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Healthy Eating

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What's in Fast Food?
Do you really know what you're eating when you sit down at your favorite fast-food restaurant? A new study reveals some shocking results.
Not So Happy Meal

Veggie Tracker

Use this fun and easy tool to find out if you're meeting your daily fruit and vegetable requirements.
Track Servings

Got "Active" Dairy?

Almost every major food manufacturer is now selling "active culture" products. Find out if they really work.
Yogurt Claims

Healthy Nighttime Nibbles

It's a bit past midnight, and you wake up with a grumbling stomach. Rather than reaching for ice cream or leftover pasta -- and waking the next day with the guilts -- here are some tasty, good-for-you midnight munchies.
Best Midnight Snacks

Featured Stories

Surprising Superfoods
Nov 9th 2009 3:19PM inHealthy Living, Healthy Eating
They may get B-list treatment at the supermarket, but their health benefits deserve top billing. ...Read more ››
New Study Shows Soda and Juice Could Be Dangerous
Nov 9th 2009 3:13PM inHealthy Living, Healthy Eating
If you sip more than two glasses of soda or fruit juice a day, you could be increasing your risk for long-term liver damage. According to new research, consuming drinks high in sugar, like cola and cranberry juice, can cause ...Read more ››
Fruit and Veggie Serving Sizes
Nov 9th 2009 2:19PM inHealthy Living, Healthy Eating
What is a serving size? A serving size is a standard measurement used to give advice about how much to eat or to determine how many calories and nutrients are in a food. Although the term "serving size" is often used ...Read more ››
What's In Your Food
Nov 9th 2009 1:50PM inHealthy Living, Healthy Eating
Ever feel like you're trying to decipher a foreign language when you look at the long list of ingredients printed on a package? Here, we break down common mystery ingredients -- some harmless, some worrisome and some downright ...Read more ››
Quinoa: The Top-Secret Superfood
Nov 5th 2009 5:26PM inHealthy Living, Healthy Eating
Packed with protein, loaded with fiber, and older than Peru, quinoa is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet Use the following recipes and variations to turn this simple grain into more than a dozen dishes. ...Read more ››

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