CR Magazine: Collaberation – Results

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Cancer Prevention 2008 

Prevention 2008 Volume No. 3, Issue No. 6
A Letter From CR's Editor
Running the Risk
By Gwen Darien

We can't prevent all cancers, but we can work to reduce cancer risk on both societal and individual levels.

Question & Answer
Preventing Cancer
By Mitzi A. Baker

How can we reduce cancer risk? The president and founder of the Prevent Cancer Foundation answers CR's questions.

First Person
A Difficult Choice
By René Syler

At high risk of breast cancer, René Syler, an author and former co-anchor of CBS's The Early Show, decided to have a prophylactic mastectomy.

New Directions
Preventing Genetic Glitches
By Rabiya S. Tuma

Searching for new ways to prevent cancer, researchers are investigating how critical genes are turned on and off.

Lessons in Prevention
By Alfred I. Neugut, as told to Sue Rochman

Oncologists may want to look to the successes of cardiologists in preventing cardiovascular disease for clues to promoting cancer prevention

Your Health
An Ounce of Prevention ...
By Hannah Hoag

Everyday lifestyle choices can reduce your risk of developing cancer.

Current Issues
Finding Solutions for Screening
By Stephen Ornes

Some cancers have no early detection techniques, while others have effective screening tools that aren't reaching all the people they need to help.

Dousing the Flames of Cancer
By Alexandra Goho

Researchers believe they can prevent some cancers by treating chronic inflammation.

Your Health
Struggling With Smoking?
By Alanna Kennedy

Smokers who want to quit have more sources of help than ever before. Start by picking a quitting buddy.

Take-Home Message
Crowding Out Cancer Risk With Prevention
By Kristi Norgaard

Trying to remember all the steps that could reduce your cancer risk? Here are some guidelines.

Additional Information

We've provided resources for you to find more information about the stories in this issue.