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(ex. Cambridge or 02139 or 10 State St, Boston MA)

Occasional Driving Plan

zip n' save cash

When you join

Annual fee
Application fee

When you drive

Hourly rates from
Daily rates from
Hourly rates from
Daily rates from

What's included

180 free miles
Are you eligible?

Chicago Red Stars - Fans

  • Hello Chicago Red Stars Supporter! Please sign up below and remember to use the promo code ZIPSTARS to receive $75 in driving credit upon approval. Zipcar is a proud supporter of the Chicago Red Stars and your membership is greatly appreciated.

What does it cost to join?

  • Your annual fee of $50.
  • No deposit.
  • No monthly commitment.

What does it cost to drive?

  • Depending on the car model, drive from $9.25 /hour and $68 /day (any 24-hour period) during the week and $9.75 /hour and $73 /day on weekends . Gas, insurance and 180 FREE miles * are included.

What about housemates or family?

  • Once you join, you can add other drivers to your account. It's $25 to apply. There's a $25 annual fee. You may wish you weren't related — but they'll at least be happy about it.
Join zipcar's ODP

*180 miles included per day; additional miles from $0.45; varies by country. See details.