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January 30th, 2010

Haiti: Bloggers' Reactions to Regional Interventions

For more than two weeks, the governance of Haiti after the earthquake has been seriously questioned by Haitian bloggers. They are now discussing the reactions in the neighboring countries and islands of the Caribbean. Here is a review of the French-speaking posts dealing with this question.

January 5th, 2010

Bolivia: The Life of a Taxi Driver in El Alto

Blogger Wilfredo Jordán takes a closer look at the life of a taxi driver in El Alto, Bolivia. In addition to the long working conditions for little pay, they often face dangerous situations from passengers.

November 2nd, 2009

Bolivia: Water Shortages Due to Melting Glaciers

Conversations for a Better World
The disappearance of glaciers in the Bolivian Andes Mountains is causing a concern because the future water shortages will affect the availability of suitable drinking water for a vulnerable migrant population.

August 18th, 2009

Bolivia: Honoring Dogs on the Feast of St. Roch

Bolivians recently celebrated the Feast of St. Roch, the patron saint of dogs. On this day, many people give extra attention to pets that have given them so much throughout the year.