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Dorky Don Juan Proposes During 'Super Mario World' Session

When we finished watching this video (after the break) on Geek Sugar, we were a little surprised by our reactions. Sure, it's easy to make fun of this dude for: one, proposing to his girl in front of the living room TV (while she's playing 'Super Mario World,' no less); two, setting up a video camera to capture it; and, three, posting said video to YouTube. But the look in his eye, her immediate "Yes!," their embrace, and that little dog jumping up and down illustrates domestic bliss so idyllic that it's downright Rockwellian. Call us hopeless, but we think this pair of players is bound for some high scores. [From: Geek Sugar]

Tags: funny, geek, mario, marriage, proposal, top, video games, VideoGames

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