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This is how they deal with pedos in Britain.
A typical pedophile. Also a nigger. There can't be a connection...
10 years later, these girls are manic depressive because they got almost raped
You gonna get raped by furries.

Proof that pedos don't go public.
Anything to declare, Mr. Glitter?
Text-book pedo talk.
Pedophilia, all right in Russia! [1]
Watch out for the furries too!

Pedophilia is a word which Americans can't say right, it is also a brain problem where the subject is sexually turned on by the damn fucking young (3 to 13 years old), but most of the people busted for kiddyfiddling are busted as a first offense for going after 13-17, whereas the ones going after under 13 usually get away with it for a long time until they start to obsess over the infamous baby fuck. Pedophiles work within a similar system in which George Lucas copied for the Jedi. There is an Master "a.k.a. deaddrop" (see nexopia) and a Padawan, "a.k.a. republican". Famous paedos include Jack McClellan, Gordon Brown, Michael Towers and the cast and crew of Cbeebies. A first time offender going after a 17 year old and then caught by Chris Hansen might look normal. But a long-term pedophile is typically an ungainly and unattractive male person possessing a bad shave, a look of southern inbreeding, and will play at home with children's toys. He may have had a light colored van with highly tinted windows, which he uses to kidnap and fuck the shit out of your children. If no van, then the long term pedophile is skilled at child grooming and will form a long-term attachment before molesting the child.


Pro-pedophile activism

An RPG game for pedophiles, there is a market for everything.
Pedophiles in our school system!

Imitating the disinformation campaign of the furries, organizations like NAMBLA and social movements like childlove exist to make kid-fucking (specifically boy-fucking) seem normal, and seek to make their vile practice totally legal. Organizations like Perverted-Justice, meanwhile, pretend to exist to hunt pedophile morons (or just general perverted dumbasses) down like dogs, get them arrested, and then post their personal information online for everyone to mock and throw flaming bags of dog crap at. However, neither Perverted-Justice nor Chris Hansen have ever caught a real pedophile, only people going after 16 year old girls whereas all pedophiles say 16 is too old, and hell they say 11 is too old, too. A lot of these Perverted Justice types, are passive-aggressive sociopaths who pop chubbies at the opportunity to ruin flawed people's lives on television.

Some argue organizations like Perverted Justice are composed entirely of illiterate faggots with no sex-lives on a hate trip, claiming that they come across as even more stupid than the pedophiles they are trying to hunt, though again they've never caught a single pedophile, only people after jailbait. By making pedophilia even more taboo, they proudly claim to have actually increased the amount of pedophiles in America by over 9,000 since 2001. However, the people who argue this are usually pedos themselves and like the owner of, Scott Morrow (a diaper wearing faggot), they have little concept of the fact that pedophilia is already taboo. You can't get much more taboo than fucking children. It is not known how you force a pedophile underground further, although it's probably something to do with the self-pwnage of Perverted Justice "victims".

Disney has been known to endorse pedophilia, such as in the lesser-known furry movie The Rescuers.

Mr Mac teaches you how to get the job done:

Utah's version of Mr Mac:

On teh internets

Pedophiles' Guide to Little Girls
"wut r u wearin?"
What pedophiles like.
internet pedo hunting ground...

The REALLY stupid pedophiles are found in Internet chat rooms, Not4chan, Anontalk, and IRC under names like "bunnyHoney22", "Markos", "velocity7", "Foehammer95", "burntheprettyones", or "fungirlL00k1ingforguyz". For the people who can actually use a computer, there are on-topic imageboards, hosting services and Gnutella, available on any darknet (including Freenet, Tor and I2P). In the words of Raptor Jesus: "Turn a stone and you shall...IS DAT SUM CP, FUKKEN SAVED." They also exist on LJ, targeting 12 year old girls and 13 year old boys. Various Pedophile Support Communities are found all over the internets. Notable pedophiles on LJ include michaelmichael.

Extensive scientific research has shown that, BTW, some kids are totally asking for it. However, everybody knows that this is a load of shit.

Below is an example of a cultural phenomenon which has emerged in the past two decades, that of the almost-JB acting like non-JB which is weird even though they're obviously only attractive to sick fucks and other 11 year olds, so, yeah, confusion probably. If they stripped off, they'd be CP and you'd get fucking V&, sunshine. Contrary to popular belief, the behavior below is not why girls on YouTube are victims of surprise sex but rather a manifestation of a change in media demographics and a slackening of parental controls on increasingly difficult to censor communication mediums. This has been emergent since the 1980s and is now reaching crisis point.

Of course, they could just be totally asking for it.

This video shows how pedophiles like to pretend to be 10 year olds on the internets

Kids these days sure don't make it easy to stay clean

Foreign Pedophiles

In England and its colonies, where the main language isn't Spanglish, pedophiles are known as "paedophiles" (pronounced "Pee - Doh - Files"). "Paedophiles" successfully avoid capture, year after year, due to the difficulty of spelling this word correctly on legal paper work (the extra "a" proves very difficult to include, especially for dumb Americans who wrote this go back to europe). Because it's so hard to spell, pediatricians in the UK are regularly mistaken as pedophiles and attacked by angry mobs; see this story.

The massive amount of taxpayer expense involved in these judiciary blunders is why the age of consent in those areas was lowered to 16. Pedobear suggests Iceland where the age of consent is 14. Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Faroe Islands are also recommended where the age of consent is 15.

JewTube video showing common Pedofailure in Australia.

England now has a site dedicated to naming and shaming pædophiles; or, as they are more commonly known, "nonces". (Brit slang circa 1970).

Not surprisingly, the British establishment, seriously lacking in lulz, have attempted time and again to get the site closed.

Noncewatch is an offshoot of the website Redwatch, a "Hit List" database run by a conglomerate of mouthbreathing Aryan Nation fucktards that lists home addresses and other private information about the pinko commie scum of England (i.e., anyone who denies the supremacy of the white race, believes in evolution, or called them names in grammar school).

Despite the overwhelming evidence that the majority of pædophiles who target the same sex do not identify themselves as homosexual and have a history of exclusively heterosexual adult relationships, they often list run-of-the-mill faggots who have no connection with child pornography at all.

In the middle east, it is perfectly legal for older men to marry children as young as 10 years old.

A girl aged 10 or 12 can be married. Those who think she's too young are wrong and they are being unfair to her."


Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Sheikh , speaking from Osama Bin Laden's recent wedding.

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Pedomusic videos

Little girls make me feel so good

Do the Sex Offender Shuffle

Classic Rock!

Pedophiles who use religion to subvert the system

Mohel's and other circumcisers get hard (or sometimes wet) from the idea of playing with an infants penis, and cutting into it with sharp objects. Feminist man-hating pedo's love this most, but 40 something year old pedo males with doctorates love it as well.

The Jewish Pedo Mohel especially loves sucking the penis of the boy after cutting the boy, getting hard, and cuming in his pants (a ritualistic Jewish ceremony known as the bris milah). That is the best part!

Jewish baby get's his first blow job!

Terms and Types

What Ephebophilies go after. Can you really blame them?
An experienced pedophile



  • Childlove: Remember-It's a child's RIGHT to be fucked! And if they tell no one will believe them anyways.
  • Nineyophilia: a special will to pleasure girls, only at the age of 9. People who have this sickness like to love-kiss little girls in the shower.
  • Pederasty: Raping little boys is EDUCATIONAL!
  • Pedosexual: Alternate term. Pedophiles prefer it because they think it makes pedophilia sound like a normal sexual orientation. Anti-pedos prefer it because it reminds people that pedophiles don't love children and only want to have sex with them, as opposed to necrophiliacs who really do fall romantically in love with dead bodies.


  • Hebephilia: Enjoys jailbait, plain and simple. Chris Hansen and Perverted-Justice target this type of person exclusively. NathanR and Brian Peppers were also busted for this. Real pedophiles like the people at consider this so old that they're disgusted by it.
  • Ephebophilia: Like Hebephilia, but instead of 13-17, it's 16-18, which is even less pedo, though still legally defined as "child".
  • Teleiophilia: Gets off only on larger, hairier children who can vote, buy cigarettes, and might be wrinkly. A common symptom of this disorder is the unavoidable urge to spend time on the telephone, thus the name.
  • Gerontophilia: Gets off on shrunken thin-skinned children who don't need to earn money & often take pills to have erections. Their caregivers often restrict their candy intake since they have a tendency to get hyper. They sometimes nickname their victims 'elders' because their sweat tastes as sweet as elderberries since they sneak so much candy regardless.
  • Negrophilia: As the elders continue to shrink, they enter a period of hibernation under the earth during which point they continue to lose weight and become very neotenic. Their skin blackens, and eventually with the assistance of the Negrophile who is an expert at digging, they emerge from the earth as an negro who, in appreciation, offer themself to the negrophile's wim. Negrophiles have a tendency to allow their insect friends sloppy seconds, at which point they indulge their vore fetish. Often, the negro is so sexually satisfied by being gangraped by the negrophile and bug friends that they will pass out for at least 100 centuries. Some of the females who don't get off may relocate for additional sex.


Galleria De Pedophilios



Fap-Worthy Lolitas & Shotas


See Also



Genuine appreciators of unused-virgin-pussy



Helpful Documentary About Pedophiles


is part of a series on
Child Abuse
Types of CP

is part of a series on Sex


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