“Blasts carried out by Chechens, strategy courtesy of Al-Qaeda” – journalist

Published 31 March, 2010, 18:54

Edited 01 April, 2010, 21:30

With Russia's Foreign Minister saying the metro bombings could be linked to Al-Qaeda militants operating on the Afghan-Pakistan border, the head of the Asia Times Online bureau in Pakistan also senses Al-Qaeda’s style.

Syed Saleem Shazad, head of The Asia Times Online bureau in Pakistan told RT that Al-Qaeda is likely to have orchestrated the recent terrorist acts in Russia.

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“Al-Qaeda has been giving training to the Chechen fighters in the Pakistani tribal areas and Afghanistan. This is pretty much reflective of their present modus operandi. They carry out a small attack first, let the police come and then follow it up with a new blast,” Shazad said.

Viktor Mizin, a political scientist at the Moscow State University of International Relations, has a different opinion. He believes that through these attacks the Chechen terrorists “show they are still alive and kicking.

Mizin adds that the recent terrorist attacks might stimulate more cooperation in the war on terrorism.

“We don't live on island. It's natural that Russia and US have great cooperation [in combating terrorism]. I'm fresh from NATO and I know how they appreciate Russia's opening its transportation links,” he told RT.

Watch the interview with Viktor Mizin


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