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Message to Brogan: My Content Engine Blows

by Chris Donaldson on February 18, 2010

Screen shot 2010-02-18 at 8.00.31 AMI wish I was Chris Brogan. OK, scratch that. Unless he’s 6′4 and can dunk.

But what I do wish is that my Content Engine was a bit more dependable like his. I’ve been good, one post a day for the past few months, much of it decent, some it drivel. But this week the wheels on the bus have not been going round and round.

Chris has a great discipline and a great method: one thing he does is write 2-3 posts per sitting, so he actually has a bank of posts to roll out the door. This is a great approach.

So what am I going to do about my engine? Look under the hood, tinker with the system, readjust the carburetor, and get back on the road. That’s all there is to it.


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Quick Hit: The Job of Blog

by Chris Donaldson on February 16, 2010

I was asked by a reader last week if I thought that blogging was the optimal way to reach readers, as opposed to taking a more traditional ‘website’ approach with static content that doesn’t change from day to day.

Great question. The same day I received an email from ProBlogger Darren Rowse who talks about the process of testing language to drive response. In the email he says: People respond to words and visuals in different ways – most of the time as bloggers we think we know best and just slap things up – without realizing what we could be missing out on if we just took a little time to test the impact of our approach.

Darren tested headlines, then he tested copy, then he tested the Call-to-Action button, using different combinations of each until he had improved conversion a nice 300%. Testing, testing, testing.

Or as my reader put it: Focus, focus, focus.

So why write a daily blog? Certainly the language can’t be tested, because a day later it will be gone and replaced by a new post. Often, that post is written once, edited once, then goes live – perhaps without the proper care Darren Rowse refers to above.

The answer? As this site evolves, perhaps there will be a home page that remains consistently on message. Because then that message can be tested, refined, and tested again. That is, in effect, the essence of marketing.

But I do love throwing things out there once a day.

Your thoughts? Let me know your approach.

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Quick Hit: Crisis Management and Inevitable Failure

February 12, 2010

In response to Toyota’s ever-growing crisis, CEO Ben Allen of Kroll Inc., the world’s biggest risk-consulting firm says this: “Be clear, be honest and say what you don’t know.”
Sound familiar? All the heavyweights of social media have long touted this kind of transparency – but have made this less about managing a billion dollar [...]

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Google Buzz Kill

February 10, 2010

It’s understandable why Google Buzz wants to push hard into the social media space. They want our data and they want it bad.  I get it. But it will be curious to see just how much more we can cram into our lifestream. The trick: Find those three or four tools (for me it’s twitter, [...]

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Case Study: Hendrix Brings Back the Dead

February 9, 2010

Jimi Hendrix died 40 years ago. Generally considered to be the most influential guitarist of all time, he only released three studio albums during his life. Lil Wayne does that in a week.
Since his death, the Hendrix catalog and brand has been tied up in litigation – and was in such disarray that a Hendrix [...]

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Why ‘Thinking Outside the Box’ Gets You Nowhere

February 8, 2010

Thinking ‘outside the box’ is overrated. This little piece of cliched advice has sunk armies of good people trying to do good work. The next time you hear it, run.
Thinking outside the box implies that there isn’t anything good inside the box. It puts pressure where pressure isn’t needed, and ties people into knots with [...]

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Friday Video: The Break-Up

February 5, 2010

Want a quick hit on how social media has changed the game?  I’ve shown this a couple times, but this video is worth repeating. It really says it all. Word.

Got some other cool resources to share?

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Everything I Learned About Social Media I Learned in Prison

February 4, 2010

Let’s say you’re one of music’s hottest acts. So hot, that for a moment you think the long arm of the law doesn’t apply to you. So hot, that you openly engage in smoking blunts 24/7 and waving pistols through the air. Sound familiar? It should – it’s practically the theme song of MTV and [...]

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Toyota Goes Pedal to the Medal – a PR Pratfall

February 3, 2010

Anytime you’re audacious enough to try something extraordinary, you’re bound to fail. Period. But good failure, failure you can learn from, is the name of game and ultimately built into the DNA of Success.

When Honda first moved into the US back in the seventies, they spent two years building motorcycles. They’d send one through the [...]

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Two Ways Foursquare Can Go Fix Itself

February 2, 2010

Look, I like Foursquare. On the surface, it looks like a trivial little game that I find myself tempted to cheat at all the time just to become the Big Cheese at my favorite coffee haunt. The problem: I can’t dethrone the current mayor (Adam B. – you know who you are), so I have [...]

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