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The jQuery UI CSS Framework and ThemeRoller: An In-Depth Overview 4.6



One of the major advantages of jQuery UI is its ease of integration into a wide range of websites and applications. In the past year, the entire suite of jQuery UI components have fully transitioned to the jQuery UI CSS Framework, and ThemeRoller provides an intuitive, robust, and fun interface for customizing the design of those jQuery UI components – and also custom jQuery widgets -- with unparalleled ease and flexibility.

This session will give an in-depth view into how theming in jQuery UI works, how to effectively use ThemeRoller to customize jQuery UI components for your application, and also how to leverage the jQuery UI CSS Framework when developing your own custom jQuery components.

Comments on this Talk

Stream tedroche, 12 Sep 21:03

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Todd's presentation was polished like the Themes, obviously well-practiced, clear, lucid. Fonts were big enough to read from the back, colors were bright and hi-contrast enough to stand out. Scott showed a great technique with switching between the HTML and the view and layering on classes to show how structure and layout were separate from colors and images. Nice effect. Examples at the end were inspiring!

Stream Doug Neiner, 14 Sep 05:05

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Both guys did a great job, but my advice to Scott is to be confident! People want to listen to him, and he knows what he is talking about. He just needs to speak up and say what he thinks. Todd and Scott were a pleasure to hear.

Stream miketaylr, 14 Sep 14:15

This user has yet to validate her/his profile with LinkedIn. It is therefore simple to assume that she/he is but a charlatan or common hoaxster. Mark as non-constructive

Very professional presentation.

Missing kirmcglone, 14 Sep 14:15

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Great delivery. The presentation was very easy to follow. I agree with @tedroche--the slides had a perfect font size, and I noticed that text was primarily toward the top of the page to make it easier for the people in the back of the room.

Missing lukeb, 16 Sep 01:09

This user has yet to validate her/his profile with LinkedIn. It is therefore simple to assume that she/he is but a charlatan or common hoaxster. Mark as non-constructive

These guys were fantastic. The slide pace was perfection. The design was refreshing and totally pro. And the clarity of the talk was spot on.

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