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  • 3 Feb 2010:

    We're developing a new way to reveal and explore content on the Guardian site, according to "social signals" from users. Meg Pickard and Dan Catt, who have been working on the project, explain what this means and why we're excited about it.

  • 8 Oct 2009:

    As you may have noticed, we've recently made it possible for all contributors and users of to upload a picture to use as a profile avatar

  • 5 Jun 2009:

    Frequently asked questions and essential information about how to get started with Talk

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  1. community standards and participation guidelines

  • You Said

  • The fact that some people think that their purely factual personal details are more 'sensitive' and important than someone in need of a life-saving organ transplant is a dismaying example of civil liberties culture gone mad. Less paranoia, more practicality... and let's be honest, a thought for those who need a new kidney more than they need adequate Data Protection laws.
  • You said...

  • I would never say that all shcools should teach only one compulsory attitude. If I choose to teach my own children that sex is to be avoided until marriage, or at least a stable relationship, then surely I have the right ot choose a school that agrees with this.