Film Reviews by Steve Sailer

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My film reviews are listed here. First, they appear in reverse chronological order. Then, they are listed at the bottom of the page in alphabetical order. 


To read them while the movies are still in the theatres (and I do a better job than most magazine critics of getting the review to you before the film is gone), you need to subscribe to The American Conservative


As a starter, you might check out "Nothing Verboten: An Interview with Steve Sailer," in which Bernard Chapin interviews me on how I approach reviewing movies.


I've given them all top-of-the-head ratings on a 1 to 10 scale with 1 being awful and 10 being among the 1 to 3 best movies of the year. A 5 would be a toss-up on whether it's worth seeing or not. My reviews probably average around 6, but then I try to review above-average movies. I don't review movies, however, to tell you whether you should like them or not (you have your own tastes and I'm too old to care about trying to impose my tastes on you), but because they raise broader social, political, or artistic issues.



The Devil Wears Prada - Meryl Streep

The Departed - Scorsese and a killer cast

Flags of Our Fathers - Eastwood's Iwo Jima film
Idiocracy - The comedy Fox doesn't want you to see

Borat - Polish jokes all over again

All the King's Men - Sean Penn as Huey Long
The Science of Sleep - Gael Garcia Bernal in Michel Gondry's comedy
Quinceañera - Chicanos vs. gay gentrifiers  
Cars - Pixar hit
A Prairie Home Companion - Robert Altman and Garrison Keillor  

The Da Vinci Code -- Tom Hanks, Dan Brown - 2
Mission: Impossible III -- Tom Cruise, Philip Seymour Hoffman - 7
American Dreamz -- Hugh Grant, Dennis Quaid - 5
Friends with Money -- Jennifer Aniston, Catherine Keener - 7
Munich -- Steven Spielberg drama about Mossad agents - 7

Glory Road
-- Josh Lucas basketball coach movie - 6
Match Point -- Woody Allen erotic thriller in London - 7
Something New -- Black-white romantic comedy - 8
Night Watch -- Russian cops & vampires movie -- 6
Thank You For Smoking -- Christopher Buckley satire - 7
V for Vendetta -- Wachowski Siblings comic book - 3


2005 (Reverse Chronological Order


The New World - Versus the Real Captain John Smith- 3

Memoirs of a Geisha - Zhang Ziyi - 6
- Hit Broadway Musical about Lower East Side bohemians - 4 

Jarhead - Quasi-true Desert Storm war memoir - 7

The Constant Gardener - John Le Carre - 5

Capote - Philip Seymour Hoffman - 8

Proof - Gwyneth Paltrow - 6

North Country - Charlize Theron - 4

2046 (Wong Kar Wai, Tony Leung, Zhang Ziyi) - 9

Hustle & Flow (Terrence Howard) - 5

Broken Flowers (Bill Murray, Jim Jarmusch) & The Beautiful Country (Nick Nolte)  - 7, 6

Yes (Joan Allen, Sally Potter, written in heroic couplets) - 8

Cinderella Man (Russell Crowe, Ron Howard) - 7

Crash (Don Cheadle, Sandra Bullock, Paul Haggis) - 8

The Interpreter (Sean Penn, Nicole Kidman) - 4

Walk on Water (Israeli comedy with Lior Ashkenazi) - 7

Melinda and Melinda (Woody Allen) and Look at Me (Agnès Jaoui) - 4 and 8

Head-On and Up and Down (European immigration films) - 8 and 6

Bride and Prejudice (Jane Austen goes Bollywood) - 5


2004 (Reverse Chronological Order)

The Aviator and the Oscar Race - 9

Hotel Rwanda (Don Cheadle, Tutsis v. Hutus) - 7 

Million Dollar Baby - Clint Eastwood, Hillary Swank, Morgan Freeman - 6

Oceans' Twelve - George Clooney, Steven Soderbergh - 7

Alexander - Oliver Stone, Colin Farrell - 4

Polar Express and The Incredibles - Tom Hanks, Brad Bird - 5, 9

Alfie - Jude Law - 3

Being Julia, Stage Beauty, and Team America: World Police - 6, 5, 6

The Motorcycle Diaries - Che Guevara biopic - 7

Silver City & Bush's Brain - Chris Cooper as GWB - 3 & 3

Hero - Zhang Yimou, Jet Li - 10

Bright Young Things - Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies - 8

She Hate Me - Spike Lee - 1

The Terminal - Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks - 6

Napoleon Dynamite & Maria Full of Grace - 6 & 6

Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore - 7

A Day without a Mexican -- Chicano political satire - 6

Troy - Brad Pitt - 7

Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius - Jim Caviezel - 5

Kill Bill versus The Passion of the Christ - Quentin Tarantino 5 & 10

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring - Korean - 7

The Ladykillers - Tom Hanks, Coen Bros. - 6

The Alamo -- Dennis Quaid - 6

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Jim Carrey - 8

Good Bye, Lenin! - All-time German box-office hit - 7

The Battle of Algiers - Screened by the Pentagon - 9


2003 (Reverse Chronological Order)

Monster - Charlize Theron - 7

21 Grams - Benicio del Toro, Sean Penn, Naomi Watts - 6

Big Fish - Tim Burton - 8

Nothing Verboten: An Interview with Steve Sailer - Bernard Chapin interviews me on how I review films

The Last Samurai - Tom Cruise - 6

Master and Commander - Russell Crowe - 9

The Missing - Ron Howard, Tommie Lee Jones, Cate Blanchett - 5

Veronica Guerin - Cate Blanchett - 6

The Human Stain -- Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman - 6

The Matrix Revolutions - The Wachowski Siblings - 1

Intolerable Cruelty - George Clooney, Coen Bros. - 7

Beyond Borders - Angelina Jolie -3

Mystic River - Clint Eastwood, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins - 7

Under the Tuscan Sun - Dian Lane - 5

Lost in Translation - Bill Murray, Sofia Coppola - 8

Matchstick Men - Nicholas Cage - 7

Open Range - Kevin Costner - 8

American Splendor - Harvey Pekar - 7

Le Divorce - Kate Hudson, Merchant & Ivory - 6

The Secret Lives of Dentists -- Campbell Scott - 5

Seabiscuit - Toby Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper - 6

Northfork -- Polish Bros., James Woods, Nick Nolte - 8

Pirates of the Caribbean and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Johnny Depp and Sean Connery, respectively - 4 & 6

Terminator 3 - Arnold Schwarzenegger - 7

Herod's Law - Mexican political satire - 7

Together - Chinese violin prodigy film - 7

Alex & Emma - Kate Hudson, Rob Reiner, Dostoevsky - 2

Hollywood Homicide - Harrison Ford, Ron Shelton - 5

The Italian Job - Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Norton - 8

The In-Laws - Albert Brooks, Michael Douglas - 5

The Matrix Reloaded - Keanu Reeves, Wachowskis - 2

Better Luck Tomorrow - Asian-American indie drama - 6

X2: X-Men United - Huge Jackman, teeming freaks - 4

People I Know - Al Pacino, Kim Basinger - 5

A Mighty Wind - Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy - 7

Anger Management - Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson - 3

Phone Booth - Colin Farrell, Joel Schumacher - 6

Head of State - Chris Rock, Bernie Mac - 3

Bend It Like Beckham - My Big Fat Sikh Heading - 5

The Hunted - Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro - 4

Tears of the Sun - Bruce Willis, Monica Belluci - 4

Jungle Book 2 - John Goodman, Haley Joel Osment - 3

Oscar Race 2002 - Wrap-up

Shanghai Knights - Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson - 5

The Recruit - Al Pacino, Colin Farrell - 4

25th Hour - Edward Norton, Spike Lee - 7

City of God - Brazilian gangster classic - 9



2002 (Reverse chronological order)

The Pianist - Roman Polanski, Adrien Brody - 7

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - George Clooney - 6

The Hours - Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep - 4

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Peter Jackson - 10

About Schmidt - Alexander Payne, Jack Nicholson - 7

Adaptation -- Charlie Kaufman, Nicholas Cage - 9

Solaris - Steven Soderbergh, George Clooney - 3

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Rowling's second - 7

Femme Fatale - Brian De Palma - 4

Frida - Salma Hayek - 8

The Truth about Charlie - Jonathan Demme, Mark Wahlberg - 3

Real Women Have Curves - Mexican-American drama - 6

Punch-Drunk Love - Adam Sandler - 9

Red Dragon - Sir Anthony Hopkins - 3

Sweet Home Alabama - Reese Witherspoon - 5

Spirited Away - Hayao Miyazaki - 6

Barbershop - Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer - 8

City by the Sea - Robert De Niro - 5

Mad Love (Juana la Loca) - Spanish - 5

Serving Sara - a Matthew Perry stinker - 1

Possession - A.S. Byatt, Gwyneth Paltrow - 6

Blood Work & XXX - Clint Eastood, Vin Diesel - 6 & 3

Austin Powers in Goldmember - Mike Myers - 3

K-19 - Harrison Ford - 7

Road to Perdition - Tom Hanks - 6

The Powerpuff Girls Movie - Animated - 2

Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner - Eskimo epic - 7

Minority Report - Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg - 8

Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - Animated horse feature - 5

Windtalkers - Nicholas Cage, John Woo - 3

Bad Company - Chris Rock, Anthony Hopkins - 2

Sum of All Fears - Ben Affleck, Tom Clancy - 8

About a Boy - Hugh Grant - 8

Attack of the Clones - Star Wars II - 7

Unfaithful - Diane Lane, Richard Gere, Adrian Lyne - 10

Spider-Man -- Tobey Maguire - 7

Life or Something Like It - Angelina Jolie - 4

Murder by Numbers - Sandra Bullock - 4

Other Side of Heaven - Mormon missionary movie - 5

Death to Smoochy - Robin Williams - 3

Big Trouble - Dave Barry, Tim Allen - 8

E.T. 20th Anniversary Edition - Steven Spielberg - 6

Showtime - Eddie Murphy, Robert De Niro - 4

The Time Machine - Guy Pearce - 4

We Were Soldiers - Mel Gibson - 7

Dragonfly - Kevin Costner - 6

Collateral Damage - Arnold Schwarzenegger - 7

John Q - Denzel Washington - 5

Birthday Girl - Nicole Kidman - 5

Count of Monte Cristo - Jim Caviezel - 8



2001 (Reverse chronological order)


Black Hawk Down - Ridley Scott - 9

Monster's Ball - Halle Berry, Billy Bob Thornton - 5

A Beautiful Mind - Russell Crowe, Ron Howard - 6

Ali - Will Smith, Michael Mann - 3

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - Peter Jackson - 9

The Majestic - Jim Carrey - 4

Vanilla Sky - Tom Cruise, Cameron Crowe - 8

Behind Enemy Lines - Owen  Wilson - 5

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Chris Columbus - 7

Spy Game - Robert Redford, Brad Pitt - 4

Training Day - Denzel Washington - 8

The Man Who Would Be King - My September 26, 2001 analysis of the Kipling-Huston classic and why it suggested the US would win fairly easily in Afghanistan - 10

Curse of the Jade Scorpion - Woody Allen - 6

O - Othello updating, Julia Stiles - 5

The Others - Nicole Kidman - 7

Rush Hour 2 - Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker - 8

Planet of the Apes - Tim Burton, Mark Wahlberg - 5

Jurassic Park III - Tea Leoni, William Macy, dinosaurs - 6

Legally Blonde - Reese Witherspoon - 6

Atlantis - Disney -5

Moulin Rouge - Baz Luhrmann, Nicole Kidman - 9

Pearl Harbor - Ben Affleck - 4

Shrek - Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers - 7

Bridget Jones' Diary - Rene Zellweger - 7

American Desi - Indian-American romantic comedy - 6

Memento - Guy Pearce - 7



All Reviews in Alphabetical Order

21 Grams - Benicio del Toro, Sean Penn, Naomi Watts - 6
25th Hour - Edward Norton, Spike Lee - 7
A Beautiful Mind - Russell Crowe, Ron Howard - 6
A Day without a Mexican -- Chicano political satire - 6
A Mighty Wind - Christopher Guest, Eugene Levy - 7
About a Boy - Hugh Grant - 8
About Schmidt - Alexander Payne, Jack Nicholson - 7
Adaptation -- Charlie Kaufman, Nicholas Cage - 9
Alex & Emma - Kate Hudson, Rob Reiner, Dostoevsky - 2
Alexander - Oliver Stone, Colin Farrell - 4
Alfie - Jude Law - 3
Ali - Will Smith, Michael Mann - 3
American Desi - Indian-American romantic comedy - 6
American Splendor - Harvey Pekar - 7
Anger Management - Adam Sandler, Jack Nicholson - 3
Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner - Eskimo epic - 7
Atlantis - Disney -5
Attack of the Clones - Star Wars II - 7
Austin Powers in Goldmember - Mike Myers - 3
Bad Company - Chris Rock, Anthony Hopkins - 2
Barbershop - Ice Cube, Cedric the Entertainer - 8
Behind Enemy Lines - Owen  Wilson - 5
Being Julia, Stage Beauty, and Team America: World Police - 6, 5, 6
Bend It Like Beckham - My Big Fat Sikh Heading - 5
Better Luck Tomorrow - Asian-American indie drama - 6
Beyond Borders - Angelina Jolie -3
Big Fish - Tim Burton - 8
Big Trouble - Dave Barry, Tim Allen - 8
Birthday Girl - Nicole Kidman - 5
Black Hawk Down - Ridley Scott - 9
Blood Work & XXX - Clint Eastood, Vin Diesel - 6 & 3
Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius - Jim Caviezel - 5
Bridget Jones' Diary - Rene Zellweger - 7
Bright Young Things - Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies - 8
City by the Sea - Robert De Niro - 5
City of God - Brazilian gangster classic - 9
Collateral Damage - Arnold Schwarzenegger - 7
Confessions of a Dangerous Mind - George Clooney - 6
Count of Monte Cristo - Jim Caviezel - 8
Curse of the Jade Scorpion - Woody Allen - 6
Death to Smoochy - Robin Williams - 3
Dragonfly - Kevin Costner - 6
E.T. 20th Anniversary Edition - Steven Spielberg - 6
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Jim Carrey - 8
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Michael Moore - 7
Femme Fatale - Brian De Palma - 4
Frida - Salma Hayek - 8
Good Bye, Lenin! - All-time German box-office hit - 7
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets - Rowling's second - 7
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone - Chris Columbus - 7
Head of State - Chris Rock, Bernie Mac - 3
Hero - Zhang Yimou, Jet Li - 10
Herod's Law - Mexican political satire - 7
Hollywood Homicide - Harrison Ford, Ron Shelton - 5
Intolerable Cruelty - George Clooney, Coen Bros. - 7
John Q - Denzel Washington - 5
Jungle Book 2 - John Goodman, Haley Joel Osment - 3
Jurassic Park III - Tea Leoni, William Macy, dinosaurs - 6
K-19 - Harrison Ford - 7
Kill Bill versus The Passion of the Christ - Quentin Tarantino 5 & 10
Le Divorce - Kate Hudson, Merchant & Ivory - 6
Legally Blonde - Reese Witherspoon - 6
Life or Something Like It - Angelina Jolie - 4
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring - Peter Jackson - 9
Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers - Peter Jackson - 10
Lost in Translation - Bill Murray, Sofia Coppola - 8
Mad Love (Juana la Loca) - Spanish - 5
Master and Commander - Russell Crowe - 9
Matchstick Men - Nicholas Cage - 7
Memento - Guy Pearce - 7
Million Dollar Baby - Clint Eastwood, Hillary Swank, Morgan Freeman - 6
Minority Report - Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg - 8
Monster - Charlize Theron - 7
Monster's Ball - Halle Berry , Billy Bob Thornton - 5
Moulin Rouge - Baz Luhrmann, Nicole Kidman - 9
Murder by Numbers - Sandra Bullock - 4
Mystic River - Clint Eastwood, Sean Penn, Tim Robbins - 7
Napoleon Dynamite & Maria Full of Grace - 6 & 6
Northfork -- Polish Bros., James Woods, Nick Nolte - 8
Nothing Verboten: An Interview with Steve Sailer - Bernard Chapin interviews me on how I review films
O - Othello updating, Julia Stiles - 5
Oceans' Twelve - George Clooney, Steven Soderbergh - 7
Open Range - Kevin Costner - 8
Oscar Race 2002 - Wrap-up
Other Side of Heaven - Mormon missionary movie - 5
Pearl Harbor - Ben Affleck - 4
People I Know - Al Pacino, Kim Basinger - 5
Phone Booth - Colin Farrell, Joel Schumacher - 6
Pirates of the Caribbean and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Johnny Depp and Sean Connery, respectively - 4 & 6
Planet of the Apes - Tim Burton, Mark Wahlberg - 5
Polar Express and The Incredibles - Tom Hanks, Brad Bird - 5, 9
Possession - Gwyneth Paltrow - 6
Punch-Drunk Love - Adam Sandler - 9
Real Women Have Curves - Mexican-American drama - 6
Red Dragon - Sir Anthony Hopkins - 3
Road to Perdition - Tom Hanks - 6
Rush Hour 2 - Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker - 8
Seabiscuit - Toby Maguire, Jeff Bridges, Chris Cooper - 6
Serving Sara - a Matthew Perry stinker - 1
Shanghai Knights - Jackie Chan, Owen Wilson - 5
She Hate Me - Spike Lee - 1
Showtime - Eddie Murphy, Robert De Niro - 4
Shrek - Eddie Murphy, Mike Myers - 7
Silver City & Bush's Brain - Chris Cooper as GWB - 3 & 3
Solaris - Steven Soderbergh, George Clooney - 3
Spider-Man -- Tobey Maguire - 7
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron - Animated feature - 5
Spirited Away - Hayao Miyazaki - 6
Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter ... and Spring - Korean - 7
Spy Game - Robert Redford, Brad Pitt - 4
Sum of All Fears - Ben Affleck, Tom Clancy - 8
Sweet Home Alabama - Reese Witherspoon - 5
Tears of the Sun - Bruce Willis, Monica Belluci - 4
Terminator 3 - Arnold Schwarzenegger - 7
The Alamo -- Dennis Quaid - 6
The Battle of Algiers - Screened by the Pentagon - 9
The Hours - Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep - 4
The Human Stain -- Anthony Hopkins, Nicole Kidman - 6
The Hunted - Tommy Lee Jones, Benicio Del Toro - 4
The In-Laws - Albert Brooks, Michael Douglas - 5
The Italian Job - Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Norton - 8
The Ladykillers - Tom Hanks, Coen Bros. - 6
The Last Samurai - Tom Cruise - 6
The Majestic - Jim Carrey - 4
The Man Who Would Be King - My September 26, 2001 analysis of the Kipling-Huston classic and why it suggested the US would win fairly easily in Afghanistan - 10
The Matrix Reloaded - Keanu Reeves, Wachowskis - 2
The Matrix Revolutions - The Wachowski Siblings - 1
The Missing - Ron Howard, Tommie Lee Jones, Cate Blanchett - 5
The Motorcycle Diaries - Che Guevara biopic - 7
The Others - Nicole Kidman - 7
The Pianist - Roman Polanski, Adrien Brody - 7
The Powerpuff Girls Movie - Animated - 2
The Recruit - Al Pacino, Colin Farrell - 4
The Secret Lives of Dentists -- Campbell Scott - 5
The Terminal - Steven Spielberg & Tom Hanks - 6
The Time Machine - Guy Pearce - 4
The Truth about Charlie - Jonathan Demme, Mark Wahlberg - 3
Together - Chinese violin prodigy film - 7
Training Day - Denzel Washington - 8
Troy - Brad Pitt - 7
Under the Tuscan Sun - Dian Lane - 5
Unfaithful - Diane Lane , Richard Gere, Adrian Lyne - 10
Vanilla Sky - Tom Cruise, Cameron Crowe - 8
Veronica Guerin - Cate Blanchett - 6
We Were Soldiers - Mel Gibson - 7
Windtalkers - Nicholas Cage, John Woo - 3
X2: X-Men United - Huge Jackman, teeming freaks - 4

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