Members' allowance expenditure 2007-08: explanatory notes

This page gives explanatory information for each column of the Members' allowance expenditure tables for the year 1 April 2007 to 31 March 2008.

Members' allowance expenditure table 2007/08 PDF Document

Members' travel expenditure table 2007/08 PDF Document

Members' allowance expenditure table 2006/07 PDF Document
House of Commons: Members' Allowance Expenditure 2004-2007
Members' allowance and travel breakdown tables for previous years

Explanatory Notes

Allowances table
Columns: 1. Cost of staying away from main home | 2. London Supplement | 3. Office running costs | 4. Staffing Allowance |
5. Centrally purchased stationery | 6. Central IT provision | 7. Staff cover | 8. Communications allowance |

Members' travel table
Columns:| 1 Mileage | 2 Rail and Column 3 Air | 4 Other Travel | 5 - 7 Other UK travel  | 8 European travel | 9 - 12: Members' spouse and family travel | 13 - 14: Members' employee travel |

Allowances table

Column 1: Cost of staying away from main home
The Additional Costs Allowance (cost of staying away from main home/ACA) is paid to reimburse Members for necessary costs incurred when staying overnight away from their main home for the purpose of performing parliamentary duties. Inner London Members do not receive this allowance.

2007/08 ACA Maximum of £23,083

Column 2: London Supplement
Inner London Members receive the London Supplement instead of the ACA. Outer London Members may choose between the ACA and the London Supplement.

2007/08 London Supplement: £2,812

Column 3: Office running costs
Column 4: Staffing costs
These budgets support Members in undertaking their parliamentary and constituency work. Budget flexibilities (see below) between these allowances and between years mean that they should be considered together.

The Incidental Expenses Provision (IEP) can be used to meet the cost of: accommodation for office or surgery use; equipment and supplies for office or surgery; work commissioned or other services; and certain travel and communications. The Staffing Allowance is paid to enable Members to employ staff. Staff salaries are paid directly to staff by the House of Commons Department of Resources. The IEP can also be used to cover certain staff related costs.

Members are permitted to transfer funds from the IEP to the Staffing Allowance. In addition, up to 10% of their Staffing Allowance can be transferred to the IEP provided they run a constituency office.

Members are also allowed to carry forward unused funds in the IEP and Staffing Allowance from one allowance year to the next or to draw down an advance from the next year’s budget. In both cases the Member’s allowance limit will be increased or decreased accordingly. The carry forward/draw down facility is only permitted for specific purposes and requires prior approval by the Department of Resources.

2007/08 IEP maximum of £21,339

2007/08 Staffing Allowance maximum of £90,505

Column 5: Centrally purchased stationery
This column sets out the cost of stationery items ordered from a central supplier for use in direct connection with a Member’s parliamentary duties.

2007/08 Stationery maximum of £7,000

Column 5a Postage associated with the use of centrally purchased stationery
This column sets out the cost of postage associated with the use of stationery with pre-paid postage ordered from the central supplier for use in direct connection with Members’ parliamentary duties.

Column 6: Centrally provided computer equipment
This column sets out the cost of equipment supplied on loan to each Member.  The provision allows Members two printers and a maximum of five computers, comprised of up to four desktop PCs and three laptops. The figures show the asset value spread over a four-year period.

Column 7: Staff cover and other costs
This column sets out costs incurred from central budgets, including:

2007/08 WUA maximum of £37,281

Column 8: Communications Allowance
The Communications Allowance is used to meet expenses for:

2007/08 Communications Allowance of £10,000. Funds can be transferred from the Incidental Expenses Provision and Staffing Allowance  to the Communications Allowance.  However, funds cannot be transferred from the Communications Allowance to any other parliamentary allowance.

Members' travel table

Members’ travel entitlements cover the cost of travel on parliamentary business within the UK; European travel; and select committee travel to and from committee embarkation points (but not the cost of the visit itself). The table does not include travel on parliamentary select committee or delegation business. Certain elements of the travel allowances are taxable.

Columns 1 - 4
relate to journeys undertaken by MPs between Westminster/Home/Constituency on parliamentary business

Column 1 Mileage
This column includes car or motorbike mileage undertaken in a vehicle that is owned by the Member and associated parking costs. The figure also includes travel undertaken in a vehicle not owned by the Member. This may include car hire, taxi fares, and other travel in a vehicle belonging to a third party. Claims for these journeys are made using the following mileage rates.

2007/08 mileage rate: first 10,000 miles per year at the rate of 40p per mile, and over 10,000 at 25p per mile

Motorbike mileage rate: 24p per mile

Column 2 Rail and Column 3 Air
These columns include the costs associated with travelling by rail (including tube) or air

Column 4 Other Travel
This column includes car parking, mileage undertaken by bicycle and the cost associated with travelling by bus, ferry, and the cost of season tickets.

Bicycle mileage rate: 20p per mile

Columns 5 - 7
relate to journeys undertaken elsewhere in the UK on parliamentary business under the categories of mileage, rail and air.

Column 8 European travel
Travel and subsistence costs for up to 3 visits per year to EU institutions, EU agencies, the national parliaments of EU member states, European Free Trade Association states, or candidate countries. 

Columns 9 - 14
relate to journeys undertaken by MPs spouses, family and staff.

Columns 9 - 12: Members' spouse and family travel
Members’ spouses, civil partners and children up to the age of 18 are each entitled to up to 30 single journeys each year between London and the constituency or the Member’s main home. The figures relate to total costs and numbers of journeys made. Family travel, and some elements of spouse travel, is subject to tax.

Columns 13 - 14: Members' employee travel
Each Member is entitled to claim costs of up to a total of 24 single journeys for staff per year between Westminster and the constituency. The figures relate to total costs and numbers of journeys made.

Further information
The Green Book provides further details about parliamentary salaries, allowances and pensions. Additional information and links to information relating to House of Lords Members' allowances is available on the Members' Allowances for both Houses page.

Members' allowance expenditure table 2006/07 PDF Document

House of Commons: Members' Allowance Expenditure 2004-2007

Members' allowance and travel breakdown tables for previous years