
APRA grants a voluntarily exemption to certain performances of music by Churches (ie music used in worship services, weddings, funerals) however all other performances will require a licence from APRA.

In most cases Churches are able to meet their APRA licensing requirements through obtaining APRA's annual Church Licence.

APRA's annual Church licence does NOT cover performances of copyright music at events where admission fees are charged or where professional musicians receive a form of payment or honorarium.

Churches that hold events that fall outside of the voluntary exemption or the scope of the annual Church licence may need an additional licence and should contact APRA to discuss the specific circumstances of their event.

Unless otherwise specified, all APRA|AMCOS licences are offered on an annual basis. Where appropriate, fees are subject to an automatic annual adjustment in accordance with the percentage rise in the consumer price index (All Groups Sydney, September Quarter).

Further information

Email us: 

APRA|AMCOS brochure: Music Copyright for Churches

General information about copyright can be obtain from the Australian Copyright Council.