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Back to Clayoquot: Sound Logging Hearing Deadline Now PDF Print E-mail
Written by Press Release   
Monday, 22 February 2010 20:55
IIisaak could start logging in Clayoquot Sound's intact valleys,
including Flores Island, within the next few years.
by Bonnie Glambeck
Iisaak is currently undergoing an audit of their Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification. As part of this audit they are requesting input on their  “High Conservation Value Forest” (HCVF) assessment. The original report they commissioned (2007 Holt/Utzig) on HCVF  recommended that Clayoquot Sound’s remaining intact valleys be reserved from logging for a significant period of time (in excess of 20 years and possibly up to 100 years). 
If you agree that the precautionary principle should be applied and that no logging should be allowed the intact valleys of Clayoquot Sound, please take the time to send your comments to Iisaak. Let them know that maintaining Clayoquot’s intact wilderness valleys in their natural, wild state is a key value and priority.
One of the categories in the FSC criteria looks at the cultural and spiritual values of Clayoquot Sound for First Nations and non-First Nations. If the intact valleys have a cultural or spiritual value to you, please consider including this in your letter.





Replay: Iraq War III in Iran PDF Print E-mail
Written by Robert Parry   
Monday, 22 February 2010 20:36
US Media Replays Iraq Fiasco on Iran
by Robert Parry
Major U.S. news organizations, including the New York Times and the Washington Post, are engaged in a replay of the kind of slanted coverage that paved the way to war in Iraq, only this time regarding Iran.
The treatment of Iran’s election last June, the depictions of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the alarm over Iran’s nuclear program all parallel the one-sided coverage that the U.S. news media directed toward Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Iraq’s alleged WMD program before the U.S.-led invasion in 2003.

In both cases, the leading U.S. news outlets took sides; they cast developments in the “enemy” Muslim nation in the harshest possible light; they treated the leaders as unrelentingly evil; they exaggerated the threats (and potential threats) posed by the country’s weaponry, real and imagined.





Welcome Pacific Salmon Inquiry Commissioned PDF Print E-mail
Written by Press Release   
Monday, 22 February 2010 20:28
Welcome Important Notice!
by Cohen Commission
The inquiry will be conducted in two phases. During the first phase, the Commissioner will review and assess any previous examinations, investigations or reports that he deems relevant to the inquiry and the Government’s responses to those examinations, investigations and reports.
Phase two will investigate and make independent findings of fact regarding:
  • the causes for the decline of Fraser River sockeye salmon including, but not limited to, the impact of environmental changes along the Fraser River, marine environmental conditions, aquaculture, predators, diseases, water temperature and other factors that may have affected the ability of sockeye salmon to reach traditional spawning grounds or reach the ocean, and
  • the current state of Fraser River sockeye salmon stocks and the long term projections for those stocks, and
  • to develop recommendations for improving the future sustainability of the sockeye salmon fishery in the Fraser River including, as required, any changes to the policies, practices and procedures of the Department (of Fisheries and Oceans) in relation to the management of the Fraser River sockeye salmon fishery.





Hope for Haiti in Latin America PDF Print E-mail
Written by Press Release   
Monday, 22 February 2010 20:11
by Haiti Solidarity B.C.
A new, continent-wide  and progressive social force is rising in Latin America, spearheaded by the ALBA alliance of eight countries, including Cuba Venezuela and Bolivia.

What is Haiti's history in the Americas? How can alliances be created with the progressive governments in the region as Haiti fights for a just and meaningful reconstruction?


* Federico Fuentes, resident of Venezuela, editor of venezuelaanalysis.com, Bolivia Rising blog, and Marea Socialista magazine

* Jon Beasley-Murray, Professor of Latin America Studies, University of British Columbia

* Andrea Pinochet, Haiti Solidarity BC

* Other invited speakers

Friday, March 5, 7 pm Vancouver Community College,
Room 420 250 W. Pender St., Vancouver

Organized by Haiti Solidarity BC   
More info: 604 773 9057 or 778 858 5179





What's in a Manifesto? PDF Print E-mail
Written by Christopher Ketcham   
Monday, 22 February 2010 07:08
The Joe Stack Manifesto
by Christopher Ketcham
If, as author Bill Blum has noted, a terrorist is someone who has a bomb but doesn’t have an air force, then the suicide pilot Andrew “Joe” Stack most certainly qualifies as a terrorist, having made an effective little bomb out of his Piper Cherokee.  At the minimum, he appears to have been a thoughtful terrorist, so we should pause a moment to consider his thinking.  
For crashing his plane into the offices of the IRS in Austin, Tex. – and, worse, for leaving a manifesto explaining why he did it – Stack has been accused by the usual mouthpieces on the Democratic left (Daily Kos, for example) as a right-wing Tea Party loon (the Tea Partiers demur).  His  suicide letter, now published far and wide on the internet, has been dismissed as a “rant” for its “ideological incoherence” and “self-pity,” in the words of Salon’s Joan Walsh, herself a model of the Democratic left in that she can always be expected to say nothing worth reading.

The coherence is there for all to see who have eyes to see it.  Read the manifesto.  “When the wealthy fuck up,” writes Stack, “the poor get to die for the mistakes.”  Such a system, he notes, is predicated on “two interpretations for every law; one for the very rich, and one for the rest of us.” 





Slipped Mask of the Failed State PDF Print E-mail
Written by Tom Engelhardt   
Sunday, 21 February 2010 18:48
Explain Something to Me: Fixing
What's Wrong in Washington... in Afghanistan
by Tom Engelhardt
Explain something to me. In recent months, unless you were insensate, you couldn’t help running across someone talking, writing, speaking, or pontificating about how busted government is in the United States.  State governments are increasingly broke and getting broker.  The federal government, while running up the red ink, is, as just about everyone declares, “paralyzed” and so incapable of acting intelligently on just about anything.

Only the other day, no less a personage than Vice President Biden assured the co-anchor of the CBS Early Show, “Washington, right now, is broken." Indiana Senator Evan Bayh used the very same word, broken, when he announced recently that he would not run for reelection and, in response to his decision, Washington Post media critic Howard Kurtz typically commented, “The system has been largely dysfunctional for nearly two decades, and everybody knows it.”
Voters seem to agree.  Two words, “polarization” and “gridlock” -- or hyperbolic cousins like “paralyzing hyperpartisanship” -- dominate the news when the media describes that dysfunctionalism.  Foreign observers have been similarly struck, hence a spate of pieces like the one in the British magazine the Economist headlined, “America’s Democracy, A Study in Paralysis.”





British Columbia: Okanagan Nation Warns "All Options on Table" in Looming Water War PDF Print E-mail
Written by Press Release   
Sunday, 21 February 2010 16:41
Okanagan Nation Slams Government Indifference
over Safety of OKIB Drinking Water
by Okanagan Nation
In response to the imminent threat of logging within the watershed that supplies the Okanagan Indian Band with much of its drinking water, Chief Fabian Alexis of the Okanagan Indian Band today announced that “all options were on the table” in order to protect his community’s water supply.

“The federal government has done nothing to protect the 1,800 people who live on the Okanagan Indian Band reserve,” noted Chief Alexis. “The provincial government has made it clear that the financial interests of Tolko are of greater concern to them than the health and safety of the people who derive their drinking and irrigation water from the Browns Creek Watershed.”

“When it comes to protecting the watersheds that supply Vernon with its water, government agencies would not hesitate to act, but suddenly when it involves our community our concerns are discounted. This systemic racism will not stand,” declared Chief Alexis.





Getting to Yoo By and By PDF Print E-mail
Written by David Swanson   
Sunday, 21 February 2010 16:27
Yoo, Bybee, and Disinformation
by David Swanson
Everything you're reading about torture lawyers John Yoo and Jay Bybee getting off the hook is wrong. They are not torture lawyers, they are not off the hook, there never was any hook, they may not be lawyers for long, impeachment and indictment are on the agenda, and you have a role to play.
John Yoo, currently teaching law at Berkeley

Calling these men "torture lawyers" is dramatically dumber than labeling Al Capone a tax cheat. These are people who provided "legal" cover for aggressive wars, who put down in documents treated as secret "laws" that any president can launch any aggressive war at his whim, without regard to domestic or international law, Congress, the Supreme Court, you, me, or morality.
The very report that is the subject of the latest "news" flurry quotes Yoo declaring that, "Sure!", a president can order a village massacred. Yoo's previous declaration that a president can crush a child's testicles is soooooo much more shocking, I realize, but the villagers' testicles WOULD die with the rest of them upon being massacred.
Over a million Iraqis lie dead. So stop obsessing on the torture for godsake and try to focus on the fact that these people are conspirators in the supreme crime of war. Read the memos of September 25, 2001, and October 23, 2002, if this is all new to you.





The Information Sewerway PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Hedges   
Sunday, 21 February 2010 16:01
The Information Super-Sewer
by Chris Hedges
The Internet has become one more tool hijacked by corporate interests to accelerate our cultural, political and economic decline. The great promise of the Internet, to open up dialogue, break down cultural barriers, promote democracy and unleash innovation and creativity, has been exposed as a scam. The Internet is dividing us into antagonistic clans, in which we chant the same slogans and hate the same enemies, while our creative work is handed for free to Web providers who use it as bait for advertising.

Ask journalists, photographers, musicians, cartoonists or artists what they think of the Web. Ask movie and film producers. Ask architects or engineers. The Web efficiently disseminates content, but it does not protect intellectual property rights. Writers and artists are increasingly unable to make a living. And technical professions are under heavy assault. Anything that can be digitized can and is being outsourced to countries such as India and China where wages are miserable and benefits nonexistent. Welcome to the new global serfdom where the only professions that pay a living wage are propaganda and corporate management.

The Web, at the same time it is destroying creative work, is forming anonymous crowds that vent collective rage, intolerance and bigotry. These virtual slums do not expand communication or dialogue. They do not enrich our culture. They create a herd mentality in which those who express empathy for “the enemy”—and the liberal class is as guilty of this as the right wing—are denounced by their fellow travelers for their impurity. Racism toward Muslims may be as evil as anti-Semitism, but try to express this simple truth on a partisan Palestinian or Israeli website.





Bi'lin: Tearing Down The Wall PDF Print E-mail
Written by The Real News   
Sunday, 21 February 2010 13:38
Palestinians tear segregation barrier
During the weekly protest in the Palestinian village of Bil'in, thousands of activists assembled to celebrate five years of non-violent resistance. This form of popular struggle has spread to many other Palestinian villages and areas in East Jerusalem. The protests are made to show opposition to the confiscation of roughly half of the village's land by the Israeli Jewish-only settlement colony of Modi'in Illit. In 2007, after the village protested every Friday for almost 3 years, the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that the barrier does not serve a security purpose and ordered it rerouted. The Israeli army however, did not start to reroute the barrier until last week and informed the village that it will only return 364 (or 60%) of its 575 taken acres. During this week's protest the army fired dozens of tear gas canisters, shock grenades, and sprayed the crowd with liquid smelling like sewer and feces.  
In weekly Friday protest in Bi'lin, Palestinian territories,
thousands tear through segregation barrier.





There Is No Law but Might and Murder PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chris Floyd   
Sunday, 21 February 2010 13:25
Teach Your Children Well:
There Is No Law but Might and Murder
by Chris Floyd   
This is the lesson that the United States government -- the government of the historic progressive, Barack Obama -- taught the children of America today:

    "Children, the law is nothing but a rag smeared with blood and shit.

    "It is only for suckers, rubes and losers.

    "Claw your way to the top -- by any means necessary -- and the law can never touch you.

    "This is the American way."

Yes, as the Washington Post reports, the United States government announced today that there will be no penalties whatsoever for the lawyers who were ordered by their superiors, George Bush and Dick Cheney, to write memos "justifying" the tortures that Bush and Cheney wanted to unleash upon captives held indefinitely without charges, without evidence, without trial, without rights.
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