they're going on they want to pass the markings there to know the serial numbers didn't somewhat have a way to go and traced back. Who could potentially done this over -- up here's the thing."

" I think there -- times land. I don't give a crap if somebody can look at these -- that I printed right and say I think this might Alex Albrecht printer right. Who can't you aren't and they want to wait that ever going to be a big problem denying any of that because you don't pay cash for the -- CompUSA they're never gonna know who -- you -- right -- listening -- know -- right but they might know like it was -- now the reform now."

" Administration has."

" Not just an 85 -- and here I learned that team my box yeah the next six months isn't that yeah you but it's like Christmas with a guy. Have lunch it's Sachs. But but one thing to have to say is but say here you are the type of person kidnaps people. Writes a did it just you. And any say everything you know ransom -- young out of."

" I bet the best -- I think -- it's -- I had predicted I'd like to be twelve million dollars or I'm not gonna get back tell your until it."

" They can look at that they -- well know -- I'd be really hard but now we just realizes this guy a lot of obvious and I mean that's the thing it's a little bit of the invasion of privacy I don't want in my prayer I don't care what it's doing who's looking it's just. Would you frank and I am mad at the end of the day what will map directly to what allied print it somebody's fine the -- Oh they're -- mrs. happy you know then there's its one of those things where it's like it's it's the perceived to its perceived privacy verses. The ability to track down people that need to be tracked down based on what they -- any I don't and in the data the whole argument. Everything that happens in this country in the world. It's perceived privacy people just wanna feel like. They can do whatever they want they cannot have to worry about people sneaking up -- know what they're doing and I know most people are doing nothing that nobody gives -- them."

" How about -- I mean this is old news but you know about the Gmail doesn't throw away in their emails he hasn't -- that they can keep for ever even if you say delete my account. Digital it. Well now but who's sending me anything I'm really where I've -- out buddy of mine in the area I was talking in the head didn't just like -- I quit using Gmail. It sucks they can go back and read anything yeah you might choose delete my -- it's still gonna be there. As a -- If you."

" A shady stuff and what would Georgia should not you don't even now he doesn't treaties well that's a problem our -- after it last through today. We whatever yes. Dig it breaks the top 5000 rank on Alexa dot com. 803 people -- this story submitted by design bot which is an awesome he's not -- Is now ranked among the top 5000 web sites in the world exclamation point."

" Today's -- is actually 4000."

" 346. Now of course it's not today or the day we're recording Bryce did it was submitted. Check out the grass and you'll see Digg is on a collision course for Slashdot how awesome is that social news rocks go dig these. This is a huge deal -- obviously tracks are raking went at it and try to actually owned by Amazon. I didn't get banned them sprinkle that's come but for Digg to break into the top 5000 web sites in the world is a huge. Deal and if you look at that chart Digg is -- I mean Arab banging on the back door -- right. It's huge."

" It's great well it really goes to show I don't know I don't want to twist on this but it is really cool that the community can really come together and create a very popular site and it's nice that would. Keeping the control of every aspect of the site. --"

" And most of the key and I don't want to know I mean they don't want somebody else telling them what is what is up to the user but yeah he's got -- and this is good news this crap on there let's let's let's take -- words this is open."

" Was just a kitten yet halfway through her like -- don't listen -- and but was it always keeps -- A yes Keith -- not during in the -- and I hello Murray Patrick has not so yet it was ever so we're gonna take a Las Vegas I'm on the way up to the Bay Area because -- moving but that would get everybody -- my folks -- in Las Vegas and we've figured. -- that was -- it's really crazy. Video episode -- a crazy idea ADB -- are around but she gets in showgirls and Akram. And then you guys that don't. I grew up -- it's like not like that is like showgirls walker comes into the ring and you don't know that that's right you know how -- in the background. Early and you never know our list of by their children they just stand on -- it pops -- lately go to war. That's -- masons are on back. Yeah flag girlfriend is in Europe and went a little or at at. I also tried other links are to vote present various different means we really appreciate your help with a B iTunes or -- learning the services you define as a Diggnation dot com lower right hand corner."

" And pushing check out all of our user profiles at GG dot com slash users slash Alex Albrecht -- lines slash -- slash cameras is marring it. And of course -- slash users slash. Dig nation which will give you a link to all of the news source that we covered in today's episode yeah and that's it for today thank you for listening tall -- and Kevin Rose until next time."

" See that."