The Big Question: What does all the Emanuel chatter really mean?

By Sydelle Moore - 03/08/10 11:24 AM ET
Some of the nation's top political commentators, legislators and intellectuals offer their insight into the biggest question burning up the blogosphere today.

Today's question:

What does all of the chatter surrounding White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel say about the White House?

Some background reading here.

David Schanzer, Director of the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, said:

Politics is the art of the possible.  Those who believe that the United States transformed itself from the country that reelected George Bush by 3 million votes in 2004 to a country clamoring for a new New Deal a mere four years later are living in a dream world.
The Obama Administration is on the cusp of enacting the most progressive piece of social legislation in a half a century during the worst recession in a century.  Critics should let Emanuel focus on this important task.

Hal Lewis,
professor of Physics at UC Santa Barbara, said:

It's SOP in a weak White House. At the root of it is the fact that Obama himself has no substance, though he fooled a lot of people for a long time, and everything else flows from that. It's been a long time since we have had a strong and capable president; our system works against it. (I call it the Archimedes theory of politics: other things being equal, the lightweights rise to the top.)

John Feehery, Pundits Blog contributor, said:

The problems that are plaguing the White House can't be pinned on Rahm. Only one person deserves the blame. Barack Obama may be a very smart guy and a great speechmaker, but he doesn't have the experience or the moxie to be a great president. It’s not about the staff. It is about the president.

Glenn Reynolds
of Instapundit said:

Unity is easy when things are going well. Backbiting and fingerpointing start when things go badly. The leak attacks on Rahm Emanuel indicate that things are going badly.

Cheri Jacobus, Pundits Blog contributor, said:

When Obama's "Chicago world" implodes and his hometown loyalists start falling away from the White House, one by one, like cockroaches and Cher, Rahm Emanuel will survive the rest of them and be the one left standing.

Craig Newmark, founder of, said:

I think it mostly says that there are publications that feel a need to manufacture controversy.


Comments (42)

Where there is smoke, there is fire.BY Elwood Baas on 03/08/2010 at 12:02
It means that the trial balloon has been released. If the title of villain sticks, Rahm is out of work. If it doesn't, Axelrod will be the next name floated in the media as the scape-goat. This will happen until a palatable target is found. This is simply the search part of "search and destroy"BY Chip on 03/08/2010 at 12:15
I blame George Bush. LOLBY rm63 on 03/08/2010 at 12:49
Clinton just made it look like they shot themselves in the back of the head with a rifle after they ransacked their own office. I believe the chronies around Prince O will start to become "missing" shortlyBY Don on 03/08/2010 at 13:48
Obama is a rehetorician inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity. It's his hot air that may cause real global warming…BY Krannich on 03/08/2010 at 14:48
It suggests all-too-clearly that Obama has failed to identify the shortcomings of his own approach.BY SooperDoggDavey on 03/08/2010 at 14:48
This is the press naval-gazing again. This whole story is a fabrication by journalists who are too lazy to pound the pavement and do real reporting.BY greenkathy on 03/08/2010 at 14:58
Wow, such a broad cross-section of punditocracy: Six responses, two of them from the same blog. Thanks for the insight. Really enlightening…NOT.BY Terrie Albano on 03/08/2010 at 15:28
It explain how obama has been incompetent from DAY ONE and hired foney incompetents and now the wheels are coming off the bus that obama throwed rev wright, billy ayers and frankie the communist under.BY Jake2 on 03/08/2010 at 15:54
Bye bye Rahm. Like too many in the administration, you think you won a mandate for Obama's vision. Actually you won on an anti Bush campaign, no mandate, no consesus for your hope and change. Your man Obama is just the next Jimmy Carter, a over winded do nothing. Rahm will be the first fall guy, let's move on and guess who will be next? Axlerod???? Biden???? Roehmer????? Geitner???? So many good choices…BY The Mac on 03/08/2010 at 16:00

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