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A dedicated vaginatarian enjoying breakfast rape.

A vaginatarian is a heterosexual male who has a little dick and has to resort to eating pussy to please women or a lesbian who has a diet consisting entirely of vagina. When women do it its extremely HOT.

Quasidan, as well as his penis, are vaginatarians. Mediacrat, however, is not.

Vaginatarians usually die before they hit 30, because vaginas lack the essential nutrients needed for survival. However, it's all worth it, because being a vaginatarian means you're totally badass.

The taste of a pussy depends on the kind of woman it belongs to. Here are some examples:

  • Black woman's pussy: KFC and watermelon
  • Chinese woman's pussy: rice
  • Russian woman's pussy: dead children
  • White woman's pussy: comic books, pimples, and fan art
  • Old woman's pussy: cheese

Cooking a pussy in garlic with a nice mixture of herbs and spices leads to a very satisfying meal, though it can put you in prison.

is part of a series on Sex


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