Search no more! At E-cvs we take your CV and match it with our large database of over 3000 recruiters. Register your CV with us today and let recruiters with job vacancies contact you directly for your dream job.

Over 95% of recruiters relevant to your industry, who use UK CV databases, will be able to view your CV when they search for words matching your key skills and/or experience.

Upload your CV now to take advantage of all our features and find job vacancies in the sector that suits you best.

You have your marketable information but how do you present it? What are the best practices to a presentable and marketable CV?

Your CV is your very own marketing tool. And your chances of getting matched to the most ideal job for you, depends on how well you create this tool.

Start by identifying your skills, qualifications and achievements. Do some research on the relevant qualifications required for a job in your field. Be realistic and see if your skills are marketable.

Continuous learning and keeping in tune with the latest requirements, is the key to a fast and easy selection by our ever searching recruiters.

CV Distribution from e-CVs Explained
Once you register with us, you can choose from a range of services. Read on for some of the features of our recruitment services:

  • Latest job openings: 100s of new recruiters join e-CVs.net every month.
  • Requirement-based matching: We match each jobseeker to an average of 360 relevant recruitment consultants.
  • High Exposure: Your details are sent to every matching recruiter in our large UK database.
  • Privacy Control: Your cover letter and CV are the only pieces of information in the email sent directly to the inbox of each recruitment consultant.
  • Exclusivity: As your details are sent individually, the potential distraction of other candidates' information is removed.
  • Follow-up Tool: You are emailed full details of each recruiter your CV is sent to, including links to their websites.