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President Obama Will Try to Build Support for Health Care Reform through New Effort to Combat Medicare/Medicaid Fraud

March 10, 2010 8:21 AM

In an effort to build support for Democratic health care reform legislation, President Obama will announce support later today for efforts to crack down on fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, among other government programs, one of the few areas of bipartisan consensus during last month’s health care reform summit.

Though the legislation has so far garnered next to no support from GOP lawmakers, the president is eager to depict the Democratic legislation as including the best ideas from both major parties. The bill includes Republican amendments and ideas, though not enough, Republicans say, to earn their support.

White House officials say in 2009 more than $54 billion in improper payments were made through Medicare and Medicaid.

In St. Charles, Missouri, later today, the president will announce that he has signed a presidential memorandum to direct federal agencies and departments to expand their use of “payment recapture audits,” which give private auditors financial incentives to find improper payments. Expanding the use of these audits, White House officials say, could restore $2 billion taxpayer dollars over the course of three years.

But right now the use of reclaimed funds for payment recapture audits is only possible for some government programs – through the Medicare Fee for Service program and for government contracts that enjoy more than $500 million in contracts. So the president will also announce support for legislation to expand the use of such audits. The Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act was introduced by Sen. Tom Carper, D-Del., and has been cosponsored by Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Susan Collins, R-Maine, Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.


March 10, 2010 in health care | Permalink | Share | User Comments (37)

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Obama know this is the way of vote bank...

Posted by: Ilan Ben Menachem | Mar 18, 2010 6:12:17 AM

Yeah and the tooth fairy is going to dump a kool million under my pillow.

Posted by: Pedro | Mar 11, 2010 6:09:07 AM

tierra said:As far as spending like drunken sailors, how do you think the Bush administration doubled the national debt?

Unfortunate the Bush Republican administration also presided over the largest economic collapse in America since the Great Depression. Any idea of what that did to local, state and federal budgets? Apparently not . ...

Tierra are you aware of the fact that
the Congress controls the Budget
The President presents his budget to the
Congress and they add lots of "pork"
and pass it and send it back to the
President for signing.
Everyone knows that the Democrats have
had control of Congress since the
2006 elections and they presided over
the economic collapse.
I guess you didn't know that
Rep Barney Frank(Dem) and Senator
Chris Dodd(Dem)were in charge of
oversight regarding Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac.
Their incompetence led to the
Collapse of the Housing Market which
in turn led to the greatest economic
downturn since "the Great Depression".
Local and state budgets shouldn't have
been relying so much on the Federal
They should have been running on
balanced budgets not constant Federal
Who needs state and local governments
if they are going to rely on the Feds
to pay their expenses?
We might as well get rid of the
local officals(mayors, governors)and
let Washington run everything!
At least we'll save money by not
paying the Mayors, Governors and
their legislature's salaries.

Posted by: reaganfan | Mar 10, 2010 11:22:45 PM

Have you ever noticed that the GOP (and there supporters) never actually explain what it is they don't like with the Democrat plan? Where's the GOP plan? What are the key differences that justify doing nothing and letting the insurance companies to continue to game the system??? Now that a public option isn't included in the bill, the GOP has almost nothing to point to as objectionable. They rely on empty statements and generalities and hope that the same mass of Americans who were dense enough to be frightened into re-electing GWB in 2004 will fall in lock-step. Sadly, it's a fairly reliable outcome. I hope the Democrats can break through the misinformation this time.

Posted by: cannotwait2008 | Mar 10, 2010 3:53:26 PM

The "PASS IT NOW, AND WE'LL FIX IT LATER" crowd/politicians sound a lot like the management team at Toyota in regards to the "speed-up, then try to slam on the brakes, then crash, burn and die" folks managing the PRIUS et al issues.

Posted by: JMo | Mar 10, 2010 3:53:21 PM

Hey, this President's all about redistribution of wealth -- I say all the movie stars, rock stars (thinking about Sean Penn, Matt Damon and George Clooney) and well, anyone else who has millions (like Virginia Senator Mark Warner) donate to a "health insurance fund" to insure those without health insurance. That should give this Administration plenty of time to crack down on Medicare and Medicaid fraud.

Posted by: EATB | Mar 10, 2010 3:40:24 PM

I see a large problem with using Medicare the right way. Congress will not be able to spend the money the way they want. All that money going to waste just paying medical bills for the US citizens the way it is designated, if that happened DC would have to have all their ambulances going to congress. A lot of vapor locks would happen.

Posted by: Dan | Mar 10, 2010 2:39:30 PM

Why are we not using Medicare? Open it to all citizens and adjust the premium according to the income of the individual. Set it up to run according to the laws private insurance companies have to abide by. This would include an initial fund (much less than the 1 trillion dollars now estimated to run the program congress wants) that will be partially invested by a financial adviser, the funds now taken out for Medicare will be deposited in the fund, a third party administrator and use present day Medicare personal to enter claims and no Congressional control other than standard reports and oversight. Once the program is up and running tax dollars would no longer be needed. Per government stats there are 57 million retired people. Now these people contribute $100.00 a month. That means this is a 5.7 billion dollar monthly income the Medicare fund. The deductions of everyone’s paycheck will go into this fund. This does not include Social Security disabled. That is not a small number and increases the funds going into the pool/fund. Put past and present Congress members in this, not their own free medical they now get that is paid out of your taxes. Money saved again.

Posted by: Dan | Mar 10, 2010 2:33:37 PM

Republican solution: 1. Elect over-privileged white frat boys give the wealthy more tax breaks. 2. Start a couple more wars. 3. Go back to points 1 and 2.

Posted by: Bryan Miller | Mar 10, 2010 2:17:10 PM

That's what Democrats do!
Raise taxes and spend money like
drunken sailors.

What taxes have been raised? The Obama administration has implemented tax relief.

As far as spending like drunken sailors, how do you think the Bush administration doubled the national debt?

Unfortunate the Bush Republican administration also presided over the largest economic collapse in America since the Great Depression. Any idea of what that did to local, state and federal budgets? Apparently not . ...

Posted by: tierra | Mar 10, 2010 1:53:57 PM

In an effort to build support for Democratic health care reform legislation, President Obama will announce support later today for efforts to crack down on fraud in Medicare and Medicaid, among other government programs, one of the few areas of bipartisan consensus during last month’s health care reform summit.

I cannot believe that the President is
that Dense!
The American People want Healthcare
reform but they don't want the
Start over this time with Republican
input from the gitgo and get it done.
What's this our bill or nothing rush
all about?
Considering the Fact that under the
Senate Bill benefits cannot be
obtained until 2013 I don't get it.
If President Obama and the Dems are
in a rush to impose new taxes on the
Middle Class and others than I
understand! That's what Democrats do!
Raise taxes and spend money like
drunken sailors. Cut the crap.
Start over.

Posted by: reaganfan | Mar 10, 2010 1:34:02 PM

Posted by: another crisis-another photo op | Mar 10, 2010 10:28:06 AM

The President's approval rating is right in around 50% where its been for several months now. Your attempts to frame it differently really only show your Republican right bias.

Posted by: tierra | Mar 10, 2010 12:48:42 PM

why doesn't Obama allow his kommisars to pay INDIVIDUAL patients if they "whistleblow" fraud in Medicare/Medicade? It would encourage people to check all that paperwork you receive.

Also why does Obama allow civil, and criminal, penalties for anyone who accesses, uses, or views the healthrecords without the patient's express written consent. This should apply to the Orwellian centralized healthcare database that Obama wants to create and give to political appointed "Czars". Any use (for political blackmail, tabloids, criminal investigations, blackmail, etc) should be punished civilly and criminally. Patients should also be able to "opt out" of his Orwellian control-freak database.

Posted by: Ed | Mar 10, 2010 12:32:49 PM

It is a shame that the administration focuses on waste and abuse while touting a bill that will encourage more of the same.

Posted by: reuelsample | Mar 10, 2010 11:41:15 AM

Why do they keep insisting the American people are just "stupid" and dont know whats good for them.POTUS thinks that if he just goes out and campaigns more to a fixed hand picked audience...THEN we will get it and understand the bloated bill. Its condescending and the American people arent stupid no matter how much you fly around and yap away!

Posted by: shawn | Mar 10, 2010 10:47:23 AM

Can anyone tell me how the healthcare is going to be paid for by the people who have to buy it whether or not they want it when they don't have a job. Congress put out hundreds of billions of dollars to large corp to save them but nothing but promises to those who have to foot the bill. Someone in congress better get their head on straight. They want to get their under the table funds for themselves but the people paying for it don't have a job. The get unemployment which comes from the taxes that are drying up and some states are even trying to stop those payments. Any one else see the downward plunge economics is taking. Raise taxes, remove jobs, make people spend money on something that does not pay bill or bring in food and have politicians tell them they are helping?????

Posted by: Dan | Mar 10, 2010 10:44:28 AM

Nancy Pelosi yesterday:
"Pass healthcare so we know what in it'

Obama VS America

Posted by: another crisis-another photo op | Mar 10, 2010 10:29:29 AM

Obama Approval Index: -21 (matches lowest yet)
Strongly Approve 22% (matches lowest yet)
Strongly Disapprove 43%
Total Approval 43% (matches lowest yet)

Obama VS America

Posted by: another crisis-another photo op | Mar 10, 2010 10:28:06 AM

Jobs? who cares about jobs? I want my healthcare, and i want it now.. I don't care that the people don't want it

Obama VS America

Posted by: another crisis-another photo op | Mar 10, 2010 10:26:10 AM

The government has proven its incompetence in running healthcare already, in the form of Medicaid and Medicare. Fix or eliminate Medicare first, then get back to me on whether I want you to take over MY healthcare, Mr. Obama.

Posted by: ferd | Mar 10, 2010 10:23:43 AM

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