Eating disorder

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You have an eating disorder no matter what size you are.

Eating disorders are solely about getting attention. They are nothing more, and if you think otherwise you are lying. Often victims resort to cheating, stealing and raping teenagers in return for profit.

Eating disorders are often a call for attention. Posting about your disorder to the internets definitely is. That makes eating disorder forums a great place for pedophiles to prey.


Types of Eating Disorder


Another successfully treated patient.
Moar info: Anorexia.

Also known as "Plan A", anorexia is all about discipline with goals. It is fairly easily summed up as an over-controlling of the self.

Contrary to common belief, anorexia can be caused by actual health problems like contagious diseases, food poisoning, or physical trauma. If you are not a 16-year old girl or an attention whore, and think you have anorexia, see a medical doctor instead of a psychiatrist.


Of course eating the vomit afterward undermines the purpose of bulimia. However bulimics are fatties and will eat anything anyway.

Also known as "Plan B", bulimia, is that lack of control. You eat, then feel guilty about it. There are non-purging bulimics (some use laxatives to vacate their bowels instead of vomiting) and of course the common purging bulimics.

Remember kids, if you're not throwing up, you're not skinny enough.

I am still awaiting a voraphile bulimic.


Moar info: Fatty.

Overeating is the most disgusting eating disorder, visually speaking. See fat for more info.

Atkins Diet

Leader of the Zombie Armada, Lich and dead guy, Atkins.

A system of eating only small Atkinses, invented to turn all the world's fatties into Atkins-zombies. The Atkins company recently went bankrupt, to the dismay of jealous, fat fucktards everywhere.

Atkins zombie

A less useful type of zombie that is only as common as it is because the basic resource needed to make them, fat people, is so abundant. Long-term Atkins-zombies eventually lose the use of their natural teleportation powers and are forced to rely on their offensive odor to defend themselves from predators. You can see Atkins dieters on LiveJournal, but don't get too close because you too are a source of lo-carbs.

Brain Eating

Q: Hi! I've been on the Atkins diet for three months, now. I've bought several books and read them all, but I'm still not sure about one point. Can I still eat brains?
A: Yes you can! That's what makes the Atkins diet so much better than all the others. You can eat all the brains you want! Masturbation is also good and is negative calories

Eating Disorders as a Drama-Generating Technique

Here are some suggestions for generating drama through eating disorders, with examples where applicable:

  • Announce you are have an eating disorder while you have another disorder. Gurlfriend was excellent at this, as she was anorexic and pregnant.

See Also

Donvito.gif Eating disorder is part of a series on Diseases and Disorders.
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