What happens to your digital assets when you die?

From banking and social networking to storing pictures and listening to music, we can do everything digitally these days. Moneywise investigates what happens to these accounts when you die.

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Moneywise's First 50 Funds for beginners

When you start investing, choosing from thousands of funds can seem very daunting.

Investment funds for your kids' financial future

To boost your kids’ savings, it pays to adopt a sound investment strategy.

Don’t fall for a pension scam

Ever been offered an investment opportunity in burial plots, Carribean hotel rooms or a guaranteed return from Uruguayan soya beans?

Moneywise Pension Awards 2017

Confused about what to do with your pension savings?

Moneywise Customer Service Awards

50,000 readers have had their say on the most trusted financial providers in the UK. We reveal the winners of the Moneywise Customer Service Awards 2017.

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How to get 2.14% interest on your £50,000 savings – the Moneywise model savings portfolio

Cash savers continue to battle against low interest rates and poor returns across the market, but there are ways to get more out of your savings...

Lifetime Isas – which account should I open?

The Lifetime Isa (Lisa) is a great way for young people to save for their first home or to help fund the cost of retirement.

‘Portfolio landlords’ the driving force behind buy to let

Tax reforms and tighter regulations for landlords have resulted in the growth of professional landlords and a slowdown in the private rented...

Major house-builders don’t sign up to new consumer code

A Consumer Code for New Homes (CCNH) has been launched today, with the aim of improving the marketing, selling and after-sales service provided...

Fight for your rights: ‘Both Axa and Thomas Cook won’t pay out for my 20-hour flight delay’

No matter how great your holiday, it will end on a sour note if your flight home is delayed for hours.

Time to review your financial protection

It is often said that insurance provides financial peace of mind – until you make a claim and your insurer starts to cut up rough.

‘It’s my responsibility to keep myself secure online,’ say Moneywise users: Protect yourself from cyber crime

Nearly half (46%) of Moneywise.co.uk users strongly agree with the statement that it’s their responsibility to keep themselves secure online.

How to create a password to give you peace of mind

There really is no excuse for failing to select a strong password, one that is hard for a hacker to crack.

A Moneywise Christmas: Hot gadgets the gifts that keep on giving

If you’re hunting for innovative presents that won’t break the bank, then take a look at these high- and low-tech gizmos.

Are Black Friday and Cyber Monday a deal or no deal?

In the run-up to Christmas we all want to cut costs, and Black Friday and Cyber Monday have been marketed as the best days to pick up discounted...

Should you take advantage of cheap loan rates while they last?

Many mortgage borrowers will have been disheartened to see banks and building societies start to increase their interest rates soon after the...

Are credit scores overrated?

Checking your credit score is increasingly popular, with some consumers paying a £15 monthly fee to do so.

It’s never too late to start again: Find a job in later life

We speak to five people who have managed to find employment in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. Plus we find out the support that’s on offer for...

Jeff Prestridge: My favourite income boosting ideas

Income is the elixir of financial life.