Archive for the 'Becoming A Life Coach' Category

Do You Have The Tools You Need In Your Quest To Starting Your Own Business?

Friday, August 21st, 2009

Do you really want to get your coaching business off the ground but are stuck in starting your own business and getting clients to sign on with you?

I recently had a conversation with a woman I met at a football game. She had recently lost her job due to company downsizing and was telling me how excited she was about it.

Do You Know That Working With Sharon Wilson and Spiritual Life Coaching Can Take Your Business to the Next Level?

Friday, August 14th, 2009

As a Spiritual Life Coach you know that growing your business is important. Do not think of your fellow Coaches as competition but rather as a resources to help you along in your journey.

Spiritual Life Coaches do not do business as dog eat dog either. There are so many ways you can work together with other coaches and create joint ventures that will benefit both of you. As a coach, you also know it is important to have a coach of your own to help you expand your own life and business to the highest you can get it.

Do You Teach About A Sacred Space In Your Spiritual Coaching?

Friday, August 7th, 2009

“A sacred space is a physical or mental place in which we experience, consciously, or not, our connection with the divine.” -Melanie Bacon

The tools needed to teach your clients how to set their intentions through prayer and affirmations are very important in spiritual coaching.

Are You Empowering Your Clients As A Spiritual Life Coach?

Thursday, August 6th, 2009

A spiritual life coach consciously holds the intention of seeing their client as perfect, healed, whole and complete, no matter what reality seems to be for the client.

The Secret to the Secret…

Friday, July 31st, 2009

Joyful Greetings!

Are you ready to start earning the money you deserve?

Listen in on this call, where you can hear all about
the Missing Element to your Spiritual Coaching success!

Is Your Coaching the Answer to Your Clients’ Prosperity Prayer?

Friday, July 10th, 2009

As you are reading this blog, I want to share with you that my Intention is truly to support you in the highest possible way as a coach and to assist you in really feeling a great sense of confidence in coaching people and that you are the answer to their prosperity prayer.

I want you [...]

Do You Need Business Coaching for Your Coaching Business?

Monday, May 18th, 2009

You shouldn’t have to feel frustrated as a coach!

I recently polled several coaches on what they felt were some of the biggest contrasts coming up for them around coaching.  Some of the greatest concerns they voiced were things like,

“I’m afraid I won’t be successful as a life coach.”
“I feel lost without a mentor and the [...]

What Does Your Energy Have to do With the Universal Laws of Attraction?

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Where Does Change Begin?

I was recently working with a client that is planning to launch a membership site along with 3 other partners.  It was an interesting situation because my client was struggling with the fact that while her and her 3 partners all had a common goal in mind; they all had very separate [...]

Could You be a Spiritual Coach?

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

What’s Your Heart Saying?

When I was working in the corporate world, even though I was successful and good at what I did, I kept praying for years to have work that I would really love – to have a career that would make my Spirit Soar!
I used to jokingly say that one day I would [...]

Is Spirit Coaching For You?

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

What Started Long Ago creates a Ripple Effect that reaches today…

As I look at how far things have come already this year, I like to think of the beginnings…
The Coaching From Spirit program was born through Spirit, as was my Spirit Coaching practice.
Over a decade ago, I was powerfully changed and healed overnight of suicidal [...]