Travel Tools


Flight Tracker

Flight arrival and departure times - real time airport information from Canada, U.S., and airlines around the world.

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Check the weather anywhere in the world.

Travel advisories

Safety and security travel warnings issued by the government of Canada, Consular Affairs Bureau of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

Health information

News and information about how best to avoid illness and minimize risk when traveling.


Find and print maps of any location in the world. Get driving directions to and from the local airport.

Calculators & Converters


International Clocks

Step 1: Choose your city
Step 2: Choose your destination abroad
Time Difference:
N.B. All times on this page are standard time. For information about daylight saving time observance around the world, please click here.

Temperature Converter

Step 1: Enter the temperature you wish to convert
Step 2: Which way would you like to convert?
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Destination Guides

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Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro is hosting the World Cup of Soccer in 2014 and the Summer Olympics in 2016. Why not visit before the crowds?