Star Wars Fan Movie Winner directs Trenches

January 27, 2010

The directors, actors, screenwriters and additional crew who take the time, effort and money to make their own Star Wars fan films always hold a special place in our hearts. So when we see past winners of the Star Wars Film Movie Challenge end up making their dreams come true in the entertainment industry, we get excited.

Past fan film winner Shane Felux who made Star Wars Revelations, then won with Pitching Lucas, is now showing his talents on a new original online series called Trenches.

Set on a war-torn alien planet, Trenches is about a young soldier and his squad forced to team up with their enemies to fight vicious beasts. It features more than 400 effects shots, a huge number for an Internet show.

(Star Wars prequels producer) Rick McCallum himself told me to go and do my own thing, to go out and make my own story, and Trenches was that step forward.

Read the full article here:
‘Trenches,’ discarded Disney digital project, lands at Sony
(via Los Angeles Times)

2 Responses to “Star Wars Fan Movie Winner directs Trenches

  1. Sarah says:

    WTG Shane and crew!!!

  2. Reed MacMillan says:

    Shane’s Trenches is gritty with a sense of humor and characters that intrigue and stick with you. I had the chance to observe from afar the incredible effort and imagination that Shane poured into Trenches. I hope that his fans and everyone who worked so hard to bring this production to light will enjoy the ride. Congratulations Shane!

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