Archive for the 'Energy Management Tools' Category

Are You Focusing On Your Small Business Advertising?

Friday, July 24th, 2009

I am a strong believer in having multiple streams of income in your business. You don’t want to have only one source of income to rely on. Sometimes in business you need to think outside the box to find a new service or product that people are seeking out and that will make you stand out from the crowd.

I have worked with many different businesses and among them was an auto repair shop. They weren’t sure how to create multiple streams of income when there were so many other auto shops around that did the same work they did.

What the Bleep Do We Know About Time and Reality?

Tuesday, July 21st, 2009

I was recently reading a Greg Braden book called “The Spontaneous Healing Power of Belief” and found an extremely interesting story that I want to share with you.

Greg was on a spiritual retreat with a group of people. They were going to spend the day in a temple that was a very special place where they were. They spent the morning discussing how wonderful it would be when they got to the temple and what impact it would have on them. They kept talking about this temple and their feelings about it and their excitement kept building up the energy around them.

They traveled to the temple and when they got out of the bus and looked around, they noticed the guides were looking confused and pointing to their watches. Since the guides didn’t speak English, Greg went to the translator that was with them and asked what was wrong with the guides. The translator told him that it was not possible to have already reached the temple. It had only taken them 4 hours and it was an 8 hour trip from where they had started.

Does the Idea of Sales Presentation Training Make You Cringe?

Monday, July 20th, 2009

One of my clients is a partner in a CPA firm and he was looking for ways to bring in new business. He told me that his employees have problems bringing in new business because they don’t like to sell. He said they aren’t wired for it.

His beliefs as well as his employees were that to be in sales you have to be pushy, be like the used car salesman stereotype and be untruthful.

The reality of the situation is that they hadn’t done sales before and needed guidance on having conversations with people that were comfortable for them.

What Does it Really Mean to Dress For Success In Your Business Each Day?

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

I always teach my students to start energetically before going ahead with a project and make sure they are aligned with themselves.

I was recently invited to be a participant in a video for a new site launching. I needed to have my script in place with some questions that new business owners would want to know about.
Do you know what mistake I made?

Do You Find it Difficult to Find the Time to Seek Spirit Daily?

Friday, May 29th, 2009

Ready to Change Your Perspective on Seeking Spirit Daily?

I was recently working with some of the students in my Empowered Spiritual Life Coaching program, and they raised some interesting questions about some of the resistance they were feeling toward some of the tools in the energy management system.
They were asking things like, “How is this [...]

What Does Your Energy Have to do With the Universal Laws of Attraction?

Thursday, April 30th, 2009

Where Does Change Begin?

I was recently working with a client that is planning to launch a membership site along with 3 other partners.  It was an interesting situation because my client was struggling with the fact that while her and her 3 partners all had a common goal in mind; they all had very separate [...]

Did You Know That You Are Already Abundant?

Tuesday, March 31st, 2009

Can You See Your Abundance?

Post Written by: Gary Glasscock
Now after reading the title of this post, you might wonder about my sanity.  You might be saying to yourself, “Yeah right, I am already abundant.  So where’s it at?”
Well, the short answer is, right in front of you.
That’s right, your abundance stares you in the face, [...]

Can Answers Come Through Manifesting?

Tuesday, February 24th, 2009

Are You Manifesting Your Desires?

Written by:  Debbi Chambers – the ‘Manifesting Muse’
Have you ever had a challenge or a question that was just nagging at you?

One of those questions where you knew the answer was HERE, right on the tip of your tongue, at the edge of your consciousness?
Perhaps you’re wondering the next action [...]

What Steps Can You Take as a Life Coach With Someone That is Giving Away Their Power?

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

The Center is What’s important…

My husband and I decided to begin a very intensive nutrition and exercise program together. We started getting up at 5:00 AM every morning to perform our exercises.
One morning, when we were doing our weight lifting and using our weight machine, I noticed how irritable my husband seemed. Each time [...]

Are You Prepared to Deal With Conflict Management as a Life Coach?

Friday, February 13th, 2009

Learn to be Gentle With Yourself

Something that is going to come up over and over again for you as a spiritual life coach is conflict management.
This is a need that you will see perpetually in your own life and in the lives of your clients.  I’ve been on my own journey through the stages of [...]