Rules & Policies

Chancellor’s Regulations

The Chancellor's Regulations cover a wide range of policies, divided into four sections. Volume A addresses student-related issues, from admissions to promotion. Volume B addresses school-based budgeting. Volume C addresses employee issues, from hiring to termination. Volume D addresses parent and community involvement. The regulations are available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.

Discipline Code

This guide covers infractions and the range of possible disciplinary and other responses for grades K-5 and grades 6-12, plus how students/families can appeal decisions. It also includes the Student’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities. The guide is available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu. The 2009 version of the Discipline Code is now available, along with Parent Letters and Behavioral Contracts.

Parent Bill of Rights

The Parents' Bill of Rights spells out the rights and responsibilities of parents and families to help ensure that all students get a quality education. We've also developed a comprehensive procedure for parents to lodge complaints.

Student’s Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

The Student's Bill of Rights lays out standards, rights, and expectations for students. It is a part of the discipline code.

Language Access Policy

The Department's Language Access Policy outlines how, when, and why we translate documents.

No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

This 2001 federal law, similar to our Children First reforms, is designed to raise academic standards, close achievement gaps, encourage more school accountability, and offer more choices to families and students.  

Promotion Policy

The promotion policy describes the details of the City’s 2004 policy that ended the “social promotion” of students in grades 3 and 5 until they demonstrate they are academically prepared.

Internet Acceptable Use Policy (IAUP)

The IAUP out lines the rules and requirements for using this Web site.