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Md. Lawmakers Clash Over Marriage


This week the state of Maryland was embroiled in the battle for marriage equality as committees in the state's house and senate heard arguments in favor of and opposition to same-sex marriage.

On Wednesday a senate committee heard testimony on a proposal to legalize same-sex unions in the state and one to deny recognition to those authorized by other states, the Associated Press reported.

"I do believe that if any law were proposed to legalize gay marriage, it would not pass the Maryland senate, and if it did, I believe it would be petitioned to referendum," senate president Thomas V. Mike Miller said. "I don't think we're going either forward or backward on either bill."

On Thursday members of the house of delegates argued over the issue, The Washington Examiner reported. A bill to legalize same-sex marriage and one to amend the state's constitution to prevent such unions are before the house.

"Heterosexualness is in danger," said Del. Emmett C. Burns Jr. (pictured), a Democrat from Baltimore County. "I never thought I would live to see this day."

During the hearing Burns also said a picture of two men kissing, from the front page of The Washington Post, was disgusting, to the dismay of many same-sex couples in attendance. He also said gay couples cannot be compared to interracial couples.

"I cannot hide my color," the African-American delegate said. "Gays and lesbians can hide their relationships."

Heather Mizeur, a delegate from Montgomery County, spoke about her wedding to her partner in California before the passage of Proposition 8.

"We give over 400 rights to families who are married in this state," she said. "But because we don't live [in California], we get no rights associated with this piece of paper."

The issue of same-sex marriage has come to the forefront in Maryland because of the marriage equality law going into effect in neighboring Washington, D.C., and the state attorney general's issuance of an opinion that Maryland can recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere.

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Reader Comments
  • Name: Dan
    Date posted: 3/7/2010 11:08:50 AM
    Hometown: Pittsfield


    Why would we want to hide our relationships?

  • Name: Andrew
    Date posted: 3/7/2010 4:20:54 AM
    Hometown: Sacramento, CA


    Can RuPaul & Wanda Sykes PLEASE go kick this guy's ass? It's SO very easy to take the bait and stoop to his level, but we should be smarter than that. He's made it obvious that "STUPID" HAS NO COLOR. We need to expect much more from the Democrats if they want OUR continued support.

  • Name: Davya
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 9:30:14 PM
    Hometown: Wynnewood, PA


    A black man can stop being black the same way a gay man can stop being gay. Yes, the gay man can hide it. A factor to greater discrimination on the basis of honest expression. Interracial couples could hide also, does that mean that they should have? Are we really saying that free individuals should hide their identity? Where does this Burns nincampoop think we live, in Communist Cuba? As for him being disgusted at two people expressing their love for one another, I'm disgusted by the fact that he, an African American, should completely forget issues of privilege in this country and declare a "threat to heterosexualness" the same way a white guy could have claimed in the 60s "a threat to whiteness". People who use their rights to discriminate against others, that is truly the most revolting in its hipocracy- far more than a free expression of love such as kissing, for God's sake. But you know what? He gets money for us as a Dem; lets kick him OUT!

  • Name: Mike Burkett
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 8:57:00 PM
    Hometown: San Francisco


    I guess we can use the same arguments to reenact slavery. Just because you believe differently, look different, act different gives someone the right to discriminate. Bull*

  • Name: Timothy Hulsey
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 7:37:26 PM
    Hometown: Charlottesville, VA


    Somewhere in Heaven, Bayard Rustin weeps.

  • Name: Brandon
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 7:08:56 PM
    Hometown: Baltimore


    "I cannot hide my color," the African-American delegate said. "Gays and lesbians can hide their relationships." Honestly? You do realize Gaydar isn't a Gay-Only thing? People either know or suspect, those who are trying to "pass" (much like light-skinned people of old) are the harder ones to figure out. I hope I'm not in your district. (I'll be googling). If I get asked by one more straight person to confirm or deny someone's sexuality... Obviously they got an idea from somewhere.

  • Name: amy
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 6:03:02 PM
    Hometown: astoria


    Fuck Matt, why the hell do you even call yourself gay. You know you have to sleep with men right?

  • Name: Michaelandfred
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 4:54:04 PM
    Hometown: Miami beach


    Of course he could hide his color. He could be made to wear a Halloween costume whenever he went out in public. No more ridiculous than expecting gays and lesbians to hide who they are, or marry someone of the opposite sex, or have no relationships at all purely for the gratification of strangers. I wonder if he was ever taught to loathe himself by his friends and family for being black, or sit alone in the dark and cry not understanding why he was so different than those around him, or contemplated suicide due to his color, or denied a relationship.....or heaven. Simply ignorant.

  • Name: Matt
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 3:11:50 PM
    Hometown: Austin, TX


    I just want to say that I and most LGBT people deplore the racism shown by a couple of posters on this site. The n-word, terms like "hoodrats," and inaccurate stereotypes of African Americans have harmed a lot of innocent people, and I think it's tragic that a few of us cannot or will not show other demographic groups the same respect that we rightly demand for ourselves. Granted, the stereotypical association of gay men with "sex parties and whorishness" is harmful and inaccurate as well; many gay men are faithful to a single partner. I personally have never been to a "sex party," and although I am single, my sex life is probably a lot more conservative than those of most single straight men. I almost never go to bars, for example, and when I do, I never pick anyone up. On balance, though, the racism on this post heavily outweighs the homophobia, and it doesn't do our community or any community a bit of good.

  • Name: steve
    Date posted: 3/6/2010 2:58:09 PM
    Hometown: portland


    Let me suggest a different rule (which is equally irrational and unaccaptable). Gays are more discriminated against than blacks and therefore are more victims;thus, morally superior. Why: because Blacks at least are accepted by their own community and parents. Gays are rejected by their immediate family-making gays even worse off and therefore superior in their victimhood.

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