Archive for the 'Sales' Category

Does the Idea of Sales Presentation Training Make You Cringe?

Monday, July 20th, 2009

One of my clients is a partner in a CPA firm and he was looking for ways to bring in new business. He told me that his employees have problems bringing in new business because they don’t like to sell. He said they aren’t wired for it.

His beliefs as well as his employees were that to be in sales you have to be pushy, be like the used car salesman stereotype and be untruthful.

The reality of the situation is that they hadn’t done sales before and needed guidance on having conversations with people that were comfortable for them.

Sales Negotiation Training – How Can You Move Through Your Prospects’ Biggest Blocks?

Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

Are You Helping Your Clients Move Through Fear?

Guest Post by Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success  & Master Coach
I’ve found that there are three big blocks that most often come up when anyone is looking at using a professional’s service or getting ready to buy a product.


This is with the understanding that everything else is a [...]

Should You Make a Joint Venture Agreement With Your Competitor?

Tuesday, April 28th, 2009

Would You Like to Have Mark Victor Hansen Promote You?

A large part of being a spiritual coach is being a Spiritualpreneur – running your coaching business along Spiritualpreneur principles. And one of the most exciting Spiritualpreneur techniques out there is the practice of Joint Ventures.
Essentially, a Joint Venture means that you are working together with [...]

Are You Listening Enough In Your Own Business?

Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Is This How Your Clients Perceive You?

Post Written By: Chuck Abbott
Do you consider yourself to be a good listener?
Many people believe that they are good listeners. You probably believe that you are a good listener and may have even had friends tell you that you are when they tell you about their issues. 
But are [...]

Are you a Life Coach Looking for a Step by Step Process to Create a Truly Magnetic Vision for Your Business?

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Step by Step

I’ve been talking about laying the foundation for creating a Magnetic Vision for your business, which is a powerful tool that will ultimately help to bring greater success both to you as a life coach, and to your clients as you walk them through the process.

Read the following example of a coaching session [...]

Does Your Selling Process Bring You Into a World of Abundance?

Tuesday, November 11th, 2008

Where do you find your energy?
I know a runner who dramatically increased his speed, endurance, and strength with a simple change in thinking.  And in that change is one of the most important secrets to success I have ever discovered.
As many good runners do, he had been living by the principle of “no [...]

Looking for a Way to Amp up Your Spiritual Energy in Order to Make Sales Into a Joyful Process?

Monday, November 10th, 2008

Over the past couple of days I’ve been talking about the importance of spiritual energy management in sales, and how setting the energy stage (through managing your energy and stating intentions) is key to the serving vs. selling process.
How much more joyful and productive could the sales experience be if you approached it with the [...]

How Can Setting the Stage for Spiritual Energy Help You in Your Sales Process?

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Setting the spiritual energy stage means that you are getting on the same page energetically with the person you’re connecting with.
You must begin any sacred serving opportunity by allowing an energy of trust to be present.

Looking for a Great Process to Amp up Your Spiritual Energy for More Effective Sales Conversions?

Saturday, November 8th, 2008

Personal note: I often share examples that refer to spiritual life coaches working with clients.  I want to quickly clarify that this is just one kind of business.  These examples also work with other industries, businesses, services or niche areas by substituting Service or Product Provider for Coach and Customer for Client.
It is my [...]

Do You Need Some Inspiration as You Begin to Put Spiritual Energy Management Into Practice?

Monday, November 3rd, 2008

Spiritual Energy Management tools are designed specifically to assist you in noticing and managing your energies on a daily basis.
Noticing and focusing your attention on these vibrational shifts creates a greater awareness of how you are partnering with Spirit so that you can attract your ideal solutions.
I invite you to take this challenge to put [...]