Guy Leech Calculators

The Guy Leech Fitness calculators are a series of scientifically based estimates to help determine your current state of health and fitness and provide motivation to modify your lifestyle habits.

BMI (Body Mass Index) and BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

Body Mass Index provides an indication of your optimal weight range for your height. Used in conjunction with your waist measurement and estimate of BMR (see below) Guy Leech Fitness is able to estimate your likely energy requirements and prescribe an appropriate energy controlled diet for your specific requirements.

Basal Metabolic Rate is the energy requirements for the body at rest. Fitter people tend to have a higher energy requirement than less fit people.  Given that BMR accounts for approximately 60-70% of the total energy requirements of an average individual, the key to long-term weight control is elevating the BMR. This can be achieved via a combination of eating smaller regular meals throughout the day in combination with appropriate cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Guy Leech Fitness takes the guesswork out of this by estimating your BMR and putting effective diet and exercise strategies in place to help increase your BMR.

Health Age

The Health Age Calculator estimates whether your health age matches up with your actual age. It shows you if you've been making healthy lifestyle choices in relation to exercise, diet, smoking, alcohol, etc. Physiologically your body's age may actually be younger than your actual actual age.  If your lifestyle habits include unhealthy choices you may be surprised to find how much you've unnecessarily aged. The good news is, make some sustained, healthy changes to your lifestyle and use the health age calculator again in a couple of months time and you'll be pleasantly surprised to see how you'll have reversed these trends.