Civil Liberties

329 Responses

Would you want to live in a world where everyone knew everything about everyone?

And in case you’re wondering, that’s not where we’re headed. Instead, we’re blindly marching towards a dark future where the government knows everything about you but you know nothing about the government.

Remember the media’s hysterical outcry when Obama’s passport details were illegally accessed during the Democratic primaries in 2008? The fact that the privacy of regular citizens is routinely subjected to much more serious abuse was conveniently ignored.

The “Patriot” Act, which was supposed to fight terrorism, allows the government to snoop on average citizens, obtain nationwide search warrants without local judicial oversight, monitor private Internet usage (that includes our emails and surfing habits), search our homes and offices without our knowledge, and force libraries and bookstores to turn over our reading records.

There is no financial privacy left in this country. Banks have become a one stop shop for overzealous government snoops and other privacy violators, and we’ve been working overtime to impose our paranoid “Know Your Customer” standards on the rest of the world.

Medical privacy has deteriorated in a similar manner. Our medical records are being transcribed in India and insurance companies and other entities have the right to access our medical history any time they choose.

Ron Paul is one of the nation’s foremost defenders of our privacy. He keeps fighting against misguided Know Your Customer rules and the misnamed “Patriot” Act.

Join the Ron Paul Revolution and help us rebuild a nation where our right to be left alone has priority over the government’s desire to know everything.

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329 responses to “Civil Liberties”

  1. Senshusband

    Please allow me to share a few of my thoughts and perceptions of the many goings-on in the land that we share. Much of my childhood upbringing included spending much time with “genuine old timers.” I was so very fortunate to help my papa cook molasses or be with my papa and his brothers and cousins to participate in “hog killin’s” and most importantly, being able to sit in with papa and the rest of the old timers while they sat around, whittled wood, and swapped stories about a time that they once knew but now is extinct (for the most part). For all of the days that I have walked on this earth I have always felt that I was born in the wrong era. Always longing for that true freedom and liberty that my great-grandfather and the fathers before him had everyday for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
    Sorry to bore you, but the reason behind that little insight is to remind everyone of our surroundings today and to know that we are all in real trouble. I don’t mean getting a fine because we didn’t buy insurance trouble. I am talking about how our society has evolved so quickly and filled up with so many distractions that we really don’t live anymore. Please understand that it really wasn’t that long ago that when we wanted to communicate with others that lived away, people would write a letter, take it to the post office and then a man on horseback would come by and take it to the proper post office. When a letter would arrive at a family’s house it was special. Not just because somebody was thinking about them, but also thankful for the service provided by the govt. that enabled the people that communication. Now, we simply go nuts if our internet is running slow or a storm is affecting the satallite signal causing us to not have our beloved television.
    (bear with me, I getting to the point)
    So as we live in this age of infinate possibilities, we must be extremely cautious to our wants, pleasures, and desires. The human race has approached the ability to produce what can be thought. You see, scientists are a very passionate group of people in that they push themselves to see how great they can be. Tesla was one of these people. It was very neat reading about him and his life. Tesla had a vision for energy. Starting out with something as simple, to us, as the AC current Tesla expanded his thinking which brought him to the possibility of sending energy through the earth. So he did what all great scientists do; devoted his time and energy to prove his theory and “give the world something great.” He built his “energy machine” and it is told that it worked. You see, Tesla chose a spot on the earth and injected an enormous amount of energy. It was also told that the result was a powerful explosion at another spot on the earth with great force. With this the HAARP was born.
    The time and space that surround us contains the neccessary elements and conditions to produce that which we can conceive in our minds. It’s great when we can make things such as remotes, garage door openers, radio waves, etc. But is there a line that should never be crossed? Are there things that should never be a part of our lives? Maybe we should ask those at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan if they think the Atom bomb should be developed and produced. How about the soldiers involved in the Manhatten Project if they think its a good idea to research a way to make a ship invisble to the enemy. Do you get my drift?
    Which all begs the question: Are there times when morals and good judgement clash with the freedom to discover and invent? Sure, we can do it. But can we live with the results and ultimately ourselves after our pursuit is over? Was the Atom Bomb really a good idea? Should we, as citizens and patriots, speak to a level that we are heard and convey our concerns, as affected people, to dissuade those responsible and provide a clear and sane logic.
    There are so many things, brothers and sisters, that exist, yet we are unaware. Our government spends, on a daily basis, an insane amount of money in the name of research and development. Just because we don’t see it doesn’t mean its not there. Same thing with the Elite. We must be aware. Yes, to most people who cannot think in a way other than that of CNN, NBC, MSNBC(misinforming demons), the idea of Obama could be a Socialist or is trying to impose Socialist ideas and controls is language that only ignorant, hateful, racist, white, right-wing tyrants speak to frighten those who are seeking a better life (with welfare, food stamps, free medical care and anything else that can be taken away from or paid for by others). Well, people, let us chose our words carefully as we insert information into our conversations with others. To many, there are no such things as conspiracies, hidden agendas, or social domination, so it will be hard.
    I am 30 yr old, I have been educated in many forms, I am open-minded, yet cautious, and I am fearful of the future. We have a country that is programmed/brainwashed to a degree that people in Washington feel no threat from the citizens. Can we imagine what the reaction would be to all of the events since 1913, had we maintained the same spirit and patriotism as our Founding Fathers possesed?
    It is time, my fellow countrymen, to wake up your neighbor from their sleep and act as Americans who will do what it takes to restore our country back to a Great Republic and ensure that our Constitution will once again help us to be free men. God Bless You All and God Bless the United States of America.

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  2. Christine

    An Imperial Presidency In The Making?

    “Unfortunately, there hasn’t been a man of George Washington’s caliber in the White House for many a moon. Instead of distrusting and limiting the central government, the vast majority of modern Presidents have completely ignored the constitutional role of the Presidency, and have sought to expand the authority of the executive branch of the federal government to proportions never allowed in the Constitution or envisioned by its creators. And Barack Obama is following the example of his predecessors by continuing this malevolent model (with increased rapidity, I might add). The above-mentioned stories are just the latest examples of what is fast becoming an imperial Presidency. It seems that every day another example of executive arrogance and usurpation of power takes place.

    Given the lack of genuine humility and character of America’s President — and the unwillingness of Congress and the Supreme Court to restrain his unconstitutional propensities — it is left to the states and the People to hold this would-be king in check.”

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  3. Christine

    HAARP – the people behind this don’t have normal thoughts, mentally sick people who should be under a doctor’s care and taken off the streets due to the threat they pose to the rest of society. Haiti is an example of HAARP. Hillary Clinton spoke at a UN Haiti Convention, sounding like a saint, but the same forces behind the destruction of our country and govt, is the same force making political moves in Haiti following the earthquake they caused. She announced the U.S. is giving $1.5 billion dollars to Haiti. Where does a broke govt come up with that amount of cash to give away while it’s citizens are losing their homes, jobs and businesses? Drug money through the CIA from poppies/heroine in Afghanistan? Where does the money come from when we are told we are in debt up to our eyeballs and have insolvent programs like medicaid and social security? When it doesn’t make sense, someone is not telling us the truth….again.

    3/23/2010 — 6.0 Chile

    Notice the places that are frequently having earthquakes.
    Alaska, California, especially Chile. Expect some political something.


    Since it’s classified as research, they don’t really have to divulge info., but we have a right to know. It’s OUR planet! We have a right to demand that they stop using and expanding HAARP.

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    1. Ryan

      “…the earthquake they caused.”?
      Ridiculous! Plate Tectonics caused the Haiti earthquake.

      Furthermore, HAARP doesn’t cause quakes. And the video you provided had nothing to do with HAARP at all; that was an electric arc between tranformers.

      I agree that the government is witholding information about HAARP. But there is nothing surprising about witholding information about cutting-edge technologies owned by foiegn based counties… The darn thing is a measuring device, not doctor Evil’s doomsday machine. Lol. And I agree that the goverment is giving billions of dollars away to Haiti that we can’t afford. But making absurd puedo scientific claims about HAARP is truly ridiculous and completely unfounded.

      One word, e d u c a t i o n.

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      1. Christine

        Yes, education…you need to investigate the info about HAARP a lot more. Listen to the interviews of those who use it, how it causes the earth to shake, the reports of the coloring of the sky before the major earthquake in China.

        What do you think HAARP measures?

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        1. Ryan

          *** “… it causes the earth to shake…” ***

          So does my Stereo. So does my Pick-up truck. So does my Dishwasher.
          So what! None of which cause Earthquakes.

          *** “… the reports of the coloring of the sky before the major earthquake in China.” ***


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        2. Christine

          We have 2 HAARPs in Alaska and they are expanding the size of them, there is one in Norway and one in Russia. Seems a few people have this technology.

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        3. Christine

          I don’t find any of this funny. HAARP is a destructive weapon for use by people who are psychopathic/sociopaths. I object to them messing with my/our weather for means of controlling people by the mass. The weather and this planet does not belong to them. It is here for all of us to share and respect. And don’t forget that we ourselves are electric, energy. How will or does this disrupt our electrical systems within our minds/bodies, besides exterior communication systems? Some things to think about for sure.


          I am not here to convince you of anything. Do your own research to your own satisfaction.

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          1. Ryan

            That’s a much more reasonable subject to discuss. I can relate to the concern of it being misused. It’s possible… with this administration, anything is possible.

            But that said, let’s start by remembering that scientific research and development is in general an attempt at progress, and for obvious reasons a hush-hush affair. Splitting the atom started off “Top Secret”, and was specifically designed as a weapon of mass destruction to fight the Germans and Japanese, but today, it powers much of our country, and the world. Certainly it can be misused. But hasn’t been used as a weapon since WWII.

            I’m not trying to dismiss any concern you may have, they are valid concerns, but rather point out that some of our greatest discoveries start off as secret and ominous technologies, but lead to cheaper electric bills.

            This technology, designed primarily to enhance communications and surveillance systems, could indeed be adapted for other uses not so pleasant to contemplate; weather modification, brain control, etc.. But, like nuclear weapons, will almost certainly not be used to start a global war. Just like nukes, it could be used as a weapon, but I don’t recommend building a bomb shelter just yet.

            Take the weather modifications as an example, this could be used to improve our weather. Bringing rain to drought areas, and reducing rain in flooding areas. Wouldn’t it be nice if Las Vegas could get enough rain to water their lawns? Wouldn’t it be nice to stop another 500 year flood on the Mississippi, like the 1927 flood? It could be a great advancement!

            It’s true that it could be used as a weapon against other nations, destroying their weather cycle. If you are concerned of it being used as an aggressor weapon, that’s something to fear for sure. We’d need to control it with international treaties, etc. And it sounds like that is already happening, when the EU called for a resolution for more information.
            I’m not justifying war, or it’s use as a weapon, but carrying a big stick can also prevent wars too. And if their are treaties formed, I wouldn’t be terribly concerned that it will bring doomsday.

            Anyway, the main point is, while we should be concerned about misuses, and stay informed about it, keep watching, we should also temper ourselves, and not be paranoid about it.

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          2. Christine

            I’ve been discussing HAARP all along and how they already misuse it, intentionally to cause harm. When someone sites misuse, it is not because they are paranoid. It’s because they have become aware of the misuse, the harm that needs to stop.

            We can come up with all this technology, but you know, we cannot consider ourselves advanced until we learn how to share this earth in peace, to set up communities and societies where everyone has their basic human needs met, no one greater or lesser, all inclusive, everyone’s life valued.

            I don’t believe it is the aim of this U.S. government to serve and be supportive of humanity. Their goals are to be a superior class, a ruling class that is above everyone else, to have more than enough money (greed), power, control over everyone and everything, the world’s resources. While these might be lofty goals to a ruling class (because they are such self-centered psychopaths), they destroy healthy societies, entire countries.

            Watch correspondingly between these two websites for a time and see what you see.

            Latest Earthquakes in the World – Past 7 days

            2010 Significant Earthquake and News Headlines Archive

            …Look and Listen to HAARP….by day, forward, backwards….

            January 12, 2010, Haiti Earthquake (mere coincidence? or…)

            Haiti Earthquake & the HAARP Induction Magnetometer

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          3. Ryan

            Coincidence, not exactly. But it’s not what you think either.

            This will have to be brief, I’m on my iPhone.

            1) The induction magnetometer “detects” temporal variation of the “geomagnetic field”.
            2) Earthquakes Are known to “create” disturbances in the “geomagnetic field”.

            In short, it’s not the HAARP that creates the earthquake, it’s the earthquake that is “detected” by the HAARP.

            Christine, I’ve been watching the USGS site for years, and practically daily for the past several months. The quake pattern is normal. We’ve had a few large quakes lately, the biggest in Chile, along with numerous aftershocks, which is completely normal, and they still continue. But the quakes are caused by Plate Tectonics.
            Tomorrow I’ll try to find some links for you to help explain better.

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    2. Forest

      Christine, so your conspiracy du jour is now HAARP? Terribly unoriginal.

      By the way, whatever happened to the Swine Flu conspiracy you were decrying last year? The FEMA camps, government-caused panic, martial law, etc…

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      1. Christine

        The vaccine drama still goes on. They are still perpetrating crimes via vaccines upon people. Did you notice that soon after the quake hit Haiti, they announced aid would be coming in the form of their arsenal of vaccines. Yesterday I heard Hillary say 1/4 of the millions that lived in that area are now dead. So, what the quake did not do, the vaccines help along. Study the ill-effects of vaccines, or not.

        Many pushed back on the vaccines! Some lost their jobs because they refused to give the vaccines or take the shot themselves. Those behind the health scams can have plans but they can be averted with public awareness. They did not count on so much public objection worldwide!

        The laws are in place to do just what I have talked about. Just because it has not yet happened, does not mean things are not put in place to execute such a plan.

        Did you know that without much ado or comment, the head of HHS, Kathleen Sabelius signed a 2-year extension on the “state of emergency” recently due to a pandemic of the H1N1 swine flu. Ridiculous!! There was never rampant cases of H1N1, in fact the WHO purposefully quit keeping track of the numbers of cases so as to hide the facts. There were less cases of H1N1 than the regular flu and the symptoms were mild. On the other hand, the vaccine caused much damage, but folks on Wall Street made a bundle including the president. He passed a bill on the H1N1 flu vaccine a couple of years prior while he was a senator. Then as president, he becomes the suit wearing drug pushing salesman for the vaccine. Nice financial planning, eh?

        What the extension of the state of emergency allows the government is the unusual use of our military, quarantine, isolation, etc. That was a good trial run last year for the systems and laws they have in place…and it’s not over yet. People need to realize how diseases and deaths have been created via vaccines. Learn. Wake up.

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    3. Forest

      Ok, this comment is terribly hysterical:

      “Notice the places that are frequently having earthquakes.
      Alaska, California, especially Chile.”

      HOLY CRAP THOSE ARE ALL PLACES THAT ARE… along a fault line…

      That is like saying ‘Haven’t you noticed where volcanoes are threatening to erupt? Hawaii, Washington, and California. Coincidence? I think not, its a conspiracy!’

      Glad you survived the man-made Swine Flu epidemic, the NWO really tried to pull a fast one there!

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      1. Christine

        You said that HAARP measures something. What do you think HAARP measures?

        The interview with folks who have been testing the use of HAARP speak of how the ground rumbles. It’s taking an area and giving it a steady vibration to cause the quakes. Do you think folks who have these ill intentions would try to make another excuse reasonable so as to hide their true intentions. The govt does it all the time…financially, with healthcare, housing industry, car industry, jobless recovery? what the heck is that? ha! One wonders if they ever tell the truth. It is incredible the propaganda, programming stories from the govt that people believe.

        Think. Don’t just absorb what the TV media tells you. Put 2 and 2 together, start connecting some dots. The only way their schemes will not work is through our awareness.

        Research. Agenda 21

        First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. ~Mohandas Gandhi

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        1. Ryan

          *** “What do you think HAARP measures?” ***

          The induction magnetometer detects temporal variation of the geomagnetic field based on Faraday’s law of magnetic induction.

          *** “The only way their schemes will not work is through our awareness.” ***

          Precisely. So end the unfounded conspiracy theories.

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        2. Forest

          The quote from Gandhi deserves a quote from Hofstadter.

          Maybe you could put these dots together too:

          “A final characteristic of the paranoid style is related to the quality of its pedantry. One of the impressive things about paranoid literature is the contrast between its fantasied conclusions and the almost touching concern with factuality it invariably shows. It produces heroic strivings for evidence to prove that the unbelievable is the only thing that can be believed. Of course, there are highbrow, lowbrow, and middlebrow paranoids, as there are likely to be in any political tendency. But respectable paranoid literature not only starts from certain moral commitments that can indeed be justified but also carefully and all but obsessively accumulates :evidence.” The difference between this “evidence” and that commonly employed by others is that it seems less a means of entering into normal political controversy than a means of warding off the profane intrusion of the secular political world. The paranoid seems to have little expectation of actually convincing a hostile world, but he can accumulate evidence in order to protect his cherished convictions from it.”

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          1. longshotlouie

            Yepper, if you ain’t got no factual response, then call’em paranoid.


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          2. Christine

            Exactly. But hey Louie, what’s that saying? You can’t see the Forest for the trees?

            It seems to me those who are passing laws and using the military to back them, creating devices such as HAARP and surveillance over the general public, body scans in airports, RFIP chips in credit cards, cell phones capable of indicating where a person is located, who create the drama of “terrorism”, who have to live with secret service men all around them, wear bullet proof vests, who have an overt need to control others and maintain control over them, who perform acts of outright theft of the American people taking pensions, retirements, social security funds, jobs, homes, and invade countries are the ones who are paranoid. What are THEY afraid of? They haven’t done anything wrong they have to be worried about have they?

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    4. Fred the Protectionist

      Oh boy the HAARP conspiracy theory. Watch out for “HAARP”, the government will play you like a stringed instrument. *sarcasm off*

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  4. Christine

    On c-span, they are talking about the internet, the “threat” of piracy (always the excuse of a threat with the elite, an enemy to fight is created, for security and national security), the need to “make it affordable” “for every American” even in rural areas, creating competitiveness and jobs, ….ring any recent bells for you so far?? They haven’t said what the plan is yet, and it’s a book-sized plan….even that sounds familiar. Will it include lowering the price for access and/or create an internet access exchange, controlled by the federal government, make payment mandatory or face a fine, and free access for some that others pay for?

    Will we be buying computers for everyone too?

    National Broadband Access Plan
    Federal Communications Commissions (FCC) created the plan

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  5. Jan

    Jan Says:
    March 28th, 2010 at 10:28 am
    Reference to: Large FBI, Homeland Security Operation Targets Militias in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio
    March 28, 2010

    On Saturday night the FBI and Homeland Security conducted what was described as a “major” operation against the Michigan militia.

    As of Sunday morning, the operation was not reported by national media, although it was covered by local media in Michigan. for more go to Alex Jones website….
    I read somewhere where its unconstitutional for the USA federal government to set-up military operations in any USA states, especially sovereign states like Michigan. I think they are doing all of this illegally. If you read the enclosed information, that Hillary and Obama are implementing with world nations, you will see why they are getting into place, because when that :”On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States”. is announced and the Michigan Militia retaliates, all hell will break loose!
    The Full Article Here:…..Q920091015

    U.S. reverses stance on treaty to regulate arms trade

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States reversed policy on Wednesday and said it would back launching talks on a treaty to regulate arms sales as long as the talks operated by consensus, a stance critics said gave every nation a veto.

    The decision, announced in a statement released by the U.S. State Department, overturns the position of former President George W. Bush’s administration, which had opposed such a treaty on the grounds that national controls were better.

    On Wednesday Obama Took the First Major Step in a Plan to Ban All Firearms in the United States . The Obama administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for US citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. By signing international treaties on gun control, the Obama administration can use the US State Department to bypass the normal legislative process in Congress. Once the US Government signs these international treaties, all US citizens will be subject to those gun laws created by foreign governments. These are laws that have been developed and promoted by organizations such as the United Nations and individuals such as George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. The laws are designed and intended to lead to the complete ban and confiscation of all firearms.

    The Obama administration is attempting to use tactics and methods of gun control that will inflict major damage to our 2nd Amendment before US citizens even understand what has happened. Obama can appear before the public and tell them that he does not intend to pursue any legislation (in the United States) that will lead to new gun control laws, while cloaked in secrecy, his Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton is committing the US to international treaties and foreign gun control laws. Does that mean Obama is telling the truth? What it means is that there will be no publicized gun control debates in the media or votes in Congress. We will wake up one morning and find that the United States has signed a treaty that prohibits firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public. We will wake up another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that prohibits any transfer of firearm
    ownership. And then, we will wake up yet another morning and find that the US has signed a treaty that requires US citizens to deliver any firearm they own to the local government collection and destruction center or face imprisonment.

    This is not a joke nor a false warning. As sure as government health care will be forced on us by the Obama administration through whatever means necessary, so will gun control.

    Please forward this message to others who may be concerned about the direction in which our country is headed.

    We are being led like a lamb to the slaughter (Socialism/Dictatorship).

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  6. Matt

    How does Dr. Paul believe America should handle the terrorism trials and what is his reasoning? If someone could answer this for me it would be great.

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  7. Janice

    New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation | NYLCV – New …
    The New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation consists of physicians, dentists, legislators, lawyers, scientists, environmentalists and other … › Long Island

    New York City pays $25 million dollars a year to toxify the peoples water with Fluorisic Acid. Which if mixed with babies formula, reduces their IQ 5-10 pts.
    While Harlem is trying to get money to help educate the poor blacks in NYC, and wondering why, once the kids leave grade school, they seem to loose the intelligence they gained ……..could it be that the longer they live the more toxic Fluoride in their bodies is “dumbing them down”……..
    Why not stop the fluoridation, it will take years to get it out of the body/bones and organs, but then they could use the $25 million not for fluoridation, but for helping the children in this land be able to learn.
    Its also a neurotoxin, which by the way Asparatame is too, and that is now in 6000 food products, but that is why it affects the brain, from what I have read.
    Also, you are aware that Prozac and Zoloft and Cipro and Levequin and anesthesia inhalants and Fosamax and Bonevia are also being made from the same Industrial Toxic Waste Products…..Walmart is selling Fluoridated Formula Water for babies…so if they aren’t getting it in their municipals drinking water they will make sure they get it in bottled water. In my opinion , another way to get the fluoride in every child and adult, with this “craze” of selling us Bottled Water for a buck a bottle now….
    Also, the fertilzer they use for our fluordation is being put in high doses on our grains ….Wheaties has a high dose of Fluoride as well……
    A bowl of Wheaties, a glass of milk, and a Coke deliver twice the U.S. Public Health Service’s daily goal of fluoridation.
    Item Fluoride PPM Dose(mg)
    121oz Coke .98 .35
    8 oz 2% Milk .72 .17
    Wheaties 10.00 1.80
    Exceeds 1.0mg Fluoridation goal! total dose 232%

    This is serious folks …..and the person is getting more than that if they have two bowls of cereal or other items that contain it on a daily basis.

    You can find the list of things I have mention and the stats on any site that is against the Fluoridation of our Water in this Nation…..
    check out The Fluoride Action Network and
    “Who will be the Keepers of the Well?” Who will protect our Drinking Water from the dangers of Fluoridation?

    We want and need your help to bring awareness and action against this harm that Big Corps and Big Pharma and Big Government is doing to us…..
    The EU has banned it, and Pennsylvania and Nebraska has …….Australia is working on it….this being done WorldWide…..just like Monsanto is doing with the World Food Bank…….
    I am diseased from it probably after ingesting it for 50 some years.
    I have Osteoporosis and Hypothyroidism DDD……which is really Skeletal Fluorosis…..I have had 4 teeth fracture requiring more expensive root canals and porcelain crowns……I think why dentists want it put into the water is to cause more Dental fluorosis for the Money …..why would a dentist want it in the water to prevent tooth decay? That would bring his income down…..
    And no study has proven by” ingesting “t that it helps prevent tooth decay……
    It certainly has made them a better income by causing Dental Fluorosis.

    I dare yah to key in Dental and Skeleton Fluorosis on You Tube and see the pictures of the people who have been adversely effected by it!

    The point is: its a toxic industrial waste product that should not be Ingested.
    Possibly applied to the teeth via toothpaste might help. But don’t swallow your toothpaste! It says right on the box… the poison control if you do! One tube of toothpaste contains 1000ppm to 2000ppm………when any of it is toxic so why add it to the water in the first place?

    Stupid, criminally minded government and dentists we have, in my opinion!
    They won’t admit they have done us wrong. They are so afraid of lawsuits I guess……just stop doing it and be done with it let our nation heal!!!!!!!

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  8. Janice

    Who will be the Keepers of the Well?

    I am trying to fight against the “Pricks”, (a biblical term), it seems like very few in the USA have the awareness I have, of what the Government is doing to our phsycial bodies health, by adding a Toxic Waste Product to our drinking water.
    “Since 1950’s, the USA government (City Commission’s,CDC,EPA)(never approved by the FDA as safe for humans or animals), by the American Dental Association recommendation for the prevention of tooth decay, has been putting Flurosilicic Acid, as a source of Fluoride INTO yours and my Tap Water. Purposely, toxifying our personal bodies with toxic substance of an Industrial Waste!

    Department of Health and Human Services

    Participating Organizations
    National Institutes of Health (NIH), (
    “The involvement of genetic determinants in fluoride responsiveness has been implicated in several studies. A number of ecological studies of populations around the world living in areas with naturally high levels of fluoride in the water suggest that there is considerable variation in fluorosis among and within these populations. Responsiveness to fluoride cannot be correlated with the total bioburden of fluoride as assayed in urine samples. Heterogeneous responses to fluoride have also been observed in different mouse strains with certain strains exhibiting fluorosis while other strains are unaffected. Several fluoride-responsive genes have been identified but how these genes and their gene products determine physiological responses to fluoride has not been clarified. Nevertheless, these studies strongly suggest that there is a genetic basis underlying the effects of fluoride.

    gators With the completion of the Human Genome Project and rapid advancement of the International HapMap Project, genomic science can begin to be translated into genomic medicine. On the forefront of this progress is the emerging field of pharmacogenetics; an interdisciplinary study of genetic variations that determine heterogeneous responses to drugs and other chemical compounds. Global and high throughput map-based or sequence-based approaches, gene expression profiling and proteomic studies can be utilized to ascertain functionally significant genetic variations in drug responses and to identify polygenic interactions that determine complex drug responses. Genetically engineered animals such as recombinant congenic strains of mice are available to accelerate genetic dissection of complex traits. It is timely to apply these state-of-the-art approaches to fluoride research and to attract new investiand investigators with diverse expertise to this area. ”
    quotes from their grant proposals that City Manager apply for , so they know the dangers of what they are doing to us!

    for more go to:

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  9. Janice

    USA Gov. spraying in our skies over Traverse City and Petoskey, Michigan for the past week. Six planes seen daily criss-crossing the skies with plumbs of clouds that seem to be “dripping” something in the skies…….
    How can we the people find out what it is and who is doing it and why?
    Does anyone know who to call or contact about this?
    I believe we the people have a right to know ……..Its the people’s personal space over their homes isn’t ?
    Please help ! Is it Chemtrails?
    “Sky Watcher”

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  10. Christine

    Shadow Government-World Government (property ownership, health)

    Shadow Government-Global Economic Control and Collapse

    Shadow Government-Civil Liberties?

    Lots more vids in this series, check them out.

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  11. Aj

    this comment is for everyone….

    first off I am a supporter of Ron Paul.

    secondly, if you have a problem with the people in office then vote them out, you can do that, at any time.

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  12. christine

    “But, what else would one expect from a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)?

    Lately, however, McCain has outdone himself. He has introduced two bills in the US Senate that are about as Machiavellian as they could be. I am referring to S.3081, a bill that would authorize the federal government to detain American citizens indefinitely without trial, and S.3002, a bill that would authorize the federal government to regulate vitamins, minerals, and virtually all health and natural food products.”

    Do you believe this sh.t?! He should be off the payroll, benefits cut, no retirement NOW and these bills should be stricken from the process. They are so anti-American. This is a continual attack on the American people, all of their bills. Who needs the stress and angst they impose? we are fighting them constantly to keep our freedoms. Who are these jokesters in Washington D.C. anyway? I call for border patrol around this 10-mile radius. Apply all their non-American bills to them and free ourselves from this growing monster of angst and war against the people. They can’t possibly be a part of our country! Simply not American. Outrageous! They’ve lost their minds. No longer fit to serve our people or our country. They don’t. We need real Americans representing and listening to the American people and doing what we ask, not what they invent on their own accord. No American would want this crap in our laws.

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  13. Robert

    ameirca is broke and its being done ON PURPOSE

    wake up

    american government is nothing but a corrupt group of liars
    RUN BY THE BANKERS and the federal reserve

    wake up take the time READ THE SITES

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  14. Christine

    VIDEO: 9/11 Truthers Find Home in New Hampshire

    Push for a new investigation! We have lost so many freedoms. They are purposefully creating civil unrest in our country, an environment of fear. Our country’s so-called leaders have gone insane over their secret agenda and since 9/11. (Perhaps it is “they” who are in fear and worry about being attacked because of their plans against so many countries and people on this planet.) Their resolve to the constant drumbeat of “terrorists” and threats to our national security are un-American solutions that take away our liberties and enter us into more undeclared wars against various countries. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran next, then Chile? Peace will come by being peaceful, not by invading other countries and destroying the home to many others who share this planet. We can’t continue down this path and be America, the beacon of light. Until we get to the truth of 9/11, the lies will build upon each other as they have been. They have not given us the truth about 9/11 and this has given them the go ahead to proceed in the controled demolition of America. These leaders no longer represent Americans. They are something else. Our government and people are being used as a front for something else. We strongly object!

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  15. Christine

    Say No to GMO Corporatism
    by Carolyn Moffa | 03/12/10
    Would genetically modified foods thrive on the free market? In any event, they should not be subsidized and pushed by the state.

    Lots of videos at the bottom of this article. The first link is over 1 hour long. All for corporate profit and control over others, thinking short-term and not considering the damage and mistakes these corporations, especially Monsanto, on into our future. Acting just as the structure of a corporation does, passing their mistakes onto the consumers, employees and taxpayer. Ban the corporation as a business structure! Make businesses and their owners responsible once again! Reduce and eliminate the harm they do to the rest of us.

    GMO…mess taking over our food supply. Taking from us what is natural, what God intended…to market something for profit and to control our very lives and health with the products they call “food”, mixing seed with e-coli to invent the seeds they sell to farmers. Biotechnology needs to give it a rest. Moratorium on Biotechnology. These scientists are creating many major threats to our health and well-being, our very survival on this planet.

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  16. T. Blando

    A great Ron Paul video…. even without R. Paul, M.D.

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  17. longshotlouie

    TSA’s Naked Body Scans Are Even Worse Than You Imagined

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    1. longshotlouie

      Never mind, this is bogus

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  18. christine

    Ron Paul: A National ID Card? Outrageous!

    DAVID ICKE – Manipulation Techniques – Problem Reaction Solution

    The national ID card is exactly the manipulation he talks about. You see our our country is changing, little by little, freedoms are being taken, by our own govt. What good are they? The govt did not control our borders, let illegals come in by the droves, created a problem since we are in an economic downturn and illegals are snatching up the jobs at lower wages, adding to lowering our standard of living, then the govt comes in with the solution they wanted to impose on us all along………more surveillance, less freedom.

    We don’t need a govt that creates problems just to keep them busy. They are a waste of our time and money besides destroying our country and creating unnecessary stress and turmoil. They are spreading their own paranoia around. With all these devious ideas on their mind for 60+ years, they’ve become more and more crazy and paranoid, thus their need for surveillance. They most likely figure someone someday may be after them for all the crimes against humanity they have committed that have gone on for years without legal recourse against them.

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  19. SS

    The Largest Street Gang in America

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  20. Christine

    Holes In Heaven: H.A.A.R.P. and Advances inTelsa Technology

    …and the U.S. govt, the federal corporation, was so upset about the WMDs in Iraq (so they said, national security issue, you know) so they started a war in search of them, killing many people in the process and disturbing many lives. Evidently they do not consider their own actions and involvement with WMDs, as in the from of HAARP, as threatening to others and life on earth. And they want to sound so concerned about poverty and pollution with the global warming issue, but yet they have and use HAARP to cause great danger, devastation and harm. This federal corporation is so very different from the hearts and minds of Americans. I just hope the rest of the world knows this. As the video points out, terrorists could use this technology. They do.

    Haiti, Chile, China.

    Induction Magnetometer

    Earthquakes Worldwide

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  21. Tom Pearl

    What we need to do is regulate who can own a news organization. Until Colin Powell’s kid was appointed chairman of the FCC it was illegal for commercial intrests or foreign individuals or affilliates to own an news reporting service in this country. How did that happen? Lack of motivation on the “Real Americans”. The old gaurd in congress have sold our country to the highest bidder and given it to immigrant cultures while we stood idly by and did nothing. No one wants to be the bad guy. Since 1920 our country has been guided by feelings instead of the pioneer spirit that formed it. We have accepted that we should feel guilty for our actions while those purveyors of guilt enjoy the very freedom that our EUROPEAN forefathers provided. I’m so sick of this country’s shennanigans I want to act. I want a parlimentry form of government that will force coallitions of political parties to form a majority. Look at England. Their parliment has done well for many years longer than we have been a country.

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    1. Christine

      England has lost its democracy. They are now a part of the European Union, governed by a body of people in Brussels they don’t even elect.

      The U.S. is still a British Colony

      We are a confused people. Consider the research in the link above. We belong to a North American Union since Bush signed us up. We have a government that was supposed to be by the people and for the people via founding documentation, the constitution. We have folks with a NWO agenda, pushing for a one world government, the U.N., WHO, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Big Pharma, Big Wall Street, etc. etc… many people wanting to control everyone and everything in the world, on and off this planet, have control of as much of the earth’s resources and money as they can possibly amass, and what they really need to learn is self-control….so we can all enjoy our short and brief little trip here.

      Try to look at this world and how it is run in an objective way sometime, as if you are not a part of it. Stand back and just look at us.

      It is a world and planet of plenty, more than enough for everyone, and yet we still have not managed to live in peace, or to share the abundance, or take proper care of the earth. We have not designed a system whereby everyone has their basic human needs met to enjoy life. So, how advanced are we…really?

      What if we are an experiment? Give them everything they need and let’s see how well they do.

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  22. MrJoelPan

    We need a law that prevents media outlets from lieing. I recently became aware of the Fox News / Monsanto event in which two reporters were fired for trying to tell the truth about bovine growth hormone after Monsanto pressured Fox News with a law suit. It is currently okay for media outlets to knowingly lie to the public through their broadcasts. This is unacceptable. The point of the news is to inform the public about the truth, not to propagate lies and mislead the American people. I cannot believe that falsifying the news is not against the law. Where is the School House Rock team when you need them? How do we make this happen?

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    1. Christine

      Orwell Rolls In His Grave 01of11

      Media is owned by the elite, a tool used by the elite to push their agenda according to what they want you to believe. Jay Rockefeller is quoted as saying “Put it on TV. They will believe anything that’s on TV.” Big corporate media, nothing is as it seems on the surface. It takes an adventure down the rabbit hole to discern the truth. They don’t call the TV “PROGRAMMING” for nothing. thinkaboutit. You’re being programmed and you volunteer your mind. The last frontier is to be in control of your own mind. The news stations follow the same topical subjects every night, repetitious drumbeat will convince you of the “dangerous world you live in”. Here’s an example of how the media was used in 9/11 and 7/7.

      September Clues Part 1

      7/7 Ripple Effect 1 of 7

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