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We now have RSS feeds for all 55,000 players (and counting); every team, nation & country; all series (future and past) and every ground in the world. Whenever our journalists write anything related to your favourite player, team, country - even match - you can be alerted by RSS. Just look out for this icon RSS Feed and add the corresponding link to your favourite reader. Here are some popular feeds for our countries, players and series, and there's more information on RSS below.

Global news feed: Global news RSS Feed All countries; all stories

Live matches: Live matches RSS Feed All our live scorecards by RSS

Cricinfo Magazine Cricinfo Magazine RSS Feed

Head over to the Magazine and subscribe to your favourite columnists and columns. Sambit Bal, Gideon Haigh, Andrew Miller or any other writer and contributor (just click "about this writer" to grab the feed). Or you can keep an eye on our columns, such as Rewind to, The List, or our weekly Cricinfo XI.

Page 2 Cricinfo Magazine RSS Feed

For cricket humor and satire, cartoons, interviews and more, subscribe to our Page 2 RSS feed.

Mix and match

Now all this information is available to you, it gives you the opportunity to mix and match your own feeds using services like Yahoo! Pipes. For instance, here is one we did which combines every county in England and funnels it into one feed. Here's another we've done for all our Associate countries. If you mash any interesting combinations, let us know through the feedback link at the bottom of the page.


Each of our blogs has its own feed, or alternatively you can subscribe to this one Blogs RSS Feed which contains all posts by our bloggers.

But what is RSS and why do I care?

RSS (or Atom, or feeds, or XML as they are also known) allow you to be told when websites have added new content. So whenever a piece about Sachin Tendulkar, Kevin Pietersen or any other of our 55,000 players is written, you'll be notified with a brief synopsis into your feed reader. The same goes for any domestic or international series, or teams from Derbyshire to Delhi; Argentina to Australia. You can then click through and be taken directly to the article.

The BBC describes RSS as follows. "There is some discussion as to what RSS stands for, but most people plump for 'Really Simple Syndication'. In essence, the feeds themselves are just web pages, designed to be read by computers rather than people."

It is not a replacement to browsing but an addition, keeping you informed of the latest news and allowing you to choose what you read and when you read it.

We hope you enjoy it.

  • Twenty years of Tendulkar
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