Minding Your Business
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February 9, 2010

Good vs Great Salespeople: Memorize Your Prices!
We talk all the time about the differences between an average salesperson and a great salesperson. We have discussed that the small things are what separates the average salesperson from the great ones. One of those things we covered in our last Sales Insight, the importance of not only knowing your inventory but also having a working knowledge of it on a daily basis. Along those same lines, it is also vital that you memorize the prices of the items that you are selling.

Before Diving Into Social Media, Consider Your Customer's Needs
Before you get caught up in the social media frenzy, take a minute to get reacquainted with your customer: Are they online and if so, what are they seeking there?

"What do I do if I cry in front of my boss?"
Power, and the misuse thereof, is the biggest, most inherent obstacle at work that keeps people from functioning normally, healthily, openly and honestly. But, employees are at the mercy of their bosses who may very well be unhealthy, unstable, incompetent, or just plain nasty.

When Accommodation is Confused with Collaboration
There is a fascination with “teams” and “teambuilding” in the business world, and yet many managers really want employees to accommodate (subordinate) their interests in favor of senior leaders' beliefs.

MommyBloggers: Reaching 24,000+ instantly
My friend Jay started a blog after building his website because he thought it would help him get more business. He sporadically wrote blogs about specials in his stores and sent out discount coupons to customers. Yet, nobody ever commented on his blog, and worse, when he looked at his Google Analytics he had almost zero repeat visitors. He thought this social media stuff wasn't worth the time or effort and wrote it off. Good news is today I discovered that theBlogFrog.com is a great solution to his online customer woes.

“You work for me & reek of alcohol.”
It has happened to me several times and also to lots of managers I know – an employee comes into work reeking of booze and has no idea. Admittedly, it can be awkward to tell someone that he smells as if he’s been drinking at 9 o'clock in the morning (or earlier)

