Rule 34

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Predates the internet, possibly as far back as the 11th century.
Even the god damn batman cannot escape
Guro plane on plane porn. No exceptions.
If It Exists, There Is Porn of It. No Exceptions.


—Rule 34, A rule without exceptions is called a law Einstein


The oft-cited observation from lore, Rule 34 has been proven beyond even the faintest doubts by fetishists, furries, adult babies, childhood-destroyers and other horndogs, fetisists, basement.bois in general. Rule 34 is proudly featured on brain-raping websites such as 4chan, 7chan, Encyclopedia Dramatica and Google Image Search. On the most basic level, Rule 34 is the pornographic manifestation of the most fucked up things imaginable. Instances can be real, but are frequently hentai drawings by weeaboos, or composites done by photoshop fakers, face-painters, and others. Despite being numbered as thirty-four, Rule 34 was written actually well before any of the other Rules Of The Internet. The reason, this according to Greenspun, "I just thought it sounded better to have a 34th rule, as though it were part of a comprehensive system."

Most important to an understanding of Rule 34 is that it is NEVER breakable. Whatever it is, there will always be porn of it somewhere. This is underscored by Rule 35 stating that, if porn cannot be found of it, it must be created.



As a practical matter, Rule 34 prompts the imaginative to wonder exactly what kind of porn HASN'T been created. Such persons would have better luck trying to divide by zero. As with the rest of the Internet and Encyclopedia Dramatica, this very page offers Rule 34 manifestations of "Hey Arnold!," "Ben 10," the "Care Bears", the Wikipedia logo being eaten out by the Encyclopedia Dramatica logo at the start of the article, among others. shudder

7chan, unlike 4chan, is the only site that actually has an entire board dedicated to Rule 34. This still does not change the fact that 7chan licks moar ass than 4chan. paheal is the new king though.

Also, the rule can NEVAR be broken. EVAR. Some argue that this is because Rule 35 states that, if porn cannot be found of it, it must be created. THE RULE CANNOT BE BROKEN. REMEMBER THAT, FAGGOT.

In a more worldwide overall view, one is driven to wonder exactly who HASN'T had p0rn been made of them. See the above example of an internet meme named Lady J and the gallery at the bottom of the page for selections such as "Hey Arnold!" and "Ben 10."

Typical fanboy reaction to Rule 34.

The Rosie Loophole

Rosie O'Donnell has been 34'd. NO MOTHERFUCKING EXCEPTIONS.

(Read the skirt.)
Exception, /b/?

/34/ on 7chan

/34/ is an image board on 7chan that will rape your childhood, as it follows The Rules Of The Internetz. Even though it certainly exists, if no porn of it can be found, it is your responsibility to create more of it. /34/ also doubles as an alternative lolicon board.

The Essence of /34/

The only rules for posting in /34/:

This board is for Rule 34-related images: "THERE IS PORN OF IT. NO EXCEPTIONS." Please refrain from requesting images of pornography you know to exist, such as Sailor Moon, Card Captors, and almost every anime. This is not /r/.

Rule 34 makes women ejaculate and aquit.
Rule 34 makes women spread their blood.
Rule 34 makes women piss their pee.
Rule 34 makes women piss their pee.
Rule 34 makes men piss their pee.

Rule 34 Difficulty Rank System

/34/ Difficulty Ranking:

A "1" on the /34/ scale means that it's way too easy to find; anyone with a Rule 34 folder should have this.
Examples: Pokémon, Azumanga Daioh, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.

"2" means that it's easy enough to find in AerisDies, WWOEC, Palcomix, even Google Search

Examples: The Simpsons.

"3"s mean that you might have to do some digging, but it's still possible for a casual /34/er to come up with.

Examples: Lesser-known Disney Movies, most comic strips
A "4" requires great amounts of searching backwater porn sites, and possibly several bumps of a thread.
Examples: Most real-life movies, local things, walk-on appearances in 1, 2, or 3 rated material, etc.
A "5" means that there is not porn of it. Do your duty and /34/ it.
Examples: Walk-on appearances in 3 or 4 rated material, very unpopular or old shows/movies
A "6" means there shouldn't be porn of it.
Examples: Rosie O' Donnell, Calvin and Hobbes, The Raccoons, Shay, The Animaniacs, Garfield, Jar Jar Binks, your mom, your grandma, you...

More Lulz


Despite Rule 34 stating there are no exceptions, some anons considered the only exception to be Mr. Rogers, but a parody on Newgrounds shows Mr. Rogers in a cum stained sweater and with a hardon, revoking its no-exception status.[1] If you are not completely retarded you will realize that the following list of "exceptions" are in fact just still being made. There are NO exceptions.

Nobody has EVAR found Rule 34 on Milton from Office Space, and it should probably be left at that. The only other worthwhile exceptions are:

  • Alton Brown
  • The Mexican flag, but no one cares about that amirite?
  • Coheed and Cambria
  • Bill and Ted
  • Sword of the Stranger, it's new.
  • The girls from Confidential Confession volume 1
  • Marble Hornets
  • Cafe World
  • Other shit nobody cares about

Instant Rule 34

What wimminz do when reading this article. Nevermind, wimminz can't read.

On 10/08/08 (NEVAR FORGET), a /b/tard decided to end all difficulties associated with Rule 34 on any subject. The 'Instant Rule 34', a template consisting of a cock, a mouth and some cum, became instantly popular with /b/ due to the fact that simply pasting it onto any image and moving it to juxtapose correctly would instantly Rule 34 that image. The thread exploded with never-before-seen Rule 34s, such as Louis Armstrong. The participating Anonymous then took it upon themselves to take as many memes as they could and Rule 34 them and, within moments, 10/08/08 became known as MEME RAEP Day.

If you have any Instant Rule 34s you'd like to share, do not hesitate to upload them into this handy gallery, to prove once and for all that RULE 34 HAS NO EXCEPTIONS. Internet defeated.

The thread is apparently awaiting review for the 4chan Archives. We'll keep you posted.


"If it exists, there is porn of it."
  • Lunch does exist, therefore, there is porn of it.
  • You do exist, therefore, there is porn of you. If there is no porn of you, someone will create it.
  • And the same goes for your mom.

Rule 34 Gallery

Rule 34? In my Playboy?

Too little, too late. Way to be relevant Playboy, way to be relevant.

See Also

External Links

4chanarchive has archived threads related
to this topic for græt justice.

Rule 34 is part of a series on
Visit the Memes Portal for complete coverage.

Rule 34
is part of a series on Sex


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