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Wednesday, Mar 17th 2010

Government on Irish Left Review

The legacy of the Progressive Democrats… a more competitive left in Irish politics. Unfortunately

There is a blunt irony to the fact that as the Progressive Democrats leave the political stage, their socio-economic and political project largely made void by the financial events of this Summer, the competitive aspect of their project seems to have been transferred almost without modification to the leftish parties. The most striking aspect of [...]

October 14th After the Budget: The Recession Diaries

An article by Michael Taft of Notes on the Front • October 15th 2008

You gottahand it to Fianna Fail.  A tax package that costs those on low incomes more than those on higher incomes, cutbacks on the newly-made unemployed (that’ll teach them to price themselves out of the market), bigger class sizes, more costs the sicker you get; over the next few days as people peer [...]