Girlvinyl's vagina

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Raaaaaaaaaaaar! Note: This is Real.

In outer space, there are things called black holes. Wondrous and terrible to behold, these horrifying miracles of physics are capable of attracting all kinds of space junk, stars, and planets into their gaping maws. They are a force to be reckoned with, and are inscrutable even by the standards of modern science.

Girlvinyl's Vagina is something like that.

An immensely powerful entity created to make mice out of otherwise strong-willed men, it exists in one place in the real world, but its power extends to many different places on the internets, from the most e-popular LiveJournal communities to the craziest Wikipedia entries.

It is also rumored to be the final doomsday weapon of the Worldwide Masonic conspiracy, should all other plans come to naught.

The Secret to Its Power

Its power is housed deep within the caverns of the vagina. Unfortunately, the only entity brave enough to explore it, Quasidan's penis, suffered a horrible fate and was rendered speechless.

Because of its wide reach and vice-like grip on the shaft of society, it must be held in a chastity belt until the right hero can come along and harness its power.

Until then, we shall all live in fear and awe.


It is currently unknown if Girlyinyl's vagina contains centipedes. There is a rumor that research is being done to find out.


Holy god I had never seen this before. You people are sick.


Girlvinyl upon discovering this article.

Girlvinyl's vagina
is part of a series on Sex


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