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  • We are the World: Behind the Scenes

    More than 75 stars converged to remake the 1985 benefit classic on Monday. Hear what Quincy Jones, Lionel Richie, Lil Wayne and more said about the historic recording.

  • Taylor Swift, Beyonce Win Big at Grammys

    The winners of the 52nd annual Grammy Awards Sunday were a little bit country, a little bit rock and roll -- but a diva was the one who put a ring on the whole night.

  • Grammy Red Carpet Hits & Misses

    Check out the fashion triumphs and tragedies from outside the L.A. Staples Center.

  • 10 Grammy Moments You Missed

    The show didn't stop when the cameras turned off. Here's 10 things our backstage spies saw and heard that you didn't.

  • 40 Outrageous Grammy Outfits

    From the good to the bad to the WTF?!, look back at 10 years worth of head-turning (and head-scratching) Grammy fashions.

  • Videos of the Week

    See Mariah get wet with Ne-Yo, ICP take over the old west, the best Lady Gaga cover we've ever seen, and more of the week's best viral videos.

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