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Reddit, I think I have a nerve problem near my Jaw, help me out?

shortname111 3 points4 points 2 hours ago[-]

GO. TO. A. DOCTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(p.s.: feel better)

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 hours ago[-]

wow, spam.

So I have a new found interest in physics and would like to ask a question.

shortname111 1 point2 points 5 hours ago[-]

"CONCENTRATE!" says the grammar nazi.

State help for single mom « Financial help for single moms

shortname111 0 points1 point 6 hours ago[-]

lol, every single post (made by the OP) is to the same website. lol spam/shill.

Dear Reddit, I have a question about home security and somebody who's possibly staking out my house to rob or worse.

shortname111 0 points1 point 6 hours ago[-]

well, first, get an alarm system [although this may be beaten by cutting the phone lines. get someone to stop by everyday, maybe even pay someone to be a "house sitter" if you are really scared.

The roaring 1420s: an exciting decade worth remembering

shortname111 0 points1 point 8 hours ago[-]

OMG, i love Christmas pudding!

Handmade Bracelets

shortname111 0 points1 point 10 hours ago[-]

thanks for the spam, douchebag.

"I look back and see a tall, thin, completely naked young man walking briskly towards me while holding his willy."

shortname111 2 points3 points 10 hours ago[-]

it appears as if you were almost raped. are you in Japan?

$2000 free for just joining a twitter feed ? Ya, I am in.

shortname111 -1 points0 points 1 day ago[-]

lol scam

Should I break up w/ my gf?

shortname111 -2 points-1 points 1 day ago[-]

I'd say yes even though I didn't read a thing you wrote.

I am submitting this in the hope that someone from IW or Activision will see this and take note.

shortname111 0 points1 point 1 day ago[-]

I'm still having fun with COD 4. basically the same but not unfair

How many of you are French Canadians?

shortname111 0 points1 point 2 days ago[-]

"!=" actually means "does not equal". it appears that you have misunderstood, which explains your comments' contradiction.

What's better: Firefox or Chrome?

shortname111 1 point2 points 2 days ago[-]

I personally like chrome better. it never crashes, organizes my bookmarks well and does everything a browser should do and does it well. the search bar is particularly useful imo. however, I have a problem with google having my passwords and knowing almost everything I do on the web, so I mostly stick with firefox. it's a shame that a company like google had to make the better browser though.

Hey Reddit, have you ever been to Thailand?

shortname111 1 point2 points 2 days ago[-]

I think what the OP wanted to really say was : "Reddit, how many of you have ordered 13 year old hookers?"

Fox News Journalism Fail: Chris Wallace tries to take a cheap shot at Ron Paul and gets back a big slap in the face.

shortname111 1 point2 points 2 days ago[-]

because (and I quote):

wow that was annoying to watch.

it may also be that you come off as a karma-whore

Should I visit a prostitute?

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

whatever man, just understand that prostitutes only provide sexual release, not emotional connection. also, don't go for an STD ridden, trashy 10$ whore who's going to push drugs. if you're going to buy a prostitute go for one that won't kill you within 10 years, won't give you a bad habit and use a condom.

Reddit, am I a pedophile?

shortname111 -2 points-1 points 3 days ago[-]

lol troll

What would you make a person do under the effects of Scopolamine?

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

I'd get myself a ahem sex slave ahem i mean girlfriend.

How many of you are French Canadians?

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

I'm not a Canadian, I'm a Quebeceur!

How many of you are French Canadians?

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

lol, un Ontarien qui parle comme un Quebeceur.

How many of you are French Canadians?

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

it's ironic, because everyone wishes they could downvote you more

How many of you are French Canadians?

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

Et les Quebeceurs jettent du Joyal partout leur francais

Schizo-mom aims with pistol at me, wants me to leave her place. I'm writing this in an internet cafe.

shortname111 0 points1 point 3 days ago[-]

check out the numerous "living on the street" threads. they have lots of good info in case things go bad.

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