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Did you ever wonder where DracoGuard got his sex slave dog from? It would be Blu Aardvark (aka. Blew Aardvark). Aardvark is an internet tough guy, troll, and entertainer. Blu Aardvark is probably best known for trying to make TOW a better place [1]. When his YouTube video account had been up, most commenters affectionately compared his entertainment skill to Chris-chan. He also suffers from the fact that all of the people he knows IRL like to look him up on ED from his mom right down to his bosses at work. Blu Aardvark also completely denies that he is a furry, strongly in fact, and will blurt it out to complete strangers that on the bus that he is not a furry.
((Lol, he designed this AOTN template))


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