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Chyna (born Joanie Laurer) is a former professional wrestler and bodybuilder who used too many steroids and grew herself a penis, or as some would put it, a mangina. Whenever you hear Chris-chan saying how much he loves "china", this is who he's referring to.

In recent years she has turned down the steroids and turned up the plastic surgery, so instead of looking like a man, she just looks like an ugly woman (aka your mom).

This is actually a common occurrence amongst FTM transsexuals but since she isn't one, as far as we know, it's a lulzy side effect from years of prolonged steroid abuse.

The strange thing is that the penis is already circumcised!

Chyna is now trying to make an honest woman out of herself by appearing in legitimate films and television shows. The last movie she appeared in was Illegal Aliens along side Anna Nicole Smith and the last television show she was on was Celebrity Rehab. A promising start, I must say.

Joey Buttafuoco proving that steroids don't do shit.

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